#165 This week, I have the pleasure of having a conversation with the lovely Petra Brzovic. Petra is a certified transpersonal and clinical hypnotherapist, regression and Past life regression therapist, Life between Lives therapist, yoga teacher and aromatherapist. In her own words, Petra “helps people heal whatever they need to heal, and to remember who they are and to live with their purpose.”
In our conversation today, we mostly talk about trauma, the process of healing it, and the connection between our bodies, our emotions, and the trauma we have experienced. Does your back pain mean something more? Does your body remember things your mind doesn’t? If you have ever been curious about how our body stores trauma as pain and how you can finally heal, this episode is for you.
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About Petra: Petra Brzovic is a certified transpersonal and clinical hypnotherapist, regression and Past life regression therapist, Life between Lives therapist, yoga teacher and aromatherapist. Petra has been working on the latest Body & mind medicine discoveries. With an international team of scientists, she is running research on brain, mind, body and soul connection, consciousness, and healing. As a Master Trainer and Instructor Petra is training and teaching therapists around the world, helping them learn how to help others heal.
►Audio Version:
Key points with time stamp:
- Releasing Trauma from The Body (00:00)
- Petra’s work in her own words (00:25)
- What lead Petra to become who she is (02:57)
- The role of adversities in building character (05:15)
- Why do we as adults have a high emotional pain tolerance? (06:12)
- The relationship between the mind, body, and trauma (08:36)
- Easy tips for when you are feeling stuck (13:34)
- What sparked Petra’s interest and made her enter this field (16:41)
- The connection between life events, emotions, and physical pain (20:31)
- What are energy centres and how are they connected to emotions? (25:53)
- The wide array of traumas Petra has healed (32:05)
- A low point in Petra’s life that later became a blessing (38:19)
- Petra’s morning routine (42:59)
- Petra’s choice of a dinner guest from any timeframe (44:39)
- What Petra leaves us with (46:00)
Mentioned in this episode:
- Matt Omo
- Bruce Lipton
- The Biology of Belief, 2005. A book by Bruce Lipton
- Albert Einstein
- Nikola Tesla
Petra’s Website:
About me:
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Guy 00:01
Petra, welcome to the podcast.
Petra 00:03
Hi, guy, thank you for having me.
Guy 00:06
You know, I was thinking earlier because I had Matt on the show a few days ago. And I’m thinking, why haven’t I got Petra on sooner? Like, it’s been so long since you last came on the show. So I’m very happy we could make it happen.
Petra 00:19
I’m very happy to be here with you. And I guess it’s the right timing now. So let’s see what comes out?
Guy 00:25
Absolutely. So I’m gonna ask you what I asked everyone on the show. And that is, if you were at an intimate dinner party right now. And you sat next to a complete stranger. And they asked you what you did for a living? What would you say?
Petra 00:38
I actually just had a very similar conversation with my kids the other day, because they don’t know how to explain what their mom does. And then even their mom doesn’t know how to explain what she does. So most usually, I say, I’m a therapist, because it’s pretty challenging to explain what actually I do to you know, just a random person. Yeah, but actually, I do so much in so many levels that I don’t think that the word exists for what I’m doing, actually. What would you say? What do I know? How would you explain to somebody else we’re?
Guy 01:18
so when… when it’s funny when people ask us what we do, or what do we do at the retreat?
suspension? Especially? Because I even got asked today? Well, what do you do? And I just say why run retreats at the moment? Like, because it’s a simple answer. And then, and then they ask, what do you do? And I say, Oh, I help people remember who they really are. And then I always get Hmm, really interesting kind of thing from that. But when people ask me about you, which happens as well, so what does Matt do? What is Petra do I actually say, intuitive therapist? So but then I still get puzzled.
Petra 01:53
Exactly. I know. I know. Yeah. So it’s hard to describe. But I would say that I help people heal, whatever they need to heal and to remember who they are and to live their purpose. And just, yeah, trying to bring more love and light into the world. While I’m still here. I think that’s what all three of us do, actually. Yeah, and that’s what got us.
