#346 In this episode, Guy interviewed Peggy, a medical intuitive who delved into energy healing, entity removal, and the connection between emotions and physical ailments. Peggy shared her personal journey from skepticism to fully embracing her role as a healer. She discussed her profound experiences with retreats, kundalini awakenings, and working with other intuitive practitioners. The conversation covered various facets of energy work, including past lives, light language, and maintaining a high vibrational state. Peggy emphasized the importance of community and group healing in accelerating personal growth and transformation.
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About Peggy: Peggy uses her intuitive abilities to help clients move stuck energy in the body. She recognizes the mind-body connection and that blocked emotions can result in physical manifestations including pain and illness. Using her compassionate, heart-centered counselling skills, and her unique intuitive gifts, she carefully tunes into what is happening at the emotional and metaphysical level to help guide her clients through releasing what no longer serves them.
Peggy is dedicated to helping others achieve true wellness. Inspired to deepen her abilities, she trained with Patrice Krysztofiak and has been co-facilitating sessions with him. In each session, she creates a safe, nurturing space for you to explore your physical and mental health concerns. Through intuitive insights and energetic connection, Peggy gently tunes into your body’s subtle cues to identify imbalances, blockages, or unresolved emotions that may contribute to your suffering. Her warmth and light-hearted humor help you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the process.
►Audio Version:
Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) – SPIRITUAL HEALER Reveals the Hidden Energies Draining You—How to Protect Yourself Now!
- (00:55) – Meet Peggy: A Medical Intuitive
- (03:44) – Understanding Medical Intuition
- (06:34) – Peggy’s Personal Journey
- (16:47) – A Life-Changing Retreat Experience
- (21:03) – Embracing Self-Love and Healing
- (23:20) – Exploring Energy Healing
- (26:10) – Discovering the Path to Medical Intuition
- (28:13) – Unexpected Call and Healing Session
- (29:03) – Describing the Healing Experience
- (30:45) – Post-Session Changes and Pain Relief
- (32:19) – Understanding Pain and Entities
- (39:55) – The Role of Past Lives in Healing
- (44:40) – Embracing the Healing Journey
- (48:44) – The Power of Light Language
- (51:48) – Final Thoughts and Resources
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Please note, this is an automated transcript so it is not 100% accurate.
I’m a medical intuitive now and I’m working like in energy and removing demons and entities. It’s like such a huge stretch for people. I have to keep a bucket beside me in sessions, but I am vomiting up entities. You’re not going to take on things if you are living in a high vibrational state. The emotions of anger, frustration, judgment, jealousy, envy, they’re emotions that bring your vibration down.
You become more open to those kind of attacks. There isn’t anything to be feared there. Because we are just love and light, and everybody just wants to be brought back to the light. Some Buddhist monks would say up to 80 percent of physical ailments are due to past lives, which is completely crazy if you think about that.
Guy here, my beautiful guest today is Peggy over there. She is a medical intuitive. I’ve actually known Peggy now for about six years, maybe even longer as she was a client at our retreats. And she’s been several times actually, but we get into the whole conversation today. And in a nutshell, she helps people move stock energy from the body, but this Conversation goes really deep.
It’s really fascinating and there’s a lot of wisdom in here today. So I certainly encourage you to check out the whole conversation. Now we get into the conversation as well around negative energy and entities and things like that, which is, I don’t often have these conversations on the podcast, but I’m always curious to explore these, um, conversations as long as they spoken about in the right way.
Context, because these conversations are not here to instill fear in anyone, but to actually just bring it to light and how we can navigate these things in the right manner, if that makes sense, because we kind of come up against these things in our own work as well. But a fascinating conversation, like I said, uh, there’s a lot in you.
And of course, if you’re watching this on YouTube, let me know where you are in the world. Drop a comment below. What are your experiences? What are your thoughts from all of this as well? It’s always good to hear from everyone. And of course, if you want to join us in a retreat somewhere around the world, I’m not sure when this will be going live.
We might still be in Bali, Croatia. Yeah, gosh, I’m flying to New Zealand this weekend. It’s so exciting that we’re getting this work out there more and more. There’ll be links below including a free meditation as well. That’s below if you want to get started. Anyway, hoping to meet you somewhere someday in person, get a hug from you.
Much love from me. Enjoy this conversation with Peggy. It’s awesome.
Peggy, welcome to the podcast, my lovely.
So nice to be here, Guy.
Truly nothing excites me more and kind of having a backseat view of somebody’s journey Having known you now since 2018, I believe And when you reached out to me, you said look i’m doing all this And and you said Can I share my journey on the podcast?
I was like, yes 1000 like it’s phenomenal i’m so Happy for you, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear your story today and be able to share it Uh to
You. To the listeners, Well, you’ve been instrumental in my journey, Guy. There’s no question about it. I mean, I would probably say that you are, one of the major reasons why I am where I am
Yeah, no, it means a lot to me It’s beautiful to hear and your little messages that come through now and then about this particular podcast episode or ever It’s truly great and So my first question to you is just to help support our listeners If you were at an intimate dinner party right now and you sat next to a stranger and they asked you what you did for a living How would you reply?
