#78 This week I’m very excited to be bringing you my wife Lynda Griparic to my show.
I might be biased, but Lynda is amazing at what she does and has been a huge influence on me and my lifestyle when it comes to this topic. I wanted to bring her wisdom onto the show and discuss how the gut can affect our overall wellbeing and our mood.
We also dive into telltale signs if your gut health is right, what you can do about and some of the things she does on a daily basis. Enjoy.
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About Lynda: Lynda Griparic is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Writer and Yoga teacher with close to 20 years of experience in the health industry. Lynda specialises in digestive health, namely SIBO and constipation.
She has extensive experience in running healthy, effective and sustainable bowel care programs and has expertise in investigating and treating the underlying causes of gut disturbance. Lynda has an intense interest in poo and she’s also the creator of the delicious BetterMe Tea a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion – assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.
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Links & Resources For Lynda Griparic:
Better Me Tea
Guy: Hi, I’m Guy Lawrence and you are listening to the Guy Lawrence podcast. If you’re enjoying this content and you want to find out more and join me and come further down the rabbit hole, make sure you head back to the Guy lawrence.com. Awesome guys. Enjoy the show.
Guy: Linda.
Lynda: Hello, welcome to the podcast. Thank you very much for having me. Sounds strange. Can You Linda? It does it just mind trouble.
Guy: Well, I ask everyone on the show. As you know, if you were at a cocktail party and somebody came up to a stranger and ask you what you do for a living, what would you say?
Lynda: Good question, I would say, well, I’d like to say I open the balance of society, so I do like I, I’m an entrepreneur and I’m a nutritionist. Would you say that to a complete stranger? I might’ve done a little while ago, but maybe I might be a little less crass. So to explain, I work in the area of digestive health and so I do like to support people who have constipation. So there for, we do like to open the bounds of society but I would probably just say I’m, I’m a naturopath nutritionist and I’m the founder of better meeting. Do you find once people know what you do, ask you a million questions? Yes. So sometimes you’re a little bit selective when the, you know, when you, when you answered that question but you know, what else can I answer? That’s what I am. Um, sometimes I like to take a break from giving advice, but you know, the problem with that, I don’t mind people asking the questions but I think the biggest thing that as practitioners come across when people just launch into conversation about what’s going on for them and how you can help them is that if you do, if you work in the world of like functional medicine as or as an integrative practitioner, I don’t feel comfortable just prescribing just on a few words or a brief conversation.
Lynda: Like I want to know the full history of what’s going on and what’s driving you. What’s a common question you might get asked them? Like I think it would really vary. So people normally have
Guy: the lining something and they want to like you self diagnose on the spot.
Lynda: They might just say, I’ve been trying this died and what do you think about it? Okay. And so, you know, I’ve been trying Keto, I’ve been trying fast and then what do you think about it? And so that they even, that’s not a very easy question to answer. I think, you know, it really would depend on where they’re at if it’s suitable for them. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Well, I’m going to ask you lots of questions. Did you brief offensive to like, just for a bit of background as well on you because this is the first time you’ve officially come on as a guest on my show. Yes. I wait the 12 months. But what do you mean here? Just going to get axed, you know? Yeah. So now it’s happening. Um, why necropsy why do you have natruopathy so much? Cause I see you on the work you put in constantly
Guy: and I’m just like, are you going to take a break? But you just, you know, continue to absorb and learn and love them. Do.
Lynda: Oh, I love it. I just love everything about it. I think it’s one of those things once, you know, it’s hard to go back to business as usual. So I think there’s, what I mean by that is, is once, once I started to really learn about natruopathy and learned about healing someone or supporting their own healing naturally, it’s hard to then um, in not be able to like would not want to relay or share that information with people that might not be living the best quality of their life, if that makes sense. And I personally just love it. I think it’s just supported me throughout the years. And you know, I, I always get challenged by patients that might come in with like a chronic case or something I don’t tend to normally see on a day to day basis. And that even excites me because I constantly feel challenged in my role. And so there’s always learning, there’s always devouring information and research and you know, there’s an excitement that comes with that just being on your toes
Guy: full time. Totally. But it’s nice to be the, be able to then apply all that information you do in your own life, which I see you do constantly. Like you titled, you certainly practice, they preach in a big way. It’s certainly the Tandy been, um, your partner. And how’s it been having a naturopath as a wife? I gotta be honest.