Guy 02:23
And it can sound really broad can’t it? But as we start to lift under the hood, and realize how much stuff that we hold, we carry past traumas, past experiences, even beyond our mind, when we when we willing to start to look and start to go under the hood a little bit. It’s amazing what we find. And it’s just when people are ready to look that if the, if maybe if it’s the pain is too great, they can’t bear it anymore, or they actually just ready to be self empowered. That’s, when they tend to show up.
Petra 02:56
Exactly, yeah.
Guy 02:57
So my question for you is because I know you’ve been looking at this work a very long time. And like you say, You have so many kinds of tools to your toolkit and and how passionate you are. What I’m curious about for you is what led you down this path in the first place?
Petra 03:18
Well, if we are talking about, like, really the first moments of me feeling and knowing that I will be doing this, it really goes very early into my childhood. Because I really, really could feel this strong pool and just in a knowingness that I know that I’ll be helping a lot of people. But you know, being raised in a pretty normal family with all problems, like 3d, earthly problems and stuff, I kind of didn’t go onto that path. Fully from the beginning, you know, I was just studying economics and working running the company and stuff like that, and, but along the way, I always, in my own time, I would retreat, and I would explore, you know, energy work and healing and I was always learning all those techniques. And then at one point in my life, when, as you know, my my life really collapsed and it all broken down. I just
had the opportunity to go back to my normal life that I knew, or to finally start living my purpose. And then I decided to start living my purpose. And I’ve never regretted really, because since then, my life really took an amazing turn. And I’ve been supported by amazing people and just doing what I’m supposed to be doing while I’m here. But everything that I went through up to that moment really helped me understand people I work with because you know, I was a normal person. I Had my challenges, I have my challenges still, which really helps me be connected with them from my heart and you know, just understand and know how they feeling. Because I’ve had my challenges and adversities as well.
Guy 05:15
I was gonna ask you, because do you think that you had to go through those challenges and
adversities to really be able to do what you do now? Or do you think you could be doing what you do now without those challenges, and adversities that happened in your life?
Petra 05:31
Well, I don’t know, how would it be if I didn’t have all these challenges, but I can tell you that I really find the blessing in them. And when I work with people, I can really catch myself feel, what they’re going through, you know, I’ve had my share of traumas, I’ve had many, many things that I had to go through my life and many losses, and I really feel them. So I don’t know if I would be able to feel it, if I didn’t go through that path. But I can tell that I’m grateful for all the experiences I had, even though it was very hard and very challenging.
Guy 06:12
Yeah, yeah. Well, question for you is, and and because you work with so many people as well. And you see people come in, and they’ll, come in, when those challenges and those pain is great, and they’re ready to shift and ready to move on. And, and speaking from your own experience, why do you think it is that we kind of allow and sit with the challenges in life and the discomfort and the pain, and we continue to, to live that way, until it gets to a point that it becomes so great, that we then decide to change? I mean, from your own experience now, even now, you can look back with the wisdom and from yourself and working with other people? Do you think it’s part of our soul souls calling and our journey? Or do you think it’s just becoming growing up as a human being? Well, what do you?
Petra 07:04
think it’s both, you know, because as souls we really, before we come to the earth, we decide what kind of experiences we want to go through what do we want to learn, in which circumstances, and then we have to go through that journey and walk that path, and we need to experience and feel what we came to learn. And this overcoming all those problems and challenges and adversities is just a one part of the learning, you know, and I think we are postponing that, because we are evolving and maturing. And I would say, you know, most of us feel really lost and unable to cope. And we just keep on looping in this feeling of just being where we are not knowing how to push through until we are ready. And then somebody comes into our life. And you know, it could be a person, it could be an ad for a retreat, whatever, therapist, something happens, that pushes us on the journey, and then we, you know, peel a huge layer off and we start healing. But the timing needs to be right, we need to be riping in one way. And yes, some people do heal in in smaller steps. And some people really, you know, heal in huge chance, I would say,
Guy 08:36
we really need to be ready, we need to be right by suppose like you said, and you know, when you are ready to go through that work. And from your experience, as well. Because I’m fascinated, right? Because and you you always dissect this so amazingly, when I see you in when you’re operating, especially at the retreat, thrown out call group coaching calls or whatever, you know, because the way you break things down, because we always get caught up in the mind, we’re always trying to solve things from the mind. And and it’s always the mind that got us into the problems in the first place to a degree. But obviously we can have traumatic experiences or things influences, but we but they could be so long ago we even forget about them. But yet they still affecting us at a deeper level beyond the mind. So how would you explain it to someone for the first time when you start to work with these modalities, working with trauma, working with people, when people are ready to start going within and looking at this?
