#347 In this episode, Guy welcomed Cailin Callaghan, a spiritual cognitive coach who shared her transformative near-death experience (NDE). Cailin recounted her encounter with an interdimensional being named Michael, who taught her the concept of ‘lucidity’—being awake in the dream of the world. They delved into the idea that we create our world with our expectations and labels, often leading to our own unhappiness. Cailin discussed techniques to harness our consciousness to reshape our experiences and perspectives, emphasizing the importance of intentional thinking and speaking. This profound conversation explores how understanding our true selves can empower us to overcome suffering and embrace our role as creators in our own lives.
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About Cailin: At the age of twenty in 1978, I made a trip to the Lustrous Vast of Quantum Imminence where I was met by the guide whom I had, five years before, dismissed as merely the imaginary friend of my childhood. He, The Daemon Michael, is the source Consciousness from which I spring into this world venue, and he and I operate in a few other venues together as well while my body is sleeping here in Earth Venue.
When I met him in the Lustrous Vast, T. D. Michael gave me a life review and a revelation of what Humanity is doing that is destroying their happiness and preventing access to all the powers of their “godly estate.” Empowered by this revelation, and inspired by the Divine Love I became while in the Lustrous Vast, I wielded my Will to literally raise my body from the dead. (It’s not hard to do when you know what you are and what the Earth is.) My body had died from head trauma when a stallion had kicked me in the face, knocking me from the back of the running mare I’d been astride, chasing that stallion. My body lay in a pasture with my friend running towards it. As she stood over my still form, thinking I was dead and wondering what to do since we were so isolated, I, like a gusting whirlwind of Will, reinhabited my form, and the body’s eyes popped open.
I started right away trying to deliver to the world the Liberating Perspective The Daemon Michael had given me, but it was 1978, and the world was not acquainted yet, in large, with the Quantum principles I/We had to offer.
►Audio Version:
Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) – This Reality is COLLAPSING—NDE Reveals How to Wake Up From the Dream of the World!
- (00:49) – Meet Cailin Callaghan
- (05:11) – The Power of Lucidity
- (06:00) – Overcoming Personal Purgatory
- (16:19) – The Practice of Lucidity
- (23:37) – Imagifestation and Inner Worlds
- (32:21) – Exploring the Visual Cortex and Inner Eye
- (33:35) – Lucid Experiences and Astral Planes
- (35:58) – Manifestation in Daily Life
- (36:42) – Critique of the Law of Attraction
- (37:15) – Imagifesting and Personal Transformation
- (42:54) – Near-Death Experience and Life Review
- (49:09) – Lessons from the Near-Death Experience
- (58:17) – Final Thoughts and Encouragement
How to Contact Cailin Callaghan:
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Please note, this is an automated transcript so it is not 100% accurate.
When I died, the first thing I noticed was that the world was a dream. We, godlings, come into a world which we create with our expectations and our labeling and our projections, and then we blame the world we made for making us unhappy. Most people want to be right more than they want to be happy.
Decide carefully what words you speak and what things you think, because as you label a thing, so it shall be for you. Use your words and your will wisely and in great awareness of the power that is in you. Because the more you look for evidence of that power, the more you’ll see it.
Guy here, my epic guest today is Cailin Callaghan, and she had a near death experience that took her obviously beyond this reality. And from that, her message has always been is that the world is not what we think it is, and that most people are asleep inside this dream that we call life. But right now we are being called to wake up on the planet.
It is a fascinating conversation. And we talk a lot around this illusion of the world. But also how to break free from the suffering that we can sometimes feel in and the massive consciousness shifts that are happening on this planet as well. So if you love these conversations, all this resonates, you’ll get a lot out of this conversation today.
Be sure to let us know where you are in the world. If you’re watching on YouTube, drop a comment below. It’s always lovely to connect in with you all. And hit the subscribe, like any way to continue to share these messages out there. If you’re enjoying the show and of course, come and join us somewhere around the world in a retreat that we run the five day retreat experiences.
And of course, if you’re in Australia and New Zealand, now that we get in there, check out if it’s a one day workshop near you, all the links are below, including free meditations as well to help support you. Much love from me. Enjoy this podcast and I’ll see you soon.
Cailin, welcome to the podcast.
Cailin, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I’m really, that’s all right. It’s understandable. That’s the way it’s spelled. So I get it. Uh, thanks for having me. I’m really glad to be
Yeah, no worries. I’m a slow learner, honestly. I, by the end of the podcast, I will get your name right. I promise you. I, um, I love to ask everyone on the show this very simple question and it’s a great conversation starter as well but if you were at a intimate dinner party right now and you sat next to a complete stranger and they asked you what you did for a living how would you respond?
I would say I was, I’m a spiritual coach, okay? A, a spiritual cognitive coach, okay? So, I, I wouldn’t go straight into telling them I was a channel for an interdimensional being who calls himself the Damon Michael. No, I don’t think I would dive right into that. Unless I knew them well,
But here you are though now coming out on YouTube and having conversations about it where tens of thousands of people could potentially Listen to this conversation, you know, isn’t it fascinating? Yeah. Yeah.
Yes. And I, I’m an INFP personality type and quite retiring. I’m, I’m a bit of a hermit. And so it’s kind of cool that, uh, in life, the, um, the way you move forward is to do that thing you’re disinclined to do that scary thing. Like come out of the closet and tell everybody, yeah, I know I’m an empiricist and all, but I have the constant companionship of the Damon guide. So. What can I say? Oh,
what’s an INFP? Don’t mind me asking.
it’s a personality type. Uh, let’s see. It’s um, intuitive. Wait a minute. Introspective, intuitive feeling, and um, perceptual.