Lynda: Oh, you didn’t do too badly. No, of course. Yeah, I was obviously right
Guy: working in the, in the health industry, but there’s always, there’s always more to learn and um, I find that such a process these days as opposed to an end result, like there’s a constant tweak and adjustment and Oh, I’m trying to incorporate that in as opposed to, um, where I think the mindset can happen sometimes is like, oh, I’ll go in, I’ll fix this, then I can go back to my old ways. Or do we unconsciously end up doing those things where it really needs to be an adjustment of that. And A, and a longterm approach I think is needed for this stuff.
Lynda: Totally. And I think also at different points in people’s lives, they need different things. Like at the moment for me, it’s preconception case. My Diet’s slightly different and I’m ensuring that I’m getting certain nutrients that are, might’ve been a bit lax with in the past. Um, ensuring that my environment is, is as low tox as I can get it and you know, and am showing that I’m keeping my stress levels down. And so for others it may be that they’ve moved into a building that’s a sick building. It might have a lot of mold in it, might have, you know, water damage and they’re feeling triggered or oh, you haven’t been, well since they moved in. And so then we need to readjust, um, the treatment protocol for them or, you know, what we investigate or has it, has it sort of, um, triggered on a gene that helped that is treating their response to that mold toxicity.
Lynda: So I think, you know, at different times in our life, we need different things constantly. And so I, back in the day, Geez, I’ve tried every diet under the sun that was doing the macrobiotic diet. I tried, you know, I was a vegetarian for 18 months and I did it really poorly. Um, you know, I did Keto for a long time and all that sort of stuff. I just think you constantly need to tweak and adjust with where you’re at in the moment and just constantly ask yourself, do I feel good right now? What can I tweak in my environment, in my mental health and in my diet, you know, and work with your practitioner too. I think I love it. And Eh, nothing more when the patient goes, oh, don’t like to call them patients. Um, I went to a congress a little while ago and they spoke about not calling people patients we can do, call them clients or patients. And, and they were saying, could you call them your health partner? And I quite like that, you know, because I see I’m working with people as a partnership. I want them to communicate with me on how they’re feeling with the treatment. You know, does it, does it sit with them? What did they think is going on with their health? Why do they think this has happened? And so it is a partnership because you know your body better than I do.
Guy: You mentioned something I wanted to touch upon that which I’m about listening to your body and do you think would like it, you know, you’ve seen obviously a lot of people over the years and, and uh, and they will come at you with different places, are periods in life. I’ll we not trusting our own kind of intuitive self to, to honor how we feel and sort of nurture that. And do we go against those signals quite often?
Lynda: Yes. And I’ve been guilty of doing that. I think more and more as the last couple of years I’ve learned to, to listen to my little as my good friend Joel says, the spidey sense, the thing that sort of niggles at you that doubt that you have, they’re like, oh, actually they just, that doesn’t sit well with me. I’m going to question that one. Um, but yeah, people do. Uh, I guess, what’s the word for it when they just give up their power to the, the so called expert and yes, that, that person may have had spent years for me. I’ve been in this industry for 20 years now, like close to 20 years. And so I’ve been immersed in the health industry, so yes, I’ve got a wealth of knowledge. But again, it’s your body and so if something doesn’t feel right and you just don’t feel like I’m sitting with you, well like listen to that or at the very least question it and question that with have the questions, ask your practitioner if you’re working with someone. Yeah. But yeah, we don’t, I feel like we kind of give up our power to two experts often and I’ll probably do that in other areas of my life. Yeah, no.