Well, that’s a really interesting question, because I’ve heard you ask that. every podcast and I thought if you ask me if I’m sitting next to somebody on a plane, I’d be like, I’d be saying straight away, I’m medical intuitive, I work with energy. And then if there’s more questions, then I’ll answer if not, I’ll just go back to my meditation or my book and leave it at that. I guess I’m sort of a little bit in this virtual closet around some, you know, in with my husband’s conservative friends, I kind of oscillate between counselor, I do, because I’m an EFT practitioner, so I say I work with, you know, energy, but to go to the stretch that I’m a medical intuitive now and I’m working like in energy and removing demons and entities, it’s like such a huge stretch for people. I, and I’m pretty good at reading that, you know, that conservative, you know, they could barely handle the EFT tapping. So, um, I think the energy stuff’s a bit of a
Yeah. Well, you’ll be coming out of the closet more and more now, especially when this podcast goes live.
Oh, yes, yes, I’m ready to launch. Yeah, finally
Totally. No, it’s exciting. I hear you. I feel you. And I know what that journey’s like. And I still have grapples with certain parts today that I don’t really share about as well. Just because of I don’t know it’s strange, but I I totally understand where you’re coming from for sure So let’s let’s go on a little bit of a journey because you’re talking about your medical intuitive I want to get into your story as well because it’s fascinating.
But how would you describe a medical intuitive briefly?
Well, I guess the medical intuitive taps into the energy body of a person and can see where the blockages are. And, you know, I guess there are some medical intuitives that see that full x ray vision of the body. And I know that, um, people just do that and they just read and then they will tell you what’s going on in your body. Um, for me, the medical intuitive component involves scanning the body, but also then being able to, um, unlock those blockages. Yeah, through just channeling divine energy and helping people unlock what needs to be unlocked.
Yeah. So, you know, um, I don’t get the, you know, I don’t get the full picture if you’re coming in for an, you know, a full MRI.
Um, that’s not what I’m about, but I can, I get these mirrored images. symptoms in my body. So if somebody sits down, I’ll go, Ooh, I’ve got neck pain. Do you have neck pain? back pain? How’s your lower back? And so then we start exploring from there. Um, and then because I have this clear cognizance, it just comes in and the messages come in about what it’s all about. And sometimes the energy flows and sometimes I’m blocked from knowing what it is. And that that’s that person’s
Yeah No phenomenal so with your journey, then let’s get into it because one thing you mentioned was energy body and pain in the body so and how they are correlated and most Many I mean from my experience with working with many people Most people are not even aware of their bodies in the first place what’s going on and that there’s an energy component Influencing the physical component and it’s like You First of all, we have to be open to that to start to understand it But then it’s how do we move through that release it and with your journey Then when did you start to really start to put things together from maybe a spiritual perspective an energy perspective?
My journey, you know, I started off as a good Catholic girl, and then, uh, I studied politics and history at university, and it just, like, the suffering, the human suffering was so intense, like, I just couldn’t believe that there was a God that would allow that. And we might go into, you know, my theories about that later, but, um, so I was like a full blown atheist.
When you die, you die. That’s it. so, my mom died tragically. Oh, well, she died from, um, stomach cancer at, you know, 56. Um, and it was a real shock. even then when she died, I just knew, that’s it, she’s dead. but, you know, my dad had always been this, um, proponent of this Dr. Sarno. who was the guy, the original guy with like, your, your chronic pain is related to subconscious rage. And so my dad healed his pain through that. So I’d always had that in the back of my mind, that there was a link between that emotion. But Dr. Sarno had a very simplistic view. It was like, you know, subconscious rage. Well, there’s all these other emotions now we know about. So I guess, um, you know, my journey was, uh, I was able to intellectualize and understand that, I still couldn’t work out, well, what, what is causing that?
I buried my emotions so deeply that I couldn’t even access what the emotion could be to release it. So, you know, um, and I suffered so many back pain, neck pain, chronic stomach issues, you know, through my whole life really. Um, And I know you read my, my bio, but it got to the point. Um, you know, by the time, um, I got caught up in a riot, which, um, was at a juvenile detention center. Um, I had, you know, glass shattered all over my head. I had to hide in the closet. And,
in this prison. Yeah, it was pretty intense. My body was in shutdown. Like I was, I had, uh, I was so exhausted. I could barely eat any foods without getting any kind of issues. My knees were, you know, really in pain.
My ankle was sore. I had, you name it. I’d, I’d, you know, the physical, but I’d, I’d fractured my coccyx. It took over a year to recover.
was that from the riot the fractured coccyx or
fractured coccyx was me rushing to get to work and I slipped down the stairs on cycling cleats because, you know, in my, In
lifestyle, it was all about spin classes and HIIT training and, and you know, going as hard as fast as I could.
Um, and my body just, my body was kept telling, giving me nudges. Slow down Peggy, slow down. And then finally I had to get hit as you do to, to really start to explore.
what would you position in the in the detention center? What were you doing there?
So I was a teacher actually, but I was doing like, um, I’d done a master’s in sports medicine. I’m a student, um, in mental health in, in, um, and so they’d opened up the school in this juvenile detention center and I’d worked as a teacher when I came to Australia, um, so like you, I’m an expat, so I’m originally Canadian, came to Australia, 1997.
And so I was working as a teacher and it was just, um, I loved it, um, but I was in constant fight or flight, you know, but that was the, that was what my nervous system was used to. Right. So that was my childhood. I had, you know, I’ve got beautiful parents, but they, they struggled, you know, um, uh, this, my dad struggled with self regulation and there was a financial stress.
And then my mom, you know, my mom was orphaned at 11 and her, her mom had been murdered. You know, um, it was a horrific story.
And so, you know, my mom had, you know, four kids back to back, and I was the third. And she moved house twice, I think, by the time I was eight months old. And so, you can imagine that little baby just sitting there, crying.