And there’s, there’s 16 different basic personality types. And INFPs are probably the The fewest in number in the world. And we’re, we’re generally retiring kind of cryptic people because, uh, uh, we just don’t like being in conflict and a lot of confrontation.
And so coming out and talking about this sort of thing is not really in my, uh, nature, but here I am, here I am.
good on you. I gotta, I gotta be honest. There’s, you know, I’ve been in front of thousands of people now over the, my journey in what I do with my events and workshops and retreats. And most people, uh, when they’re ready to step into this work, I’ll be in like, there’s a. a pull like magnetism to I really want to and like unleash the shackles, let it all go and just live in my truth.
But there’s a complete fear and terror at the same time. And it’s very common to see. F Anyway, so, so my, the question to you is, before we get into channeling interven beings and your near death experience and everything that we wanna talk about today on the podcast, why now? Why have you come out now and really started to wanna get this message across?
Okay, well, a couple of things happened. In the first place, the NDE, the message of the NDE, was decidedly quantum, and I was an empiricist at the time, and 20 years old, and in college, and I wanted to be, I wanted a career in sciences. So I didn’t want to wreck my career prospect in sciences by coming out about a quantum, decidedly quantum message when in 1978 the world was really not embracing it. quantum ideology yet. Um, and then, and so I, I got silent about it for, uh, I guess it was about 45 years and then, um, waiting for the world to be ready to make sense of the message, to understand it. And then in, um, 2020 and to 2021, I went through nine months of really brutal Lexapro withdrawals. And, uh, I was withdrawing from after post, post surgery, uh, Percocet at the same time. And it was a personal purgatory. It was really, really, really, really hard. Um, and there was no, uh, kind of support or, you know, medical intervention of any kind to help me with this. Um, no psychological talk, nothing, nothing available to help me. And I had to use, um, What Michael had taught me in the, my guide Michael had taught me in the Lustrous Vast when I died, in order to take sovereignty over my mind. Um, my, my brain being, uh, in withdrawals was chemically predisposed to, uh, seizing on grievances and, uh, anger and fear and having horrible constant rolling bouts of anxiety that just rattled my body. And because the brain was predisposed chemically to that, my mind was in a turmoil. I mean, I just completely run amok, and I had to recognize the difference between me and my mind. Now, I had known this since my NDE, but you, you lose your lucidity. Lucidity is when you know you are not your body, you’re not your story, you’re not your mind that attacks your peace, uh, you’re none of those things. Lucidity is knowing yourself as consciousness itself. conscious of itself. And when you are in that lucid state, you have much more control over your mind, which is really, especially when you’re in withdrawals, like a teething puppy. Uh, if you don’t give it something productive to chew on, it will destroy everything. And so during the course of the withdrawals, not only did I have to really, really use the perspective Michael had given me just to keep from killing myself because the body was constantly urging me to end the suffering, end it, end it, end it. Um, but I didn’t feel that way. I, the consciousness, did not feel that way. So I had to become the observer and the chooser of the self talk. And I learned a variety of techniques, um, that were transformative in themselves. One of them I call imagifestation, and in the place of worry, which is borrowing a negative future that you don’t want to occur and bringing it in to an otherwise satisfactory present moment. Instead of worrying, I chose to put my mind, my concentration, my attention, very focused and intensely on imagining in every dimension I could, especially the feelings of where I would prefer to be. Okay. Because I was, my body was so suffering that I began to leave my body by going inward. Into a created, what, uh, Darius Wright would probably call a, um, a dimensional space construct that was created from my own will and my own imaginative ability. So, uh, in the course of that, I, I, being sure I was going to die every day, all day long, I said, Geez, if I don’t deliver the message now Everything, I’m 66, everything I’ve been through, if I die, will have been for nothing. Because I specifically came back from the NDE, intentionally, to bring back this message. And I thought, you know, I don’t want it to all be for nothing, and so, I really started, even when I was in the withdrawals really bad, I started doing podcasts and trying to deliver the message. And, uh, as I delivered it over and over again, and my body chemistry, even dad, I became better at delivering it.
And, uh, so ever since then, that’s been the focus of why I’m still in the world. And I have to say, I’ve never felt. More empowered, uh, more on my purpose and more joyous than I am these days doing this. So that’s why. And the world is ready now.
thank you for sharing. I, I absolutely love what you just said. I think. That’s the work right there. That is the most powerful aspect of it, isn’t it? And once we’re able to recognize our true selves. And be able to be the witness to what the hurricane that might be happening within us and realize that that is not us.
That’s right.
but we, as, as human beings, though, wouldn’t you say we tend to throw rocks and stones at the things in our external world? That is keeping us perpetuated in the feelings of anger, frustration, or anxiety, or whatever it might be. As opposed to doing what you did was actually really start to go inward and almost train your consciousness and your body to become the witness and that discernment of what is actually happening.
Would that be fair to say?
Close. I would say it slightly differently, but the most important thing is that what happens is we tell ourselves a story You know, we get to be in our teens and we want to be cool and so we can’t wait to grow up and make a persona that everybody will think is cool and wants to hang out with, right? So we get into buying the things and wearing the things and having the things and being the things and trying to affect this persona that we think will make us popular and loved. And, um, None of that is us. Uh, and we construct this story of our lives and, in which we’re the, we’re the hero, of course, or the heroine, and none of that is us either. Uh, we are the constructor of that story. Um, but we’re sleeping without lucidity in a dream of identification with that story, when we’re not the story at all, nor are we our grievances. But most people think that if they let go of their grievance, that they are somehow disrespecting their persona.