Petra 09:37
I mean, even though our conscious mind might not understand or remember what actually is cause of the problems that we are facing today. You know, our bodies continue to remember we continue to carry the memory. And we know today you know that 95% of our mind is subconscious mind and it’s stored in the body and if we continue to try to understand it with this fun percent of our conscious mind, we cannot. But we all try to do that we all spend a lot of time trying to understand what’s going on. And when Why are we facing certain things, or we continue blaming other people or situations in our life or what’s happening. And then comes the point when most usually our body starts, you know, calling out and you know, through some diseases or illnesses or pain and discomfort, and then we kind of get afraid of what might happen with us. And then we start looking into other ways of healing. Or sometimes a huge shift happens in our relationships, maybe we just go through a divorce or a big loss, or we lose a job or something like that happens, and that that really wakes us up, and we realize, okay, now I really need to do something with my life. So it could be different things for us. But the most important thing is that we really cannot comprehend what’s going on with our conscious mind, we need to dive into ourselves. And then also, as we continue doing this work to become we do become more more aware of the souls we are in this amazing wisdom that we can actually tap into on a daily basis and get the answers. So even though we do forget what we decided to learn here, before we are born. I think as we just spoke a few minutes ago, before the podcast that as the veil is being lifted for all of us,
we are all more and more cautious and aware. And we are more and more easily tapping into the infinite source, and getting the information so that we could all rise and move through the challenges, as you know, the whole community as a whole earth much faster now. I think we really live in amazing times now. And it is challenging for all of us. And it’s new, and it’s fast. But I think we already otherwise it wouldn’t be happening.
Guy 12:02
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. It’s quite incredible that but with some of the things you say, and I think most people listening to this show, and podcasts will be nodding their heads in agreement. But it can be a stretch for people to be thinking like that as well, if they’ve not experienced, especially in the old self, and I was only having a conversation with Matt the other day, like my old self, the old rugby player drinking beer self was so far removed from this, I had no concept but I get to reflect back on him now and see him and feel where he was at when looking upon this work. And once you start to have embodied experiences, and start to dive into it, you really start to understand it. But you have to experience it first. I find definitely
Petra 12:49
definitely. I mean, for somebody who still isn’t on this path. This is like really woowoo. And I know that both are some crazy to them. But I know they will come to one point to you know, to understand what we are talking about when they experienced it. And that’s what often happens on our retreats. Right, right. When people come because they just had enough of their lives, they have no idea of what we are doing most of them. But they’re just had enough. And they surrender to us. And then they really experience and embody all this. And then they go out as completely different people. And there’s just love seeing that.
Guy 13:34
Yeah, yeah, it’s why we do what we do is nurse incredible. What What tips would you give for someone listening to this right now that might be in a place or a practice, they can start looking at just during the day or something to think, okay, I’m in pain, I’m not happy. I don’t know why I keep doing this. I like direction. I like purpose, because this is what we see. And I feel a bit helpless and I feel stuck. But at the end of the day the answers come from ourselves on within, which is seems like a paradox when we’re always seeking externally to for someone to tell us what to do. I mean, what kind of things have you found have helped yourself over the years? In your own challenges when because we’ve all been in those places, of course, as well.
Petra 14:26
We’ve all been I mean, just the fact that we are becoming aware of that something is that going on in our lives so that our bodies, you know, trying to get our attention is the first step of healing. So I will acknowledge that you know, okay, I’m becoming aware of that something’s not working and that I need to change something and then just do our to do our best to stay open and be open. And you know, each one of us will receive the help that we need. If We are willing to open to receive the help, that’s always around us, you know, teachers, therapists, friends, that the knowledge is here to help is here, we just need to allow ourselves to receive that help. And very often we don’t feel worthy of receiving, you know, in those times we are so as it’s at such a low point that we don’t feel, you know, worthy to have worthy to live a better life, not capable of moving through. And I think the most important thing to know is that it’s normal to feel that way that we all felt this way at one point in our life, so many points in our life, right? And that it’s when we are in those states, we think it’s only us. It’s only me that I’m feeling this way. And then we feel ashamed and guilty because of that. But not everybody goes through those those times. It’s just that people don’t talk about it. And I think that’s, that’s a big, that brings a big relief to know that it’s normal, that we have those phases. And that’s actually a gift. You know, when we are
at our lowest point, it can be a huge gift and a turning point.