Guy: Well the one good, one thing I wanted to touch on today, which kind of leads in from that to the degree is then, um, because obviously what I do within led it in is, is help people kind of break through their own belief systems using meditation. And you didn’t, I guess the language in neuroscience behind that. So people have a deeper understanding of why we’re doing the things we do and how we can create that change and start to bridge that gap of the way we want to live from. We might not be there and we might be doing things constantly. But that the same time, because I remember somebody mentioned a comment once to come on where it was saying about letter than not being the silver bullet. And it’s like, well, I know that, you know, I don’t need is nothing is, and it’s a, it’s a very holistic approach to everything.
Guy: But the one thing that has fascinated me and as resonated over the years and I’ve looked up more is how actually some of, um, you could say the work that you do, the nutcracker natruopathy and the gut health and digestive system and everything actually affects the way we feel and our mood and how we can actually have an impact on that. But when we feeling that way, we can kind of feel a little bit helpless and lost because we got within this negative loop. And of course as we know, um, the feelings are going to create thoughts a certain way in the whisk and, and make us think of me when they get into these patterns. But there’s so much what you do can influence that. So I thought it’d be great to just touch a little bit on that and how, how does it all work? Like, and how much are we talking about that the gotten your work actually affects the way we feel
Lynda: we got certainly influences the married and you know, I can share with you some ways, um, I mean how deep do you want to go up? But I guess the, the, the ways in which the gut really influences the mood. There’s a number of ways. Some of them I’ll share with you today so that we’ve all heard of the Vegas nerve and the vagus nerve is like that 10th cranial nerve that starts from the brainstem and sort of integrates all of our organs and goes into the digestive system. And that’s one of the ways in which the gut communicates with the brain. But there’s also other ways, like our bacteria, gut bacteria produces its own metabolites and even neurotransmitters like Gaba and Serotonin and dopamine, but and B vitamins. It produces B vitamins to that support our mood. But there’s also something called Lps lipopolysaccharides that a gram negative bacteria can produce.
Lynda: And so when bacterial cell dies, lps guys into the lumen and lps can create, which is like polysaccharides. Did I say that? Yes, it can create systemic inflammation. And what they’ve found with people that say for example, have depression, they have like a low grade underlying systemic inflammation, but lps can also do a few other things in the body. And I can see I’m losing a little bit, so I’m just going to kick this one. Great. Can I just mentioned with the LPS, is that one of the things that it does is that it can shunt Tryptophan. Tryptophan helps is, is a precursor to serotonin and so it shunts trip to fan through this pathway called the kind of new new Ronayne pathway instead of it’s regular pathway. And that makes the Serotonin and less available to us. So there’s less creation of that. Serotonin, so it, it, it affects the brain in so many ways when our gut is when there’s a disquieting state, when we’ve got more of the grand negative bacteria like proteobacteria or bacteroides instead of yeah, mostly.
Guy: Yeah. No, it’s, I’m trying to break that down because, because then from technical aspects there was, um, if it’s influencing their serotonin, I’m assuming most of the Serotonin is actually produced in the gut, not the brain.
Lynda: Yeah. There’s, Yep.
Guy: Yup. Yeah. To a degree. Yeah. Yeah. I know this, I know it’s both, but, um, so then you would restart and influencer, which of course affects our mood. Now, what I’m interested intrigued in, when we say our mood, what we’re talking about, you mentioned depression, could it, so we can feed into depression, could have
Lynda: depression and some anxiety. It can, yeah. Absolutely. Depression, anxiety and general wellbeing and happiness is affected. And so, you know, we might be feeling low mood. We might be feeling anxiety is a big one flap. Yeah, absolutely. And vice versa, you know, when we’re feeling quite stressed, we can be impacting our gut health. Yes, it does go both ways. And not yet. Absolutely not. Just a
Guy: right. So then it’s, so then obviously it makes sense or if we are constantly caught up in an anxious loop, if we find ourselves, again, anxious over the smallest things, which could be, uh, just general daily lifestyle choices. Right. You know, and, and, and then if it’s effect, no sleep, I’m depression and low mood, which, um, you know, I’ve certainly experienced all the things in the past as well. Then do you think people are, are actually fully exploring what they can do with a gun or is it still a, so I’m just going to read a book and I’d just do my best and not figuring out that fundamental issues underneath?