They’re, what they’re doing is they’re, they’re nullifying the importance of something to their story, but it in no way nullifies their persona. It’s like thinking that if you stop weeping over someone that you’ve lost, who has died, that you are in some way dishonoring them. You’re not. You’re not dishonoring them at all. You know, it’s, it’s a choice. So why make yourself miserable? You’re going to, it’s a change in your perspective that because you say to yourself, I’m going to see this person again, okay, I’m going to be with this person again, they’re happy. Why should I indulge myself right now? I mean, I understand. I grieve, too.
I just don’t grieve as long, and I don’t hold a grievance very long. Um, I, I observe that it is actually making me unhappy, the self talk, that is the grievance, and I decide there’s no point to it, and I just let it go, because I’ve been doing this act of lucidity in the dream of the world. for so long now that it’s very easy for me to get over something very quickly because I don’t see the point in, um, uh, carrying it with me as baggage because I’m the consciousness in control of what I say to myself. And most people want to be right more than they want to be happy. They want to be vindicated more than they want to be happy. To be happy, you have to let go of things that are making you miserable, burdens you’re carrying, self talk that isn’t working for you. That’s how you make yourself happy. You give yourself peace, because you are peace.
You’re love as soon as you drop the identification with all the things that are not you. As soon as you’re lucid and you realize yourself as consciousness, itself, conscious of itself. Then you have mastery. You have sovereignty. You are empowered. You can take total charge of your subjective experience. And that’s that you see is what we’ve done in the world. And that was Michael’s message. And it made us roar with laughter. We Godlings come into a world which we create with our expectations and our labeling and our projections. And then we blame the world we made for making us unhappy and we disempower ourself with the power of our vow. We disavow our power by the power In our vow, we make the world we made responsible for our misery. And so we’re offloading our power to avoid blame ’cause we’d rather be right than happy. Does that make sense?
A thousand percent. Yeah. And the world, the world, if, if everyone grasped this message, the world would change. I mean, this is why I do what I do,
Suffering would
right? This is why you do what you do. This is why probably every person person I’ve had on the podcast does what they do because once you experience it and understand it you just want to be able to pass it on to others and hopefully they, they run with it. But it sounds like we have to, like with even yourself, you had to go through a great deal of pain to truly get it or to, or embrace
I had to practice. I had to practice. Well, what happens is, okay, when I died, the first thing I noticed was that the world was a dream. Okay, that was a very, two, two things I noticed right away. First of all, I was perfect. I was perfect. I felt my perfection. I felt perfect. Not only felt perfect, was perfect. Okay. Um, and the world I realized was just a dream. Now I say that because you, we’ve all had bad dreams where we woke up and we realized my reality springs from a higher level of existence where nothing in the dream can affect me. Well, that’s exactly what I realized when I died. Nothing in the dream could have ever affected me.
Okay. I was. awareness. I was being, I was presence. Okay. And so over the years, my guide, when I was a child, he taught me to lucid dream. He came into my dreams and taught me to lucid dream. And at the same time, He kept telling me though, but don’t wake up from the dream. You have to stay in the dream to change the dream.
And I didn’t understand as a child why it was important to him that I not wake up. He kept saying, stay in the dream, but be awake in the dream. Be awake in the dream because only the lucid dreamer can change the dream. And then years go by and I have this NDE and I’m He’s sending me back into the dream of the world to be lucid and to tell people about consciousness being aware of itself as consciousness itself is lucidity.
Don’t be an identification with all those things the world teaches you to think are you. None of that is you. And that’s lucidity. And then again in 2007, he showed me, he reminded me of all these times he talked to me about lucidity, and he gave me, he woke Waken Kundalini again and gave me a really strong, uh, Satori. And in that Satori, he was reminding me that, Lucidity, when we fall asleep, we lose our lucidity in the dream of the world. We fall into emotional identification with something that we want to be attached to, we want to hang on to. We want to make it go a certain way, et cetera, okay? We lose our lucidity, just like in dreams.
We lose lucidity, and then we wake and again, ha ha ha, I played a trick on myself. And then we lose lucidity again, and then we, we lose our lucidity We never know we’ve been unconscious until we wake back up. Okay. And so in order to, to get lucidity to stick, I had to have an intensive year long practice of, of watching my mind run amok and go and having to remain lucid in observation of it, or I would fall into it and be consumed by it.
Okay. And so in that practicing, that lucidity, lucidity. became almost complete. I mean, it’s almost all the time now. I still have little bouts of how something hurts emotionally, but then right away I go, okay, I have learned to use, which Michael told me in 2007, he said, I’m telling you now, anytime you think you’re suffering. You’ve lost lucidity. In the dream of the world, you’ve lost your lucidity. And I want you to use suffering to wake you up in the dream of the world, but you have to stay in the world to change it. My Colleen, he called me my Colleen. Okay. You have to stay in the world to change it. Only the lucid dreamer can change the dream and the world needs lucid dreamers. So this is why he was always saying. Don’t leave the venue. Don’t check out. And apparently I have a real tendency to, he says, kick a hole in space time and slip out past the tatters. He says that’s what you do when you’re cornered.
Can I just, you’ve opened about 10 loops in me, like in this last 20 minutes of conversation and I’m just like, my brain’s just trying to keep up. But we’ll see. With lucidity and, you know, be awake in the dream, because it would be very easy, would you say, to confuse the matter where we actually escape into lucidities, not to face the challenges that are presented to ourselves in our life as well.