And I was a sensitive child. I used to cry a lot. So I just got, I guess the lessons I learned from that was like, shut down the emotion. It’s not okay to have feelings. Nobody’s going to come and hurt you. know, help you co regulate. And so that’s what happened. It just all went into my body.
Yeah, so then you’re working at the detention center, you’ve got a fractured coccyx, which must be horrific, the pain,
because my mum had a similar accident when she was younger, and she couldn’t sit down, like, you know,
um, and then you were still forced to work while you’re in that pain, and then you got caught in a riot. So then what happened, was that a tipping point after the riot?
it was a tipping point. And I ended up, uh, Um, I said to my principal at the time that the place is going to implode. And I guess that was where my clairvoyance was always there, but I didn’t, I just could see this, you know, um, this disaster waiting to happen. The whole place did implode. And then I didn’t have a workplace to go back to because the classrooms were all destroyed.
Everything was destroyed. The whole, all of the units, all of the housing units, they had to push them all around different places in Victoria. um, I just had to pause. It was a really, it was a big thing. What am I doing? Am I putting my family in danger? Really, you know, mom can’t get home from work because I’m locked in a prison, right? So I had to really look and examine. So I took some time off work. I had to, um, And then I was broken. I was just literally physically, emotionally broken. And I ended up at Fifth Element Wellness, which is where, and I was trying to repair my gut, you
just go back to basics, um, slow down and, and do some yoga and do some saunas and just try to reboot the nervous system. And that’s where I, I met you
Yeah, I know Fifth Element Wellness, like if people search way back, the ex owner Dave O’Brien, was a good friend of mine who owned the fitness center. I spoke to him and he gave me the opportunity because I sold my supplement company and he said, do you want to hold a meditation workshop at the studio?
And that was absolutely. So is that the first time when you wandered into that workshop? Was that the first time you’d done something like that, or?
Yeah. I think Dave O’Brien got me onto looking at heart math.
And that was when I just started to learn about, you know, slowing down my breath and just being aware of my heart. I didn’t even know it was there. And, um, And I guess, yeah, you, I’d sort of just at the same time sort of discovered the Joe Dispenza
Mm hmm.
but your explanation was so much easier for me to understand, and you really simplified it in a way that just helped me understand that, ah, my subconscious programming, my subconscious programming, oh my god, my subconscious, I need to, this is where it is, this is where it’s hiding. Because I could intellectualize, I could say it all out, but then there was these. You know, these triggers that just happen. You, you react in a way and you have to heal that part of you. Otherwise, you know, it, it doesn’t stop.
Totally. Totally. Well, let’s keep going into the journey, because I think your journey and how you explore and unearth the wisdom will be there for so many people, because I know how frustrating it is. to not be able to resolve or something that keeps reoccurring in your life, that keeps showing up in different ways, whether it be pain, emotions, or even things, reoccurring circumstances in your life as well.
And once all the pieces start to connect, it’s so freeing. It’s incredible. So then, so then what happened, you leaning into heart coherence, you came and did the meditation. I believe that’s when I started my podcast back in 2018. So you would have been listening to that.
I went right down the rabbit hole with you. Um, I think I was, I think that, you know, I’d, I’d listened to somebody tell me a story of their near death experience at a work function, believe it or not, a couple of years prior. And that just went, I went, huh. Maybe there is something else there, because he was so, I mean, here’s this person in front of me telling me, and I was like, I, I respect him, he’s just a normal guy, and I thought, there has to, maybe there is something out after you die, and we don’t just die, and then of course the whole quantum physics explanation, I was really drawn to that, my, you know, my theoretical brain, and, um, got to, you know, know, I have to hear it from a scientific perspective for me to kind of really get drawn in.
So that Dr. Bruce Limpton and Teresa Pillard and, you know, all your sort of conservative. PhD people who are telling me, Oh, there’s actually something out there. There is a quantum physics. There is a spirituality. There is a, you know, there are some divine unity consciousness out there. So I dove straight down the rabbit hole with, with you along every single podcast. Just going, what? Oh my goodness. And then Googling and signing up for webinars and getting on newsletters. And I, I just devoured the information.
Yeah. So then
to, I wanted to find, guess, um, another way to, to, to release and connect and feel whole. Um, because what I was doing wasn’t working.
you ended up at a retreat and you came twice, you came twice as well.
Which which is we’ve had some people come four or five times because every time they come they learn something new So I just want to put that out there because there’s always an if we change we evolve And then our relationship to the work evolves, right?
definitely. So the first retreat. That first sound healing was I guess my Kundalini awakening, you know, it was kind of like equivalent, I would, was telling everybody it was like the equivalent of taking ayahuasca and I remember you know, screaming and rolling on the ground and connecting to, that was my first connection to spirit was my, my dead grandmother who’d been murdered. And she kept telling me, it’s
I’m okay. I’m okay. And, and that was, I just remember bawling my eyes out, but you know, what interesting in that, you know, we, we had to release, um, but I was very much stuck in my victim mode in that retreat. That things were happening to me. And I know that, you know, in all of your podcasts, you’d said, okay, well, you know, if, you know, people would reflect back and say, Oh, I know that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was not at that point yet. And I remember Petra Brezovic just coming up to me and saying to me, you chose your parents. And I thought that is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. And I wanted to punch her in the face because she, I was like, There was, I wanted the empathy, right? I wanted that. I wanted to say, Oh, you poor thing.