Guy 16:16
Massively when looking back in hindsight, but at the time, obviously,
Petra 16:20
Oh, it’s so hard to say that were the time. That’s why I’m saying it now. Yeah, it really doesn’t feel that way. Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I want everybody to, you know, hear it once again. Or as many times as needed, it’s okay. It’s normal. And it’s your time to, to make a change.
Guy 16:41
Yeah, with everything you’ve studied, and I’m always fascinated how you end up getting into different modalities and different things. And when I looked at your bio, on your resume, I’m like, Oh, I could talk about that. And, and start picking it apart, you know, but the one thing that fascinates me as well, because as a man, again, I couldn’t even relate to this. And I want to talk about the energy centers in the chakra. Because even if I hear the word chakra chakra, I’d run a mild, like, what’s that Yogi shit? I just, but but once I felt the moving and started to fully understand the connection to the body, and the soul and the self, it was a game changer. For me, it really was. And it really started to reorganize myself, in a way I didn’t even think was possible. So my question to you is, what led you into your interest into that kind of work, and we can touch upon that as well for people that are not familiar with.
Petra 17:44
So as I told you, when I was still really young, when I was in my teenage years, I started to learn and study at a GE. And it was, you know, really, really now I feel that was keeping me in or no, I did another standard with my conscious mind that I knew that something was there and was just pulling me. And then a little bit later on when I was studying to be a yoga teacher and rhythmically, remember having a workshop. And that was so physically so hard to endure. And it was a workshop led by Sean corn. And she was a beautiful teacher. And as she was guiding us through us and as the words that she was using, and I was in kind of out of what his place because, you know, my body just couldn’t move anymore, because it was like, all day, you know, going through various yoga centers. And somehow it I just had this epiphany and somehow somehow it started to land for me the connection between what’s
going on in my physical body and what with things that are going on in my life. You know, pain in my knees pain in my lower back, were reflecting challenges I was facing at that time in my life. And somehow it just started to learn everything that I was learning up to that moment, I could feel physically in my body landing, I could understand, okay, this pain is related to this, and this discomfort to that, okay, and it’s okay, you know, I’m going to move through it and I’m going to just gently go through it instead of pushing myself like I used to, because I’ve you really used to push myself in all areas of my life. And that’s what actually brought me onto the path of energy centers. I could feel it finally. And then as I continued working as a yoga teacher, and as a therapist, I could see it in other people, you know, I would, I would observe them as they would be going through a yoga class with me and I was observing their physical bodies, and I would just know and, you know, I started to trust my intuition. Much more along the way. And I could just feel it since it and I just knew and it happened to turn that proof, right. And that’s how, how sad it just started to land. But I did a lot of learning with my conscious mind after that moment, you know, and then that’s finally the shift happened. And it started to land. And I started to see everything in a different way perceive everything in a different way. And understand energy.
Guy 20:31
Yeah, you opened a couple of loops there for me and one is, is about the relationship with the pains in your body, to what was going on in your life. Now that can feel a million miles away for some people. But the more I’ve learned into this work, when I start to have certain issues, I actually look up the thing Oh, well, what does that mean for for spiritual perspective? Or a life perspective? With all the people you’ve worked with? And with yourself as well? Because you’ve worked with 1000s of people? Yeah. How significant? Do you think that relationship is between the emotions that we feel to the things that are showing up in our life to the parts of our body, they are in pain?