Yeah, go
No, but that that’s something that just started to come into me then. I’m not saying that was what you were doing or anything, but I think that’s a subtle trap that we can fall into when looking at this
I don’t believe, I don’t believe that, I don’t believe that, uh, I don’t believe that what people call spiritual bypassing is the same thing as lucidity at all, because in spiritual bypassing, you’re just disregarding the emotion and setting it aside. And what I do is I actually, when an emotion comes up, I go, okay, I go into it.
I go, okay, feel that. What am I saying to myself in this emotion? What is that emotion saying? And then I really distill it. I work on it until I get it just right. I don’t just like shove it away or stuff it. I take it apart. What am I saying to myself? And you know what? I always find guy, usually the thing that I’m saying to myself and that, or that emotion. It’s not true, and it’s not fair to me, and it’s not fair to everybody else involved, and worst of all, it’s not serving my peace. It’s not serving my bliss. And once you’ve been the observer of your self talk for long enough, you become the chooser of your self talk as well. You decide, um, there’s much healthier self talk and a healthier way to look at this situation than what I have been.
And then you take charge of it and you, you say in a fair way, what is actually factually going on. resolved to simply suspend your judgment about the situation to trust that it’s going to work out with some sort of a boon. Um, no matter how difficult the trial, I’ve always said, uh, the, when the backyard of your life is full of steaming horse poo, it’s a sure sign of ponies. and you’re not going to see the ponies if you’re focused on the poo. Okay. And it’s, if you can, if you can catch the pony, you can write it to a higher level of perception, right out of the poo entirely. Okay. So I’m definitely not advocating spiritual bypassing. I want you to go into those emotions and work the practice of taking them apart And asking yourself, is it true what I’m saying to myself?
Is it fair? Is it serving me? And if it’s not doing any of those things, then you as a Godling exercise your will to decide something healthy to tell yourself instead.
I love it. No, I certainly wasn’t insinuating. It’s things that I want to bring awareness to the conversation as people are listening, because
Yeah, just to make sure that everybody is listening is clear on where we’re going as well with it and things. Okay, I’m still keen to get into Michael and your near death experience in a moment. But there’s one loop I want to close before and you mentioned the word imagination earlier. And around that you said you had to become the being and lean into that almost like that future potential. I know Joe Dispenza speaks about this a little bit about, you know, being in those spaces. But when you what I’m keen to understand how you unpacked it, because I’ve been in similar situations for me, my default emotion of pain was actually loneliness and anxiety.
And these They would grip, like really hold on to me for days, if not weeks. And no matter what I did, and I was, I used to exercise a lot, eat healthy and things, I just didn’t shake it. And actually, until I got in the body and actually released the trauma that was manifesting into those emotions and feelings.
But what were you doing? Because you’re, you’re detoxing from medication, if I’m not mistaken. You’re in a lot of pain. Okay. And yet you’re then able to, to become the witness in your meditation and lean into the emotions and the thoughts and the feelings. in an altered state of who you want to become. So, how are you feeling both at the same time? I’m just thinking logically now for myself and listeners. How are you overriding the pain that is there? That felt like a long time.
It did. It went a long time when I was awake because I couldn’t sleep at all, nor could I really lay down. There was no comfortable position for me. Um, uh, I would do tasks. And while I was doing the tasks, I assembling a small cabinet or something. Okay. Assembling that. Um, while your mind is on the task, you can at the same time see it wanting to run off into other, these doctors gave me these drugs and somebody should suffer for what they’ve done to me.
It’s horrible. Your mind does that. Okay. Um, and so I would just observe that. trying to happen and then I would pull it back onto the task because it was a teething puppy and the task I gave it to chew on was assembling that cabinet at the moment, okay? So when I would try to lay down because I was just exhausted or I would lay in a reclining chair, um, trying to My body was in a lot of nerve pain and actually it felt like a Like a whole bunch of tiny little men were walking, you know, like this tall, were walking across my body plunging because of the muscles twitching. And they were, it felt like they were plunging tiny little steel cocktail swords into my muscles, okay? All over, all over, everywhere. And I had chills and it felt like the flu and I was desperately unwell. Um, What I would do then was I had, uh, some binaural beats, uh, theta brain wave induction, um, that I would put on, and I had a mask, a sleep mask that, uh, blocked out the light, and I would start the meditation over my bed.
There is a hanging little door about this tall. And I had started going out of body by way of flying up into that door a couple of years before it’s been over my bed about five years now. And I would fly up into that doorway and then out into the lustrous vast. That’s one of the ways I’ve gotten out over and over again.
So that little door is still hanging there. So while I was going through the withdrawals, I put on the mask. And the, and the theta. And I would go to this environment. Michael actually came to me, uh, while I was in a lot of pain, what started this. He came to me and said, what is the most, um, I say he came into awareness, he pressed into awareness and said, what is the most gratifying memory you have, the most joyous memory you have? And I said, well, it was of you. It was a being with you in that environment where you came to me in a lucid dream. Once I had a lucid dream of him. It was. It was, uh, it was a lot like being in the Lustrous Vast, but it also reminded me of a place I had actually seen here down in Tampa, where I grew up. And I said, it was that place, being with you there.
And he said, well, come to me there now. Go in there. In through your self, into your self, into your consciousness, into what you are, and imagifest yourself into that environment. And so I imagifested flying up into that door and looking out into the vast and leaping out into it. And then suddenly I was in that environment, which I call the portal. And I had, uh, in a book series that I have written that he and I wrote together, this same environment happens over and over again. Um, and, uh, it, uh, It’s, it’s a locker room that I visited years and years ago when I was taking scuba classes. And, um, every time I would go there, I had this very strange feeling of intensified presence. And so, I didn’t know what to think about it, but a few years later when these books started coming, All right. Uh, that environment figured over and over again and the heroine was trying to figure out what had happened to her there, trying to recover a lost memory. So it’s very, uh, in the course of writing the books, I had to imagine it over and over and over again in great detail so that I could write the scenes that happened in it. So for me to just fly up into the door, leap out into the vast and suddenly be in that locker room was It’s not particularly surprising because I had built it so many times in my imagination, imagifesting it. And how my characters would feel there. By Imagifesting, I mean in every dimension as though it were around me.