Lynda: Explain the question again. So are you saying from what I’m hearing, and I’m hoping I’m getting this right, is that the way I see it, if someone’s really anxious and they’re not sleeping well and, uh, you know, they’re feeling really flat, they’re often making poor choices, even when it comes to diets, it might be reaching for, um, you know, they don’t, might be very low in fiber, very low in prebiotic rich foods. Very low in polyphenols and very high in fats. And whilst like fats are great, we absolutely need fat. We’re having too much of fats within creating more of that gram negative bacteria and then for um, and affecting gut lining integrity and all these things affect brain function and the prebiotic rich foods resistant starch, the polyphenols from to feed the bacteria so that it produces things like the B vitamins, the neurotransmitters, those metabolites that support our brain function. Even butyrate, which you may have heard about. And butyrate is a short chain fatty acid and that also supports brain function by reducing that lps absorption but also improving the gut lining integrity. So I get to reduce leaky gut.
Guy: I guess the question is that an our people, um, out there consciously thinking I should look at my gun?
Lynda: Oh, I think, I think to be honest, it’s, it’s, it’s part of the puzzle. I think you cannot avoid looking at the garters specially when you’ve got, um, your mental health has been impacted in the way of anxiety and depression and low mood. I think you, you, that would be one of the first things that you would want to look at, but you’d also want to look at other things as well in your environment. You know, how are you sleeping, ease your environment as low tox as it can be, you know, that sort of thing. And Are you nurturing your spirit, you know, are you, are you doing the things that you love? What you, uh, you know, do you feel like you’re connecting with others? I think all of those things are important, but if someone is experiencing depression or low mood or anxiety, especially if you’re feeling anxiety, I get excited because I’m like, excellent. There’s so much we can do dietary wise when it comes to improving their gut health. And so it will be the, one of the first things that I look at improving, but it’s not just the only thing. So I’m not so black and white when it comes to, and that’s, I guess that’s a natural path as well. You know, you don’t kind of look at just diet and lifestyle. It’s the type picture will, especially as functional medicine. Correct.
Guy: Did it just, it just does fascinate me because I, you know, from somebody going from my own gut house journey over the years as well and, and uh, been working with you and looking at rectify and different things and, and across having that influence that can almost be like a waiting for a cascade of events that probably were symptomatic where if there’s one conversation with you, you could have gone to, I would probably explore these sorts of things. But for the person on the outside not knowing it, they just continue to, to, um, to compound and we might see different people from different parts, practitioners with different professionals, but then it comes back for me, what I found, it was actually looking at the gut, but the, there’s a whole chain of events or kind of went on before that before. I’m like, Oh, maybe I should, once I started exploring this work more and I think that really needs to be addressed to degree because it’s had such a big impact on myself. Um, and I’m just, I just do wonder how many, how many people out there that are suffering a lot of the symptoms and not looking at this and they’re still going down other different conventional rugs. Not saying that, like you said, it’s the magic pill for certain yet a major contributor.
Lynda: Well, you’d hope that people, before they jump on, so anti depressants or anything like that, they sit and do their place, but before they sort of jot down that route, you’d hope that they would have explored all the avenues and really looked at, you know, what’s happening in their life and how they, um, taking on information in the way of nutrients from food, from movement, from connectivity with others and that sort of stuff. So you’d hope that they would have explored that. But luckily there’s been so much more, um, acknowledgement of that gut, brain microbiota access. And so I think more people are proper, hopefully looking at that as being a big player in their mental health awareness to it now. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. So what about, um, just keep like this fun. So what about, we talked about mood symptoms. What about physical symptoms?