Petra 21:16
If you ask me, it’s 100%? You know, it’s I don’t doubt it at all anymore. Now, at the same time, I think it’s very important that we don’t try to put ourselves in boxes, you know, that pain in the knee means definitely the same thing for all of us. It doesn’t, you know, yes, it could mean this or that we know from, you know, this metaphysical view. But I always allow space to hear and sense what is actually, what are those means talking for that person in particular, or for myself, or, for example, lower back, mostly people who experienced pain and lower back have issues with money with finances, or they need to make some big decisions in, in the area of finances, moving, changing jobs, moving houses, you know, the first root Energy Center is connected to that. But I also stay always one step behind and allow to know everything to reveal to me because sometimes, yes, problems with money are included, but there might be something else underneath, which might be some traumatic event from their childhood that needs to be resolved first, because of which they don’t feel worthy enough of having money, or feeling safe or whatever. So it’s not that easy as it might seem at first. But looking through the concept of energy centers and connection that we know that between, you know, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body parts, makes it easier, but still, I would, you know, step back and allow to be shot. Yeah, to be shown.
Guy 23:02
There’s an investigation and it slowly works its way there. And again, you touched on something amazing about the fact that if you are financially insecure right now, and you get in back pain, and we always try and, again, rationalize it in our mind, but the fact that you said there could be a childhood trauma that you’re not even aware of that was so far long ago is how do you conscious memory, and that could actually be causing the issue?
Petra 23:28
Which reflexes? Yeah. manifests as a problem with with money? Yeah, exactly. And, you know, it can be really trauma that could have happened when we were little, and we forgot about it. But it could also be a belief that we took over from our parents on a subconscious level, because when we are little, we are like little sponges, we are just taking in everything. And we are perceiving the world the way our parents are perceiving the world. So for example, if our parents lived in poverty, or if they lived in times of war, their perception of the world is there will never be enough stability, security, they’ll never be enough money. And that’s what we learn as children, and then we, we keep on carrying this belief with us. And also we can kind of energetically take it even while we are still in the womb, you know. Yeah. And because, yeah, we pick, we pick everything that’s going on, while we are in the womb. And we can also take something from some other lives as well on a soul level, because there’s some there’s something that we are still learning as souls we are. So it’s when I’m doing regression. And when I do a womb regression, it’s very interesting to see. Is it coming from the womb? Is it coming from, you know, before with the lesson for the soul, why are we experiencing these challenges today? So it can be many, many, many things. And that’s why I say I always allow space for that individual being and to see what’s actually going on and What would be the reasons?
Guy 25:02
Yeah, and it’s mind blowing. You touching on that it took me back to when you did the regression for us all in the group coaching a few weeks. And I remember we got back to the womb. And, and I remember, and because like as we learn to surrender into these and try not to use the mind of filling what’s come in through I remember feeling my mum and feeling the anxiety that was whatever was going on in her life at that moment, you know, bless her, and it just blew me away. And and it was almost the fact that I could feel it and acknowledge it, it started to release itself.
Petra 25:39
Yeah, when we realize it’s not actually ours, and we don’t need to carry it anymore. It’s such a powerful, powerful tool, the regression itself, it’s amazing.
Guy 25:53
And, and I want to bring it all the way back to the energy centers, because tangent but I know we dive deeper into this, obviously, especially at the retreats, but for people listening, how would you then explain what the energy centers are, and how they do tie into emotions, and how that is then kind of affecting into the body?
Petra 26:16
Well, I would say, you know that, first of all, we are energy, we do perceive ourselves as physical beings, and it’s hard to comprehend ourselves as energy. And when I look at energy centers, we look what I perceive energy centers, let’s say that way, or sense energy centers, I see them as they are wearables of energy. And if when we are aligned, when we are instead of balanced, the energy moves freely. But as we just spoke about, you know, beliefs that we might have brought this times of our life, whether we form them in our childhood, or we took them from our parents, or we brought something from even before experiences we had, it might have caused energy to stay stuck in various parts of our body, feeling that we might be feeling causes, I would say that the energy becomes dense, and it cannot move. And again, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing, it just means that we need to dive
into that so that it could be released again, and the energy could start flowing again. And what we tend to do is we tend to run away from those places we tend to dissociate, we tend to run into our heads, and then get occupied with weather work or social media or, you know, gossiping, or just doing something that will take awareness from those painful things that we carry. And since you asked about the energy centers, when I work, even though there are many, many energy centers, I focused on the main seven, and I developed a concept which really helps me explain first of all, to my clients, my patients, how it’s all correlated and which feelings with a motor which emotions which beliefs could be related to what’s going on energetically in their body and why their body might be feeling you know, pain or or being ill. And how is that related to whatever is going on in their lives. Because if we, for example, feel we spoke about fear and security and stability in the area first Energy Center, then we won’t be able to move forward in life while third energy center because we’ll want to feel safe enough to make a mistake, because we think that he can make a mistake, we won’t survive, we’ll be criticized, we won’t be loved, we will be judged, we won’t be able to open from our hearts in the fourth Energy Center, because we’ll be afraid of losing the full security that you know, we are clinging on to those little pieces of security that we are trying to grasp. So we will be afraid to open to love and risk losing that person, even though we never lose anybody. So it’s everything is very, very connected and very latest and we cannot you know, cut them the energy is just transferring and bringing information from one center to other and so on. But it is important to start looking inwards instead of trying to escape from what’s going on because all the wisdom lies within. Really I know it sounds like a quote. But it is it is that way.