Not like you’re looking in through a window, but like you’re there. Okay? So, whoop! There I was in the lustrous vast. I mean, in the, uh, the portal. But I got there through the lustrous vast quantum eminence, as Michael calls it. So basically, um, I was escaping inward through myself and I’ve had a number of really wild, vivid, um, experiences there with people who have died. that I love, people that I know that have died, have showed up there. Characters from the books showed up there. Um, all of these things made my empiricist mind go, wait a minute, what, what, what’s happened here? Because, for instance, at the top of the stairs, leading that, leaving that environment, I had practiced a magifesting, uh, a lagoon environment to go and meet with Michael there and talk with him. And I had invested similar amounts of time and energy attention. Energy is our godly mojo. Um, and I had done that many, many times, but it was all my work. It was stuff that I used my will to create to have an experience of. Um, and then I started going in there during the Lexapro withdrawals and stuff was animated of its own accord guy. Things had happened that I did not do, and this made me wonder, had I stumbled into someone else’s construct, someone else’s work? Were others visiting the construct I had made? Was it like a freestanding energetic structure in the astral realms so others could get into it and do things in there? Because things started showing up I hadn’t put there. For instance, green sea glass. in the sand. I didn’t do that work. I didn’t put that there. And yet there it was spontaneously. Tides were turning and there was evidence of the tides turning and the berms on the beaches. I didn’t do the work for that. So that all made me wonder what I had actually done. Had I magifested this myself or was it somebody else’s work I stumbled into? Do you see what I’m saying?
I do. But, and how real does that feel when you’re there, when it’s happening?
Real, real, real, real. Like, like, um, a super vivid lucid dream. Um, but magnified more than that. Um, it’s like, uh, okay. I became aware.
I was gonna say, but you’re fully conscious.
Yeah. Fully conscious. I became aware that there’s more than one eye. When you are Uh, trying to magifest something and to visualize it, you’re working with your visual cortex. And I did a lot of visual cortex work, imagifesting things visually, what they’d be like. But then, there’s another eye that is much more vivid, that doesn’t, it doesn’t look forward at all, it seems to look inward. And it is much more vivid what you see through it, and it doesn’t seem like my work at all. It seems like someone else’s work and I often, I often end up in these environments very briefly and then become lucid and, and instead of staying there in the environment, the lucidity pulls me out, but I’m there for long enough to look and look around and go, well, where the heck am I? You know, this is really, really vivid.
Where the heck am I? You know, and I didn’t do this work. So it’s not the same. It’s not really the same as a dream. It’s much more intense than a dream. So this has led me to suspect that I’ve, I’m visiting freestanding energetic structures in the astral planes.
I’ve had many experiences like that myself and I couldn’t agree more. I’m not, you know, I’ve just, I just want to get your, your perspective from it. And I remember, I remember being,
what I’m talking about? The different eyes.
And I remember being shown a world, um, where there was all these magical castles along an ocean front. And I got to fly along next to them. And I have no idea why I was shown it. And it was, it was the most, magical experience one of the most magical experiences I ever had and I remember but then it lasted for a couple of minutes and I remember thinking wow this is amazing and then I started getting in my mind and then but I actually felt myself come into my body out of the back end of it.
Yes. That has happened to me a lot of times where I felt myself. I didn’t really know. I didn’t, I wasn’t registering leaving. But I registered when I came back in
and I was aware of the reentry, but I hadn’t missed leaving. So what happens with me typically is I wake up lucid in an out of body state. Elsewhere, and what makes me lucid is, either I’m flying, and I go wait a minute, okay, wait a minute, can’t do this in Earth Venue, or I’m scared of something, and I go wait a minute, I’m a goblin, nothing can hurt me, okay, or I wake up in a very super ultra vivid place, and I go wait a minute, this isn’t my work. How did I get here? Okay, this is bigger than anything I can imagifest. My, my imagifestational prowess is not this big. So how did I get in here, right? So there’s a, that’s what made me notice was the quantum leap from what the vividness of what I imagifested to suddenly the experiences I was having. of the same place I had a magifested before, but it was much more vivid. How did this happen? It was like a quantum leap in its vividness. So, uh, this has some heuristic merit. The questions involved in this is, you know, did I actually, did I actually create these places? And they, Get to a certain level of energy investment and they self animate.
Yeah. So one question then is when it comes to here in the physical plane and daily life, what have you noticed through that manifestation in that your own creation? And if things manifest very quickly when we’re in an astral and they can be almost instantaneous through thought, When we’re here in the physical plane, what, where we place our attention, where we place our intention, our will.
What have your experiences been from that then, in bringing things to, in your life, creating in your life? Does that make sense?
Okay. All right. I’m first of all Um, these experiences have not have have not made me a fan Of the law of attraction.
Um, i’m a fiery Woman, and there’s a bazillion different reasons. We hear why the law of attraction isn’t working And for me the main problem with the law of attraction is it requires me to Do a whole bunch of things and then wait for it to come to me You I have to wait for the thing to come to me, right? And that’s not my style. My style is to go get
okay? And so, that’s me. And so, Imagifesting is going and getting it. Okay. Imagifesting is priming your nervous system. Like Dr. Joe talks about, you’re building this circuitry. Not most people don’t have a very big imagination, but you can grow it if you work it.