Lynda: Are there any telltale signs, again, like a gap, the gap ecosystem in balance? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got this. There’s many loads. So they could be a skinny rotation like hives, uh, you know, psoriasis, Eczema, acne. Um, they could be things like it, you know, hormonal issues like PCO, s uh, they could also be, you know, again as we spoke about, they could be low mood, anxiety, depression. Um, and it could be restless legs of a nighttime, especially when it comes to things like, um, Cbo. They could be bloating or conjoins. It could be absolutely aching joints. Um, they could be just a general feeling of like, I’m just unwellness, you know, lack of vitality could be a big one. They could be, it could be many. There could be excessive gas. Those, those typical digestive system ones could be, you know, but there are plenty, there are plenty, cause God is connected to everything.
Lynda: There are so many accesses going on in the body that it’s not just the gut brain. Multa Vida. So, you know, we, we are affecting different organs, different, different parts of our body will sort of, I get excited about symptoms cause I feel like, you know, if we didn’t get the symptoms and the signs like acne or psoriasis or highest, we would just continue on maybe taking on information or nourishing and bodies in, in ways that don’t actually suit us in that moment. So by you getting hives frequently, well by you getting psoriasis and exmark kind of causes you to look at, okay, well what’s happening in my diet, you know, or, um, you know, am I in the body enough or is it lots of stress in my life? And so it’s just like you talk about that little fed on that we all sort of nudge saying, hang on a second, you’re not listening to me not looking after me, you know, treated me like a temple. And then you get slammed with something that makes you not want to go out. You feel, um, socially awkward. You feel horrible about yourself. You just don’t have the energy. Like you just get stopped in your tracks because you haven’t been listening.
Guy: The last Tony Robbins says that everything is accurate action signal. If you, if you have symptoms like you say, then it’s like, well cause it, it can feed in distress right away. Right. They just couldn’t even feed into more anxiety or stress. And, and is that women are in a stress response, we don’t make rational decisions. Oh absolutely not. So, so we have a very distorted view of what’s actually going on in our current. We don’t make decisions. Well that’s, that’s the biggest choice of all probably. Yeah. I know when I’m stressed or overwhelmed.
Lynda: which thankfully doesn’t happen as much as what it would have ages ago. But you just feel like your life is on hold or life is moving on without you and you can’t make the simplest of decisions for yourself. And that’s a horrible place to be. Yeah. For a lot of this.
Guy: Yeah. Yeah, totally. So I’m fascinated them cause if people are listening to this, and I’m felt it as well, like, oh my God, where do I start? Where do I go? What do I do? And then you can, you know, read Google for seven hours and you can self diagnose on you want and find these things. And the only got, you know, and like, you know what if that triggers you to go and get help us and see when the, exactly right. So, so there’s a couple of questions that ring in is like, well where do we start when we look for someone? If I go to the Internet two, is there a way of qualifying people? Because, because quite often it’s like, you know, if I hurt my back or something, they’ll go to your physio. Do I see a Kira? Do I see an osteopath? Like all these questions are going in. And as fortunately over time and experience working people, you kind of know what you need to go for. What? Yeah. But that can be stressful along on where to start. And then when you find someone, like what’s the gold standard of testing and how do we diagnose the right tests so we don’t end up spending a fortune and so many tests like all of these questions because from my mind, yeah. So there’s probably two questions never. What would you say to all of that? And
Lynda: my gaze to look for my personal experience. Probably the best way for you to find a health practitioner is to, well there’s a few things here. So the, it’s a referral. So if you have had a friend in your life or someone that’s like, you must go and see this person that you really helped me with, blah, blah, blah. Okay, then that’s a good way. Then there’s also platforms like, um, that have, which I’ll give, uh, give it to you to pop in the show notes that have list of where practitioners are located and where they can be found in that, in natural therapy pages is one of them. But I do like referrals also. If you connect with someone, say for example, I’ve got a podcast channel called love and guts enough feel as though people have connected with me there because they’re able to, um, see I guess my interests.