Guy 29:48
It’s whether it’s life changing. It really is once once you once you grasp it, it really does a Bruce Lipton he said a quote on my podcast a couple of weeks back and I’m trying to think what Wise’s like, knowledge is power. But knowledge of self is self empowerment. And, and I really think about it like that really hit home for me. And when I discovered the energy centers and started working with them, and noticing the emotions and the energy that was that was blocked and actually stand the feeling again, and free it. It was it was, I can’t even explain it was amazing, because I think what we forget is that we only see information equal to the thoughts and the feelings of what’s going on within the body at any given time. So if if we have become accustomed to feeling a certain way and thinking a certain way, then we can just reaffirm our reality every moment, by that experience, because it’s not the truth is only
true to us, right? And freeing up those feelings, freeing up those emotions and liberating yourself through those energy centers, you really start to see life in a different lens. Right? You know, and then you start to see your, your past experiences. And that’s when you can start to learn from them and see the gift in them and see the opposite of what you were in all that time.
Petra 31:15
I think for me, it’s the biggest beauty is actually in the capacity that I look at my previous experiences today with love, instead of feeling broken, or blaming myself or blaming other people. Because really, when you get to this moment, when you feel peace with whatever was happening in your past, and realize that you are here as an empowered being because of all those things. It’s life changing. And it’s, it’s so necessary, because at that time, we stopped investing energy into our past. And we have so much energy today that we can create with and create the life that we want. So it’s a blessing. It takes time and work I know, to get to this point.
Guy 32:05
But anything in life takes time. Anything I have, you know, and something that just landed for me then as well. And I just want you to speak to a slightly because somebody might be listening to this. Yes, but I get it, but they don’t have my circumstances right now. This This or this happened to me. And can you just talk to that a little bit? Because you would have seen, I think pretty much everything with the situations people have been in and overcome, as well.
Petra 32:38
Yes, I mean, I’ve seen I’ve seen so many cases that really left me speechless. You know, I’ve had therapists where I would be crying, I really did, I couldn’t tell myself to stay detached from the experiences by clients heads because they were really hurt and, you know, raped, kidnapped, gang raped, you know, left in horrible situations as babies and children. And it’s, it’s hard, it can be hard, you know, yes, from a soul level, I can’t understand everything. But when I work with people, when I work with my clients, what we do is we really go back to kind of retrieve those parts and to heal those parts to heal those children that were hurt and abandoned and neglected or in fear, whatever they were, there was going on with them, and I feel for them. And I still am human, you know, I can see from a soul level and see the beauty in the whole lesson that they chose to go through. But I feel for them and moving through the process with them and then seeing them afterwards living as a new being living as somebody who is finally healed and feeling safe and using those experiences to understand other people and help them guide because many of my clients and my students are therapists today, you know, and helping other people heal, which is the greatest gift. I’m just getting goosebumps on my body now. It’s the greatest gift for me really, you know, saying that? I played an important part in healing the earth because I have students all around the globe and they’re helping other people heal and I know that I played an important role in that and it’s just it’s just mind blowing to see them crying now but it is it’s been all worth it because the job that I do is not easy, you know, and you know how it is for me. It’s not easy,
Guy 34:55
because I really do. I do and And I mean this, like, for me, it’s been a gift, I even said it, uh, Matt, you know, being able to work alongside yourself and Matt, and be able to share some of the experiences and the wisdom that you bring into this blows my mind still, and it’s a privilege and an honor to watch you work, Petra, and I’m just glad to be a part of it in what we do. Yeah, I have no doubt there’s, there’s so much more to come.