Okay. You work your imagination. It gets better. Um, and so for me, it doesn’t appear to be at all, um, a case of waiting for things to come. For me, it seems like what you put your attention focused on. work towards and look for, you will find. Michael says, do not look for what you do not will to find. Okay.
Look for what you will to find. Okay. So what you do is you put your attention on the thing that you want to achieve, accomplish, or have in your life. You focus on it. You use the arm of flesh to approach it. You summon the feeling, imagifesting the situation that you want to have, and you experience the feeling of the person you will be. When that occurs, because like me, I’m an INFP, I’m an introvert, and I’m not really gregarious. Okay, yet to deliver this message, I have to become a new person. I have to become Not extroverted, but I have to become more interactional with people. Okay. I have to still have my attention inward, but I have to interact with the world.
Okay. So I have to become a new person in order to deliver this message effectively. So I have focused my actions magifested the feeling of who I will be. When I do make it happen, and then I have gone about practicing being that person in the course of making it happen. All right, and so this is how we actually burrow into the dream of the event cascade we want. I want to deliver this message, and I have just burrowed in with my attention and my efforts to that outcome. All right, so there’s no attraction to it for me at all. I’m doing all of it. It’s, you know, it’s me when I first started, when I was not awake, the world was happening to me and everything made me angry or sad or both. Then I noticed it was all happening for me and that the horse poo was a sign of ponies. Okay. As time has gone on, I have realized by watching myself talk and the way it reverberates out into my experience in the world, that everything is happening as me and through me. Okay. It’s happening as me and through me. I don’t look now for what I don’t want to find. For instance, I have one kitty who occasionally, because he’s old, uses Not the litter box, but the space just in front of the litter box. So when he’s been, when he’s been back there, uh, because he’s normally in his own private digs, okay, when he’s been back there, I think for a moment my mind wants to go, Uh oh, and Michael says, don’t look for where you don’t want to find.
And so what I do is I picture the floor dry. in front of that litter box. And then I go look for the dry floor. Okay. I’m not looking for a puppy. I’m going out there expecting, looking for the dry floor. It’s a matter of Seeing it as you will it to be before you look for it. So, do I think that this manifests?
It does. It does. It works. And in the meantime, you’re in charge of your subjective experience. You’re not sitting there going, It’s not here yet. It’s not here yet. No, because your consciousness, yourself, disciplining, supervising your mind, that teething puppy, and putting it on the act of making it happen, rather than waiting for it to come to you.
love it. Absolutely. I had only had this conversation yesterday with a very close friend of mine. And, uh, you know, anything I’ve achieved up to this point in my life, I’ve gone after it, you know. And, but, but knowing there’s a, there’s a, there’s a larger force supporting me. and my actions and is willing to, to, support me by me actually taking the steps and leaning into whatever it is I want to create. And, and I look back over one year, two years, three or four years and think, wow, this is incredible. I’m just going to keep leaning in and see where I go. And, uh, it’s, yeah,
Challenges still present, but those make you stronger, actually. In learning how to continue to, um, observe and engineer the self talk that is actually productive to what you want to accomplish
I mean, it’s, it’s a huge difference between operating unconsciously without lucidity in the dream of the world and being miserable in your identifications with all your dreams broken and your aspirations unmet to living in conscious approach of your goals and in charge of your attitude and your self talk because you know yourself as consciousness itself.
Yeah, I gotta ask you. I can’t believe we’ve come this far in the podcast. I still haven’t got to it. I apologize to all listeners and everything, but I think that what you’ve shared so far has been crucial really in terms of, um, supporting us. Now, when it comes to your near death experience, I believe you were 20. Was that right? And did you, did you actually die? Like how, how did it happen? What happened? Was there an accident or?
Yeah. I had five years before at the age of 15 decided Michael was an imaginary friend and I set him aside and he was still there. I just didn’t listen to him. And all of the magic went out of my life. I became an empiricist. And, um, I went out one day to horseback with a friend of mine, you know, I did a lot of rash things because, uh, you know, I was young, I thought I was made of rubber, and besides, uh, I wasn’t enjoying the world anymore since I had pushed all the magic out of it by setting my guide aside.
There was no more magic, no enchantment, right? So, uh, I had forgotten to bring the grain, there were two horses, and one of them was very easy to catch, her name was Ticker, she was a barrel mare, and she liked people, and then the other was a stallion, he was quite large, 17 hands, a little more actually, um, and, uh, he didn’t, he didn’t care to be ridden, but, I had forgotten to bring the grain. And so I thought, I know, I’ll get on the mare, ticker, and I will, because she’s very maneuverable, I’ll chase him into the paddock on her back. And then when we’ve got him in the small paddock, we’ll be able to catch him. And both the girl who was with me and Michael said, not a good idea, not a good idea at all.
But, you know, uh, I wasn’t listening to Michael. And I was made of rubber. So I was in a hard gallop behind this stallion, uh, and standing in the stirrup. So, you know, every time the mare would stride, the saddle would smack me in my bottom. And, um, I was leaned forward with my neck down, my head down close to her neck.
And, um, Everything slipped into slow motion. Um, and I saw his rump beginning to rise in front of me. And Michael, who spoke to me all my life until 1995, just in knowing and concepts and images and feelings, um, said, he’s kicking. Um, and I said, so what? He can’t get me up here. And before he even hit me as the hoof was approaching my face, I disembodied and I rolled left and I went about a hundred, maybe 150 feet away and turned back to watch and the hoof hit the body that had been mine in the face and the arms let go and the head snapped back.