Yes, you’ve had, you had this, you know, this mother that couldn’t show you love and you’ve been struggling and you’re a victim to all of these circumstances. And she wouldn’t have a bit, she wouldn’t have a
I bet
just said no. And I, I got so angry. Um, Why would I choose that? Why would a soul choose these parents?
It made no sense to me whatsoever. but it was exactly what I needed to hear because it’s parked something in me that we are souls we, we do choose these experiences to a certain extent. So, so from there, I think I, was the very first time I, I really started to forgive my mom for everything.
’cause she was an alcoholic. She, you know, we had an awful relationship and, um, she was highly critical of me. Um, you know, um, I mean, she was a loving, beautiful person, but it was just my experience, you know?
Of course
and I couldn’t, I couldn’t intellectually understand why she was the way she was based on her childhood, but then to fully embody that and forgive, now that is the. That’s the soul’s journey.
When, when that experience happened in the sound journey, and I want to try and, because if people haven’t experienced it, it can feel very intangible, and you spoke about your, the, your grandmother that was murdered, that, that came in, and was telling you it’s okay, like, and you felt energy moving through your body, I’m assuming, because you said you felt like a kundalini energy, that’s undeniable, right, when it happens.
What did you notice from then when you went back into the world over the next few months? Like, how did it simmer into your consciousness? Did you notice shifts in the body? Did you notice shifts in yourself? Or is there not one point that you could put it on, but it just continues to evolve?
was completely changed. Like, completely and utterly changed from that moment. Um, from that retreat. I found it very difficult to come back and just relate to people
Yeah, of course.
normal conversations about mundane things. Because I thought you, there’s this depth, uh, um, and this connection that we have that you, why, why, why isn’t everybody talking about it? Um, I found it really difficult. So, um, it, it did really change me because I realized that, um, you know, this, this, yeah, this spirit, this, this connection is there for me. And it was just like, I had like a, it was like a little light and it came back and then it kind of closed off again. And I wanted that connection again.
So I was diving down into the meditation to try to recreate those feelings. But it was, I was being, quite blocked for a
Yeah. So you came back to the retreat for the second round. I never did so what evolved from there and then we can go into medical intuitive.
from there, I guess the first retreat was really healing. My relationship with. And my second one was really looking at my relationship with my, my husband at the time because, you know, my, my, he, my husband had quit his job to launch his passion and business. And financially we were, we were fine really, but we have been used to a particular lifestyle.
And so it, um, his stress, it affected my stress. And I, I kept, I was really stuck in the position that he wasn’t doing enough to make me feel loved, you see? And. It really wasn’t about him. He was showing me that I needed to love myself. And so this journey is like that. I remember that, that particular, um, retreat, that’s actually gonna make me cry.
Cause I was remember the, we had those, the power of H, you know, the eight people and you chose me for healing and everyone’s got their hands above me. And I felt this wave. It was like, um, it was like a morphine drip, you know, when I’d had my knee surgery. It was like this wave of peace and calm that came over my body from these eight people, of this love that I’d never, I’d never felt this love before. But it was love from, was basically love from them, but it was, it was showing me that I am love. and, and from that moment it was really about me. turning into my own self love. And when I started to love myself genuinely and connect to myself, all of a sudden, my relationship with my husband is just, It’s just been amazing since then.
And, and then of course, lockdown happened and not long after. And we got so close. It was just magical for us, but it was that retreat, you
sparked that for me.
Yeah. Wow. There’s always, there’s always a lesson. Like I’m, I’m so, I tried re I really try my best not to get caught up in my ego or my head these days. Cause I get slapped immediately. And, and just try to be the witness of, of all the different things that go, because there’s always a lesson.
Consciousness is always wanting to show us something to allow ourselves to expand and grow. I truly believe that. And, you know, I forgot that you actually went in the healing circles that we do. How would you describe that to someone? Because energy healing is extremely, is powerful. And did you, did you fully surrender in that? Because,
Oh, fully, fully surrendered. I was bawling my eyes out. I mean, I’d read. I’d watched the Lynne McTaggart podcast and I really was so fascinated by that because she was this science journalist, this scientific mind, and yet she’s going into this like eight, you know, this power of eight. And I thought, well, this has to be real. And then to actually experience those eight people and to feel the wave, um, I, yeah, I was bawling my eyes out. But I couldn’t, I couldn’t, um, believe the, the, the power of that. Um, of those eight people just in their heart space sending me healing love.
Yeah. Yeah. No. Beautiful. So then you came out of that retreat, you went into lockdown and then are you, are you working or not working at this point now? So yeah.
Yeah. So no, yeah. So I went back to mainstream school and then I started working as, um, so yeah, I left the prison and I went in and I started doing, I was the student wellbeing coordinator at a high school. So counseling students, which I absolutely love doing. Um, and, but I was, you know, I just do the traditional CBT kind of, um, you know, cognitive behavior therapy approach with the kids, change your thinking. You know, watch your thoughts, you know, um, I found it really wasn’t helpful for a lot of kids who are stuck in their head. And that’s when I discovered the EFT tapping because I’d met Alia Hopkins at that retreat. And then, yeah, so my lockdown project was all about EFT and discovering the power of like, Calming the body down, um, and the nervous system, working with the vagus nerve, and, and that was really my passion for a couple of years, but I knew that there was something else, um, because it still felt slow for me, you know, because I could see, like, as soon as I would see, and I could see what the issue was, um, I was just like, well, let’s just remove it, but it was like, it’s a slow process, you know, you, um, I knew what the core issue was, but we have to start with particular events and go slow.