Petra 35:27
Oh, I know. I know. And I’m so grateful for the two of you to call this a space for me. Really?
Guy 35:35
Petra 35:36
Because as you know, following our calling is not an easy thing to do, you know, because sometimes the human gaps still come, you know, and you have moments when you think, Oh, you know, what do you think you are, and, you know, just, you want to kind of everyday Yeah, to start with, but that doesn’t mean
Guy 35:59
it’s true. But at the same time, I, the more I look at this in Eva as well, you know, she’s 10 months now my daughter, nearly, and lender, and when I see her, and I connect with her, I realize how fragile and precious life is and how much of a gift life is and to become a father and have a daughter and see that and feel and witness that coming in. And that evolution of myself, I realize how, even though we’re only like, probably halfway through our life and life, we’ve got time, we do have time, you know, it’s still a long time to go, but it feels like it’s accelerating. But at the same time I’ve done with the old self and the small self and all those old conditioned beliefs. And that’s why I become so passionate about the work and the practices and, and doing it because it’s only when the rubber meets the road and actually having to take inspired action from all of this is where we start to see the results in the universe meters halfway. So that I guess the point is to talk about that and the small self and hopefully inspiring somebody listening to this is that life is a gift and who are we to waste it And who are we to let other people’s judgments, experiences, or shame or doubt, or whatever is being said, to actually hold us back and stay small within that, when there’s so much potential in each and every single one of us as a human. And all we have to do is honor that gift and realize it and start listening to our heart and our soul and what wants to come through. Yeah, as we do that life just for me becomes richer and richer.
Petra 37:36
We’re definitely not. We’re definitely not helping anyone if we stay small, right? You know, and and we all are here to bring some kind of gifts to humanity, each one of us and we are playing one role. And if we would all allow ourselves to you know, open our hearts and live that purpose. I mean, where would we be? But I do hope that everything that’s happening in the world right now is an opportunity for us as a race as human, like human race to rise, rise higher. And I hope that we will stop holding our eyes closed and our hearts closed.
Guy 38:19
Yeah, time will tell. Yeah, time will tell. Now leading from that last part. Now I asked you this everyone on the show Petra, so I can’t break. I am curious. I am curious as well, just from your own personal journey, and you don’t have to share too much. But like, when you look back upon everything now what what was the low point in your life that has now become the greatest blessing? Well, I
Petra 38:48
would say when I was everything, when I got through divorce, I lost all the money, I lost my health. I lost basically everything except myself and my children. And I really had to start rebuilding my life from scratch and my physical body from scratch and my work and my family and everything my home. And that was hard because my body was very sick. I was very tired and it was hard to you know, pull other things and make it work. And the other time was when I as you know, remember that I was abused. And it happened pretty recently, which was a huge shock for me because having all the knowledge and having gold knowing all the tools, I was falling apart and it was very hard for me to accept that I am falling out Apart from me, who knows everything me who helps so many people that were traumatized. And I had to find this humbleness inside of me and enormous amount of self love to be able to just sit
with myself in in those times and be being out of it. Now I can see it as a huge, huge blessing. And I think I’m still not aware of the whole blessing that it’s actually bringing to my life, I think it’s still going to be shown in future months and years. Because it was it was unbelievable lesson, really to fall that low. In the moments when you feel you know, it’s all and to allow yourself to be, you know, really sad, ashamed, feeling guilty, broken. Everything, you know, just name it, and then start rebuilding yourself. And I really see it as a blessing. And I’m looking forward to seeing how with will reflect on working with other people from now on. So I would say those two, those two things, those two moments.