And in very slow motion, the mayor ran out from underneath the body. Which fell backwards onto the rump and flopped like three strides, and then went over her rump, and landed on the head and neck, here, shoulders, on this side. And then the hips came down, and the legs came down, and the dust flew up in very slow motion, and suddenly I was in a lustrous vast. And it had, it was like velvet, um, and um, it had the sheen like gasoline on water in the sun. And um, I, I was perfect. And I not only was, I felt perfect, but I was perfect. Um, and I said, I’m perfect. Nothing can ever hurt me again. And suddenly Michael was there and he said, nothing could have ever hurt you to begin with.
You’re an eternal being. And at that moment, I was like, it’s you. There was this moment of you, of course. Um, but we were so intimate. We are so intimate, uh, that it was just like picking up a conversation. Right out of nowhere that we had left off just picking it right back up and we went on from there and I said, well, um, if that’s true, nothing could ever hurt me.
And I can tell it’s true because truth has a kind of taste. you’re in the lustrous fast. Um, I said, why was it so scary? And he said, um, it was scary because you believed you could suffer loss and die. But that was necessary in order to intensify the experience because if you hadn’t believed that you wouldn’t have done what you went there to do and you wouldn’t have learned what you went there to learn.
And I said, I don’t remember what it was. Can you tell me? And he said, you went to summon your will. And I said, summon my will. You mean I went through all of that just to learn what I wanted? And he said, no, you misunderstand what I mean by the will. I have to show you. And then he started giving me life review where I would go into a vignette of my life and I would relive it, but not only was I living it, I was watching it and I was being every person involved in it.
It was holy perception because I knew how everybody felt. Okay. So, um, the first one I was an 18 month old kicking and screaming on the floor because I had had my first pair of brand new shoes put on my feet and they pinched and I didn’t like them. And, um, my mother was thinking how she was kind of hurt because we were poor and she had saved up to get me the shoes and I needed shoes to protect my and at this point, um, I realized, Oh, wow. I made that thing that should have been a great experience. I mean, it should have been wonderful. It should have been a celebration. Mom got me shoes. She really worked hard to make that happen. Um, I made it a bad thing by my labels. The way I labeled it made it a horrible experience. And, pop, suddenly I was back in the Luster’s Vast with Michael, and I was like, Is that what you’re telling me? I, I made that a bad experience with my labels? And he’s like, Yes, you did. And so, there were three or four other experiences like that, and all of them, I had either made a bad thing good by the way I had labeled it, by the significance I had assigned to it, or I had made a good thing bad by the significance I had assigned to it. And so, What I took from just glossing over the NDE, what I took from, as we go on through it from the NDE, that my will is to be lucid in the dream of the world and to give lucidity to the dream of the world, to give everyone in the dream of the world, the understanding of what lucidity is, because this is like the last and greatest dream. It’s the dream of awakening and everyone becoming lucid In the dream of the world, they remember their godly estate. If you think of what lucidity is, you’re just remembering who you really are inside a dream venue. When you’re lucid in a dream, when you’re sleeping, you just remember yourself in a grander context in that dream.
And you go, wait a minute, I’m a much bigger being. Oh, I came here from somebody or somewhere else, right? I remember I have these other lives that I’m living in other venues, right? That’s lucidity. Well, my will was to bring lucidity into, for myself, and for everyone else, into Earth Venue, because that dream of awakening would be the end of suffering in Earth Venue. If everyone understood who and what exactly we are, what exactly we are, they would treat each other with much more integrity and respect and love. And so during NDE, seeing this, that we basically create our world with our labels and our expectations, and the world we created make us, makes us miserable, and then we disempower ourselves by blaming our unhappiness on the world we created, instead of realizing we can create it differently. and making ourselves happy instead. Okay, we just fall into, oh well, I’m putting my, well no, nobody will remember that. I won’t bring that reference up, because it’s too old. I’m 66, that one’s too old. Um, but in any case, uh, so, in the course of this, I real, I became even more lucid in the lustrous vast, and I remembered more of my true self. My true self, all of the conditioning of the world dropped away. I wasn’t identified with anything I had been identified with here. And I was suddenly nothing but love. I was an incredibly vast, powerful being made of nothing but love. And in that state, nothing that could happen to me in the dream of the world mattered.
If I could bring this perspective to the world, if I could give this to the world, suffering would end, not necessarily immediately. But it would be a major blow to suffering in the world, a major liberation to the children of God. And so, uh, I wanted to go back, but the world was just a dream. So I said to Michael, how do I get back into the dream of the world?
And he said, well, you’ve done it lots of times already. You went back into your timeline and relive vignettes. And he said, you can go back any place you want. You can even go back in the moment before the accident happened and you can stop it from happening. But if you do that. You’ll have a strong sense of deja vu, but you won’t remember anything you’ve learned here because it’ll be part of a different event cascade in which you died. So you can actually split and go back and not have the accident at all, but then you won’t remember this message. In order to keep this message, you have to go back into the last moment because it contains nested within it every antecedent condition that brought you to that time, space, and outcome. you have to go back into that moment. And I said, so how do I do it? And he said, well, you just tunnel into it with your attention. You remember what was happening, like the horse’s rump rising, and you tunnel back into it with your attention and you will to be there. And I did it. I did it immediately. I didn’t even say goodbye. It was like a trial run.
I wasn’t sure if I knew how to do it. I just instantly tried and it was like a rushing wind and I was back in my body. So yeah,
then the horse fell on you and everything happened.
no, no horse. The horse never fell on me. I actually, no, no, I was, I was getting up off of the ground. I was getting up off of the ground after I had come off the horse’s back. I was trying to get up. When I got back into my body, I was trying to get up. The horse had already kicked me. I was laying on the ground. I was trying to get up. where I ended.
you, were you riding with somebody else or to everyone else? Like that would have just, you leaving your body, having that experience, that might’ve felt how long? But then in the moment it was like a click of the fingers, right?