And, um, but it worked really well with the kids at school for sure.
I could get kids back in the classroom after a panic attack and, you know,
Oh, amazing. Amazing.
So it was, it was brilliant. But I was, again, it was that energy
Yeah. Energy body. Isn’t it? It is a slow process because the body, um, doesn’t know. If there’s a traumatic event actually happening or it’s just energy being released and moving And as we develop that relationship with the body and the nervous system and it understands and learns then it can start to really Move and let that trauma go but there’s definitely a balancing act in into it, isn’t there?
So so you’re in lockdown at what point then did you go? I’m gonna run with this I’m gonna start leaning in even more was it when you met patrice or was it before that? Wow.
I was doing my meditations. I was just connecting to this bliss that I couldn’t believe that, you know, it was this, it was like taking an ecstasy tablet. Um, although, know, caveat, I haven’t, anyway, the, the, it was just this incredible euphoria.
And I thought, why isn’t everybody doing this? It’s just this, you know, I didn’t realize I’m quite an open channel. So it was like, it was easier for me to connect. And I. I would have my 20 minutes in the morning, I was just like, oh, you know, this emotion and this connection. And then I was doing some cranial sacral therapy, um, treatments, after lockdown.
And I would have more Kundalini experiences in those, in those treatments where it was like my heart would expand and I could feel these spirits and they were entering my body and ancestors were there. And so, That’s when I started to really go, right? What, what do I want to learn? How do I want to get there?
So when I listened to one of the podcasts with Heather Avani and I had my Kashuk records read, because I want to say, what is my, what is my sole purpose? What, you know, she highlighted all my Claire’s and I guess with Claire Cognizance, which is that knowing, You get a little bit confused. You’re like, well, did I make that thought up or did that just come like, you know, but then she confirmed it for me and what what I always had as intuitive hits, I’d attributed to all.
I’ve read that in a book or, you know, I knew that. And then, you know, And then I had Patrice, I did Patrice Christofiak’s, um, I listened to his podcast and as soon as I saw his, um, name and the medical intuitive, I said, Oh my God, that’s what I wanted to do. Cause I had been searching and searching. I didn’t know exactly. I knew I wanted to do something else, but I, I just couldn’t, I couldn’t find the modality that was, was hitting the mark. So I sent him an email, got a session with him.
You were fortunate because he texted me about 12 hours after that podcast went live. And he said, mate, I’ve had to turn my, my booking schedule off. Because the year was, it’s booked out. And he said,
yeah, yeah, yeah, he did tell me, he did freak out a bit. Well, I, I listened to it on the way to work. got to work, and I booked the session, and I couldn’t get in till the end of April. he sent me an email and said, I’m called to see you earlier. And so I thought, Oh my God, what do I have terminal cancer?
And he can see it and he wants to fix me. But he just, he was called to see me earlier. And then we had this incredible three hour session. then at the end of the two hours, he unblocked my crown. He removed some entities from my stomach. Yeah, yeah,
you? Like, how would you describe the session and what happened? Because you’re, you were now doing the same thing, right?
doing the same thing. So how do I describe it? Um, so guess he just tunes into your body and you know, he shakes, he moves. And then I started having all this energy release. I’m shaking, I’m burping, it’s like, it’s, it’s really physical. Um, and he, I could feel the energy moving through my body. Um, could, um, at one, I had my eyes closed and it was like, it was the same sensation of being in that power of eight, but it was like amplified, right? incredible feeling of like a drug going through your body. And, um, but sometimes I’m comfortable getting a bit of nausea because as that, as that darker energy is coming out, you, you are, you can get nauseous. I was hot. was sweating. I was shaking. And, um, And at one stage I could, I, I just said, Oh, I think Jesus is here.
And Patrice just said, Oh, he’s in the back seat. Cause I was doing the call in my car, in my garage, cause it was so early in the morning. And I thought, okay, Jesus is in the back seat. You laugh cause you, you understand what I’m talking about. And then I said, I think Metatron’s here. He said, Oh yeah, he just flew by. it, I was connecting to spirit right there. Um, And it was just this, yeah, everything cleared, um, I just felt like I was floating in the, in the sky with this, this buzz and this high that it’s just, it’s indescribable.
Wow. Wow. So then what did you notice in the weeks coming? Like, was it like, was there any symptoms in the body, the pain? Like, how are your pain levels been, you know, from that journey and, and everything?
oh, yeah, so I, I probably had, I had chronic depression. intestinal issues, know, where I couldn’t attribute to them because I knew I was gluten intolerant. So I’d cut out that that just disappeared honestly in 48 hours, but I did get sick. I did get a head cold for four days after the, after the clearing and that’s what happens, right?
Is that your body is shedding all the And, um, and you’ve got pain in your neck right now, don’t you guys?
I do. Yeah.
Peggy: I can feel it actually. I actually felt it before the call. I can feel it in my neck. Anyway, maybe we can do something after the call and I can help you out with that. Um, um, so yeah, so I had this knee, this chronic knee pain and I hadn’t been able to run for over 12 years.
And he said, look, it’ll take about three to four months, maybe four to six months. And I was able to run again. I mean, that was, that was the miracle really for me. Um, but the clarity and then my heart space burst wide open and I was bawling at everything because I guess there was this protective layer around my heart. Um, and I was just so open, um, everything was creating this awe and joy and wonder for me. Like it was like I was feeling all these beautiful emotions that was making me feel I guess grateful to be alive. Yeah.