Guy 41:21
Yeah, no, thank you for sharing. And I asked the question, because I think as well, when we’re when you’re putting yourself out there a lot. And I can’t I keep mentioning Bruce Lipton. braven spoke to him about it. You know, he went through all the same fears when releasing his book Biology of Belief, like this book that’s been sold God millions of times. I mean, it’s, you know, it’s Bruce Lipton. Yeah, but yeah, he he was self sabotaging and going through it all before, before finally going inward, and looking at what was holding him back unconsciously, you know, and, and I think it’s easy to prepare people on pedestals because then we, then we don’t have to take any action because it’s too far out of reach, you know, and that’s not the case at all. And, yeah, I just appreciate you sharing, of course,
Petra 42:10
I think it’s important that we all remember that we are all human, you know, a Bruce Lipton or, or, you or me or anybody else, that you’re doing this work, you know, people tend to see, it’s easy for them that you think it’s easy for them because, you know, they don’t know how I’m feeling and they they don’t know what I need to go through and what’s happening to me. But actually, we do each one of us had our own journey and and we had an have our challenges. And we are all humans, after all, and we are all came here to Earth to learn, we might be just few steps ahead, but doesn’t mean that we didn’t feel the pain and the loss and the guilt and shame and sadness and whatever. So I think it’s important to keep on telling that we that we feel them we know. Really,
Guy 42:59
yeah. Yeah. Next question. What does your morning routine look like?
Petra 43:07
my morning routine. It’s, I do take times rigid, especially, you know, especially with all this lockdown and things I really slow down. And with, with all the trauma coming up, because of the earthquakes we had and retraumatization and memories that came up to the surface, I really took time to heal. So my days today are much slower than they used to be. Which was a new thing for me. And I had to adjust that because I used to live in a state of stress. And it was normal for me to be multitasking. And you know, just because I was trying to survive my whole life. And I had to learn that this is okay to this way of living. So I adopted a dog. So he takes me for a walk every day. So I’m in words every morning, which is beautiful. I meditate. I really take time to contemplate and to be in touch with myself to be in touch with you know the really the higher wisdom because I think it is time for me now to work in a different way. And that’s what I’m actually learning now. It’s something something new is coming. I know, but I’m in the midst of learning. So all this meet time and alone time is helping that. So let’s see what comes I don’t know. Definitely is interesting. What was
Guy 44:39
Yeah, yeah. Amazing. If you could go if you weren’t in lockdown, and you could go out for dinner with anyone from actually any timeframe in the world, past or present. Is there any burning desire? Who would you have on that do you think and why would you like to meet
Petra 45:00
Some really wise people for sure. Why so? I think you know, Albert Einstein will still be the one to be interesting to sit down with Nikola Tesla as well, I would say also some very old, mean old people from very old times that were really in touch with, I don’t know what particular person but with everything that’s, you know, just coming to me now like that this knowledge of, there’s so much more I know that there were people that knew so much more than we know today. And I would love to be able to sit with them. And I know that I am connecting with them in my meditations on some in some way. But having a dinner with them would be interesting, for sure.
Guy 46:00
Remember, yeah. Last question. Everything we covered today? Is there anything you want to leave the listeners to ponder on?
Petra 46:16
Well, just to keep remembering that we are all the same after under the skin, and that whatever anybody might be facing right now and feeling helpless, or sad or ashamed or guilty, that it’s okay. And it’s normal, it doesn’t make them different than other people. And that those times that if somebody is facing those times right now,
Petra 46:46
are actually the turning points if we allow ourselves to accept that we are feeling the way we are feeling and to start loving ourselves in those times. So that’s what I would love to allow you to leave like, know that you’re not alone know that everybody else is actually going through similar things, at some stages in their lives. And that’s those times are actually the greatest blessing and just reach out for help. Go help is there. And you don’t have to go through this alone. And then this can be a huge life changing moment. It’s a blessing. The biggest challenges the biggest blessing.
Guy 47:32
Yeah, birthright, I just want to thank you for coming on the show. And thank you for everything and the gifts you bring to the world. And I am genuinely excited to see where everything continues to unfold for us all. Yeah, me
Petra 47:45
too long may continue. Thank you for having me. And thank you for being in my life and walking this path with me. It’s easier when we are not alone.
Guy 47:56
totally right. Yeah. Yeah. Much easier. Yeah. Yeah. Not too easy. But
Petra 48:01
yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Guy 48:07
Thank you, Petra. Thank you.
Petra 48:08
Thank you. Bye.