Probably gone to, to her perceptions, the girl who was with me, because she was about, um, when, when I, when the horse kicked me, she was about 300 feet away from me when the horse kicked me. And when I got back into my body, she was standing over me. So, I’m thinking I was gone. She told me that as she approached me, um, she thought I was convulsing.
And as she got closer, she heard me laughing. Okay. And I was in with, at this point with Michael, we were laughing about how the children of God have, have played a joke on themselves. It’s a joke at which we have forgotten to laugh, okay? By making the world a miserable place, and then blaming the world for making us unhappy, that this is really hysterical, because we cannot be hostage to our own creations.
We’re Godlings. And yet we lose, we disavow our power, By the power of our vow. So this was very funny. And so she hears me laughing. And then as I realized during the NDE that it’s also tragic because it’s the source of all suffering, then he and I, both Michael and I started weeping. So she tells me, as she got closer to me. She said, then I heard you were weeping, and as I got even closer, you were, you were thrashing and weeping and laughing at the same time, and she said, and then, you went absolutely still. And I was standing over you trying to catch my breath, and you didn’t move for a long time, half a minute or so. And then she said, suddenly you opened your eyes, and you started trying to get up. And she said, I kept trying to hold you down and you wouldn’t talk to me or look at me. You just kept trying to get up. Well, Michael had said to me, just before I went back, I said, I’m dying, aren’t I? And he said, well, your body’s laying in a pasture down from head trauma. If you can’t make it stand up, it will cease from brain swelling. So I knew I had to get it to stand up. And so I came back with that sort of. basic imperative. You must make the body stand. And so I was trying to get up and she was trying to hold me down. I finally, she said, I looked at her and said, Tammy, I have to stand up, help me get to my feet. And she said, you were so calm that I believed you were okay.
And I helped you stand up. It took three tries. I was coming back truly to awareness at that point. Cause I remember, trying several times before I got up and my face was really swollen out to here and she, I remember her pulling the bandana off of my head and running. She said, stay here. And she ran to the back of the car and put ice in the bandana and came to me and said, Put this on your face and I just stood there staring at her waxy catatonic and I remember her taking my hand Lifting it putting the bandana in my hand and then pushing it against my face and I just stayed that way So it was like I got back into my body, but I was absolutely really waxy catatonic Off and on for about three hours.
I just kept losing consciousness and going waxy catatonic, right? So, uh, actually You I didn’t have a broken body, a bone in my body. Not, not one. I had really serious brain damage and I still have focal lobe seizures to this day because of it. But, um, that I even survived that is a miracle. I mean, you don’t get kicked in the face by a horse and fall off the back of another running horse onto your head and survive it.
You just don’t. Okay. But I did. So, um, I believe that the outcomes are very fluid. You know, I’ve heard of other NDEers who had come back from accidents that put them in the lustrous vast, and they came back with virtually no injuries compared to what you would expect from what had happened to them. So it’s not uncommon.
Incredible. Thank you for sharing. Wow.
It’s amazing.
Yeah. Yeah. I, I’m running out of time for the podcast. Um, but, um, one last question for you is with every, everything we’ve covered today, what would you like to leave the listeners to ponder on?
Okay. Uh, these are, I don’t want you to think any more about challenges. I don’t want you to think any more about problems. I don’t want you to see problems as challenges. They’re all opportunities, all opportunities. When you see the steaming piles of horse poo in the backyard of your life, as the world goes crazy. Realize there are ponies, many, many ponies at hand. Start looking right away for the ponies. Look for what you will to find, and you, a godling, will grace the world with your supervised perception. That is in your power, and all of it is a function of you remaining lucid in the dream of the world. Lucid enough. To decide carefully what words you speak and what things you think because as you label a thing, so it shall be for you. If you say it sucks, verily it sucketh. You are a goblin. Use your words and your will wisely and in great awareness of the power that is in you. Because the more you look for evidence of that power, the more you will see it. So, practice lucidity. Lucidity. And if you need a book to help you know about that, we wrote one called Rise in Lucidity and Master Anxiety. And that is available at our store at crackedpublishing. com. If you’ve read A Course in Miracles, you’ll recognize the voice. It’s Michael. And, um, I think when you read it, if you grok it, you will feel like it, uh, A Course in Miracles is much more accessible and in many ways no longer necessary. Because it teaches you much more quickly all the same stuff. And, uh, that allows you to read it multiple times to keep refreshing, refreshing, refreshing. Provoking that shift in awareness and consciousness again and again until it stinks. I
Absolutely. And is that the best place to send everyone to that, that link to, I’ll make sure the team get the links and the show notes.
think I gave you the link for my, um, podcast, which is, uh, Yeah. at it’s, it’s, you know, youtube. com forward slash at imagine Fest or one. Um, and that’ll be the link. I would. Ask you to post, and that way, because I post and often enough when I do videos to help people understand the message of RISE and the message of my NDE, I always give links in my videos to where they can find that material. So if they, if they make it to my podcast, they’ll make it to where the
No problem. I’m sure if people do a search for your name in YouTube It’ll, it’ll all come up as well, including this podcast. Yeah, absolutely. Look, thank you so much for, uh, coming on the podcast. Uh, Colleen, did I get the name right? Colleen. Yeah, I told you I’d get it by the end of the podcast. There you
well done. I take it all back. Well done.
Thanks for lovely.
Thank you guy. much love upon you. Talk to you again. You