So, how would you describe it to listeners then, because this would merge into what we’re Patrice was doing with you, but what you now do is with that energy field. What is it when you talk about different things being cleared, you’ve mentioned entities, you mentioned trauma, you mentioned, I don’t know, but I know there’s ancestral trauma, there’s
parallel or past lives, depending on how you view these things, like, how do you now see it and what is going on and how would you best describe it of how that is actually influencing the body and our lives and the pain.
So, yeah, there’s a number of reasons for pain. I mean, here’s your 3D life and your emotional body that you have in your relationships with your family that, you know, you’re, um, you, we store those things, right? We have to, we, we think we’re processing them, but we’re not. We’re, we’re processing them. Um, but then there’s pain and that can be attributed to entities.
Now, I know this is the most, the craziest thing that I, I think I’ve lost a few friends over this because they just thought I’m absolutely bonkers for saying this. um, they come, when I’m working with a client, I, they come to me and it’s like a visual of pain. It could be like a snake or an octopus.
And I mean, I’m just like a normal middle class person here. And this is what’s happening in my head. And I’m not, you know, mentally delusional or anything like are, I guess, spirits and bodies and people that have died that they don’t really know they’re died. They haven’t gone to the light. wandering around. They, they end up walking in and they’re almost like energetic parasites. So sometimes they can really create havoc in our, um, havoc in our stomach. Um, around our throat, in our headaches, um, you know, body pains. I mean, my, my sister had surgery and when you work, when you get surgery, you can, you can really be open.
There’s a lot of, um, entities in, in hospitals. And she woke up with feeling like a gorilla was, you know, you know, lying on her chest. And, um, you know, I did a, I did a clearing for her. I actually had to get Patrice to help me because there were so many. And, um, but then she woke up the next day and she, and it was all gone. So it’s, it’s tangible and it’s real, uh, because, um, we, you know, we, we shift the energy. We send, we’re like conduits of a channeling, The energy I take, you know, I’m an open channel to divine energy and it comes through my body and I transmute it. If that makes sense, like full green mile, sort of everybody I’ve seen that movie where sometimes I’m actually vomiting and I have to keep a bucket
beside me in sessions
Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s yeah. I know. It’s full on work. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s, I mean, eventually my nervous system is going to adapt and I won’t be vomiting as much, but I, I, I am vomiting up entities, when it,
It’s it’s fascinating because I think it’s something I want to address on the podcast as well because The word entities can conjure up fear and a lot of fear as well for people And first of all, I’d recommend everyone listen to robert gilbert He
he’s a I think I think he was a nuclear physicist. I can’t remember.
He’s a very analytical person, but very deeply spiritual And he breaks all this down very well and how everything is actually from source consciousness anyway um, that’s the first thing and What have you found working with it? Are you fearful of it in your own life or thing?
no, not at all. And in fact, it’s, to me, it’s just, imagine, it’s imagine just like a poor soul that just needs love and light. That’s all it is. Like it, you know, it’s, um, and I think the word entity, uh, it does have a bad connotation. I mean, look, there are demons and they do exist and we have done exorcist, uh, exorcisms and, you know, removing them. They’re a bit more, um, and difficult to remove, um, and you know, but there’s no, it’s, uh, you know, this is what my calling is. I know it sounds completely strange to say that, that I’m a demon slayer and an entity remover, and that’s what I do. But that, um, there isn’t nothing, there isn’t anything to be feared there. Because we are just love and light and everybody just wants to be brought back to the
love and the light Yeah. And it’s all energy at the end of the day. I mean, I work with thousands of people, literally. And, and there’s a lot of energy moving and I’m holding space for a lot of people. And it literally is, if you hold space in heart, love, and light things, things move in the
way. And you raise that vibration.
It’s as simple as that. But for me, it’s a good mirror in, in life because ultimately you attract what you fixate and focus on where your attention is and what what is the resonance intent behind something and if we are living very fearful and in scarcity or whatever that might be or victim or which is hard to see when we’re in it then we tend to continue to fixate on things.
That are not serving us because it keeps us in our, ourselves disempowered. And there’s, there’s a huge lesson there for all of us to, once we get that, to be able to then apply it in our lives and become liberated and empowered and support others on their journey, no matter how you look at it.
That’s right. And I’ve often heard you speak about this in the podcast, but there’s sort of like, you know, you do your meditation, you do your retreat, but then what are you doing for the other hours of the day? And how are you living? How are you approaching people? How are you processing what’s happening in front of you?
How are you living in a high vibrational state? Because you’re not going to get entities. You’re not going to take on things if you are living in a high vibrational state. Which means, you know, the, the emotions of anger, frustration, you know, judgment, jealousy, envy. are emotions that bring your vibration down and they, you become more open to those kind of attacks. So, uh, you know, I think, um, And you know, and if, if you’re in a set, if I’m in a session and I’m not completely neutral, if I have any kind of emotion, I am, I am susceptible to taking on some of the stuff that my client might have and it might go into my body. So it’s so like my emotional state has to be completely neutral and in just pure heart space, um, and to, to maintain that.
And, you know, uh, and we, you know, we’ve got clients that we will, we will clear. We clear their field, you know, um, and I’ll get into past lives in a moment, but the, but then they go on back to their life and they’re back into victim mode, they’re back into blaming, they’re back into poor me, um, and there’s not a lot of forgiveness and there’s a lot of anger and resentment and then they just keep, they, you know, you just keep getting the same stuff back. So it’s, it’s important to live that high vibrational life, um, and have an outlet for your emotions. are healthy and not to dwell. Because I think those, the state of anger and frustration, those are normal human emotions. if we just allow them to be fully there, they’ll process in 90
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Then. With, with all of, um, what you’re sharing, let’s move into then, um, past lives. What have you experienced? What have you explored? How much is, what’s your belief around past lives now?
