Wayne Dyer Quote – How I look at things differently
See how Wayne Dyer quote influence me and change how I look at things differently…
Posted by Guy Lawrence Page on Tuesday, December 4, 2018
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I’m Guy Lawrence, and this is my favorite quote by Wayne Dyer, and here’s why.
So the quote is this, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” What science now knows is that we have millions and millions of bits of information coming at us at any one second, and we’re processing. But we can only actually focus on a couple of thousand bits of information at any one time. So we tend to focus on only a small slither of that amount of information.
Now, interestingly enough, where do we lay our focus on? We tend to lay our focus on how we are feeling. So we’re actually perceiving the environment in front of us by the very way we are feeling in that moment, and it’s that feeling that’s influencing the way we think and perceive that situation.
So the beautiful thing about this quote is that, if we learn to become more of the observer as opposed to reactionary, we can then start to observe how we’re feeling and how we’re perceiving the world in that moment.
And of course, if we can start to then not buy into our feelings, and potentially change the way we are feeling in that moment, we can then start to perceive the world differently. In other words, we can start to change the way we see things, and then the way we see things begins to change.
I’m Guy Lawrence. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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