Oh, they are 100%, 100 percent part of who we are and they affect our soul and our energy body. Um, I think that, you know, I’ve seen, way too many things, um, to not believe. so, you know, past lives can really affect the energy body. And I think, you know, there’s some Buddhist monks that say up to 80 percent of physical ailments are due to past lives, which is completely crazy if you think about that.
No. Um, certainly, you know, when people have, Like, there’s some common themes around, let’s say, throat issues. is like, you know, in past lives, there’s that witch wound from having been killed for speaking your truth. Or anybody who’s tried to speak their truth, they’ve had their head chopped off, they’ve been burnt at the stake. And these visions just come in my head in these sessions. So, um, you know, um, people that I’ve witnessed, um, A, a lot of trauma they have, they can have eye issues. Um, people that have been, I mean, I worked with one client and I just said to her, she said, look, I, um, I don’t know what, you know, can, can I book another session?
I said, look, I’m very called for you to do Amy’s group, which was all about toxic, um, removing the toxic, the vibration of toxicity in the body. in that group session that she went to, that I was present at. Um, there was a person in that group that had, burnt her alive. So her skin stuff was related to that.
So these groups are never random, they’re absolutely never random. And the healing happens within that group as we are shedding and releasing the vibration from that particular time in past, where there is like forgiveness, they’re releasing, I’m releasing. It never, it never fails to amaze
And if people are listening, I doubted people listening to this are skeptical because or they might be very skeptical. I don’t know. But generally if you’re, you know, three quarters of the way through this podcast, there’s definitely an open inquiry. But if you are skeptical, I think I always encourage people, you got to explore, you got to experience.
You’re only going to get there through experience. You’re not going to get there through analyzing this through the mind. It’s like have a session. See what happens, like, you know, come to a retreat, explore what’s going on, like, until you throw yourself in and start emerging yourself in it.
Yeah, I think, look, for me, it was the, you know, the eminent psychiatrists, the professors, the psychologists with PhDs that have done research into this area that kind of, I mean, that solidified it for me to understand it as a concept.
Of course.
you know, there are research papers. You know, people have done research. There are, know, and the children that speak about these past lives, where would they make up this information from?
not, and what’s interesting is when I’m in a group session and I get a, a hit, a download that some, you know, somebody’s from a past life, and somebody gets the exact same hit, and then somebody else gets the same. How can I make that up when everyone has the same thought at the same time? You know, they say, Oh, I saw a club. Oh yeah, I saw the club too with the spiky ball. You
we’re all seeing the same thing, the same way the person died. How does that happen?
Why do you what are your thoughts on why? The energy body is is still holding it and why is it being released? Or is it there to help us learn or understand an aspect of ourselves? How do you view it all? Okay,
through the karmic lens. And I think that, you know, I think we, we do choose our, we do choose our avatars in this earth game. Um, but I believe that there are karmic lessons that we are choosing to go through. and part of the karmic lessons, you know, if, if we, if we are not living in a high vibrational way, we will accrue karmic debt. And we will come back we will, that will manifest in our body. Um, we might have, you know, it could be chronic illness, pain, suffering. It could be accidents, financial difficulties. So I believe that a lot of our, our circumstances are related to past lives and related to the karma that we have accrued in those past lives.
fair enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
So then, moving forward with your journey, then, and your life, like, you’ve learned all this, you’ve experienced this, I might get into light language as well in a moment, but,
Oh, yes.
yeah, but then, at what point did you fully embrace this and go, right, I’ve got to, like, do you still have a day job, or is this what you do full time, or?
no. I don’t have a day job anymore. Look, I’m, I’m flexible in the sense that I have, I can do emergency relief teaching if I wanted to work in a school. I’ve got some counseling clients that I still have that I’m doing t tapping with. Um, but no, I’m fully launched and it was literally, um, so I had the session with pa. the first week of March at the end of the session, he said, I want to put you on my medical directory and send me a photograph in your blurb. And I was like, what, what, what are you talking about? And so then we, he started the mentorship, which he has, which is an amazing, um, you know, application only mentorship process. but within a week and a half, he asked me to join a call call. Um, and help with healing. So we really are firmly in the mind that, you know, one on one healing is powerful, but when you add two or three practitioners, it doesn’t double or triple, it’s exponential. The healing is so fast. And it’s fun and we, you know, we have a laugh and we connect and the client is, just, you know, supported by this circle of people.
Um, it was the, after the very first session in, in March, and I went to bed and I told my, I started crying. I said to my husband, this is exactly what I want to do. So I had my blurb on that, you know, within, by May, I believe. And I was taking clients from then. um, so I’m fully launched now because I’ve finally found my, you know, this is exactly what I’m meant to be doing.
Of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and
what would you say to anyone listening to this that is maybe still in their day job or that they’ve, there’s a, there’s a, like, place yourself back to a few years ago where, you know, there’s a pull, there’s an urge, there’s something, but may, might not have the, the courage to take that step yet, or are sitting on the fence, you know, with their own journey. Yeah.
That’s it. I think you, you have to trust. And this is, this is something that this is part of. It’s just learning to surrender. And when you fully surrender and trust, and you are fully aligned with what you want to do, because is, and this is why I’m very drawn to your work, Guy, when you, you, you are, you have no ego.
I mean, maybe you say you have a little ego, and you know, Patrice has no ego. It’s like, when you try to put the ego aside, you are, you are living with, from your heart, and you are, you are genuinely there to help people, I mean, yes, you have to make a living, um, have to trust the divine that this is exactly what’s going to happen for you. If you are aligned in what you’re meant to do. Now that the timing aspect is I think I would say, sometimes you’ve got to do both for quite a while. Sometimes you’ve got to cut down to part time to supplement. But it’s when we get in that doubt and that self doubt, that’s the problem. And you’ve got to find your community.
You’ve got to find your people, um, who are, so we’ve got this great community. I, I, you know, I’m on calls all the time with my people that I’ve met through the mentorship and we’re supporting each other. And I send, um, I send people clients, they send me. I mean, I haven’t, I’m not on social media with my business yet.
I’m not, I don’t have the time or I’m not, um, you know, it’s all word of mouth. Um, and it’s all, all been like that so far. So yeah. And I, I send clients to Amy and Marisol and there’s other healers that we just, we just swapped around. Patrice sends people to me and
How wonderful. Yeah, no, good. I’m so happy for you. It’s amazing what you’re doing. It really is.
Yeah, yeah,
to touch on it just a little bit because light language has come up a little bit. What’s your thoughts on that? And how do you apply it in your work? If you do.
essential part of the process. Um, it’s the language of our soul. It’s like, you know, um, as Patrice describes it, when you look at a baby and you’re going, goo goo goo goo ga ga, it’s just like pure love. They understand it, they look back, and they, they could hear exactly what you’re saying.
It’s gibberish with intention. But your soul, their soul gets it. you, it could be a puppy or a baby, but you know that that’s what that is. And so now I’ve got full body goosebumps. That’s really beautiful. So when you connect to the light language, which is light, and we, it’s the most powerful technology that we have to transmute, believe it or not. And what I really like about light language is that you don’t have to relive the trauma and tell me about what happened to you when you’re five years old. You can release it. light language. And so, and I’m not, I mean, my light language has frequencies and messages and, you know, there’s, um, activations in it. But I like to get the client to find theirs, right? This is the thing, like discovering their own light language. And when they speak, when they, it might start off as just like, Oh, and it’s so powerful. Even those first few words, That’s actually the stuff that makes me vomit the most. When I say, look, we’re going to try to release this past life, but I want you to set the intention to release it, but I want you to speak in light language. And, um, the light language of, you know, sometimes it’s something crazy or, you know, um, And when they start speaking, it’s so powerful. And then they have a tool for themselves to walk away with, right? They get, get hit off by some road rage, you speak some light language and release it. You just, it, I can’t tell you how powerful it is.
I’ve walked around, you know, um, parks just releasing and speaking in light language. Because maybe I don’t know why my, my neck is sore. But I’m going to say, I’m going to set the intention to release my neck pain in light language and it just comes out beautifully. Yeah. It is the technology of the future. And you know, my light language changes depending on who’s coming through. So I’m a, I’m an open channel when I’m working with people. So, um, you know, I, I, I work with all sorts of different people, like, well, Masters or whoever you want to call them, Divine Spirits, Metatron, Master Sui, Buddha has come through, Da Vinci helped me work on somebody’s spine. then the light language comes through and it’s completely different for whoever’s coming through. it can be a galactic being that comes through, um,
All sorts.
and for whoever, whatever, it’s the frequency that the person that we’re working with needs to hear.
Yeah, yeah, beautiful. Thank you. Is there anything else you want to add before we wrap up the podcast Peggy?
Oh look, I think, you know, the, the journey of healing and um, it shouldn’t be done alone. Because I know there’s a lot of people that sit in those meditations like wanting to release, and it, you can do it, right? It takes months and months and months. Find a, find a group, book a session with someone and amplify your, and speed up your journey in a way and learn the tools yourself can quicken.
There’s so much technology out there, I mean, you know, light language, um, that can really help people, um, release it. The power of groups is this, is the,
Is the future
way of the future.
one thousand percent. That’s why we bring people together all the time. It’s like It’s it’s magical because then people get to Like you say share from their experience and vice versa. They experience this. They don’t feel like they’re going crazy They can relate to it it removes a lot of the fear of what might be going on because there’s other people experiencing it too and
then once you remove that and feel connected again to others that get you Yeah Yeah.
you live by yourself and. You’re not getting a lot of physical touch. This is going to affect your body. Get your massages, you know. Look, self care and looking after
physical stuff and the grounding and connecting to earth and getting in the water, you know, doing your yoga, doing your, your breath work. Um, it’s so important for your vitality.
Totally. Where can we send them? I’ll have links in the show notes. But you’ve got a website now?
I do. It’s peggio. com. au. Nice and
No. Yeah.
is a bit long. We also have, um, I’m also on the medical dash, um, intuitive directory doc. Sorry, I’ll put it in the show notes as well, where you can find, um, other practitioners, um, that might suit your time zone
Amazing. How do you pronounce your surname? Just
It’s Oberthier.
it’s an unusual one. Yeah.
Peggy. Look, I’m so happy for you. And thanks for coming on the podcast today. And I’m excited to see where your journey goes. I’m sure it’s just going to keep flying. Like, it’s amazing what you’re doing. Thank you so much.
I’m so grateful. Thank you so much, Thank you.
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