Lynda: Um, they’re able to, to hear some of my knowledge even though I’m interviewing someone else and some people have resonated with me on that level. So I guess, you know, not everyone has a podcast and, and they’re amazing PR practitioners that don’t, but, you know, referral to me, my, my, my biggest golden nugget I would say. But I would also say that if you go and see a health practitioner and saying the first couple of visits, you just don’t feel like you’re connecting and then then you can, you don’t have to say, you don’t have to stay and go to the course like it, you can move on from that. Um,
Guy: so can I ask you a question? Yes. So how do you then generally work with someone? So if I was going to come to you say, yeah, Linda Gray. I love the, what you say, I’m going to see you. I’ve got no idea what’s going to go and what can they expect when the rocket, cause obviously you do them on. Yeah.
Lynda: Yes. So, so talk me through it. Yeah. And I’m sure many practitioners do it differently, but the way I like to work is that I send people out a online questionnaire, comprehensive questionnaire to complete before they see me. So it starts the ball rolling. They also send me through any recent and previous blood work or any tests that they might’ve already done. Okay. Um, and then when I see them, it’s a one hour consultation. It’s online, so it’s Skype, it’s zoom or it’s a face time or even find if they’re not able to use any of those things. And we go through a one hour comprehensive case taking in, in that I look at everything as much as I can, you know, um, their timeline as well. So I think it’s really important to find out things in there, you know, in childhood as well as what’s currently happening now.
Lynda: Because you can see, um, how the worn into this earth and what they’ve experienced along the way, you know, where they seize a birth, uh, with a breastfed or bottle fed with a sickly child that used to take quite a lot of antibiotics or did they take lots of antacids for a long period of time? Was there a fall where they region off a horse or a car accident or something that might cause a bit of head trauma, which can also affect gut function. So I think that, you know, I spend, uh, that one hour just generally taking the, yeah,
Guy: that’s an amazing exercise and it’s, um, the timeline, we need the dollar to me as well. I’m, I’m just like, oh, I started, yeah, look at all these different periods in your life that you don’t even think about that could be related to something like this.
Lynda: And you’ll often hear that big local, actually, yes. I haven’t felt worked well since that food poisoning in Bali two years ago. You know, again, that could kind of be contributing to what the CBO for example, and affecting gut function in that manner. So I do that and after I do the case take, I might, um, depending on where they’re at and depending on what I think is the most appropriate course of action, I might get them to do, um, a stool test and I tend to use send that straight to here. Now they sit there, I don’t do this to actual playing with the pool, um, much to my dismay and much too, you know, you, I’m sure you’re really grateful for that, but I’m very grateful for that. So thankfully even working online, it’s still quite smooth. The company will send the kid out to them, they can do the stool testing in the confident of their own home. They send that back express post and then within a few weeks I get those results and we go from there. But generally after the first concert, I will give people, um, changes to do, whether it’s dietary lifestyle, uh, looking at sleep hygiene and whatever they actually need. And it may not mean that we do still test. It might be other testing like oats or the Dutch test or anything that might be more appropriate for them. But obviously I’m seeing a lot of people. Yeah,
Guy: I just can do, find people that come to like a, are in different places mentally where they might go, yeah, bring it on. I’m going to just rip up my lifestyle and I’m just going to go for it. Or like bread crumbs, you know?
Lynda: Uh, honestly we’re all different. We’re like licorice, all sorts as human beings and I love it. There are people that are like, give me everything. I’m ready. I’m so ready to make the changes and the hungry. Um, and then there’s people that just want maybe one thing or two things to change before the next visit. So, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s something that I’ve learned to just ask now because sometimes I’ll go, here you go. There’s all of these things I want to do. Like how I see this is my plan for you, but we need to remember is practitioners, what is their plan for themselves? What do they really want to change right now? And is this going to make them feel like a failure because I haven’t been able to implement all of the changes that you’ve given them in that first prescription. So yes, I’ve learnt along the way to just check in and say, are you okay with me giving you a few suggestions or shall we go slow? Yeah. And all of it’s good. Like nothing’s a failure if you do one thing. And that one thing could be I’m getting 30 minutes of movement or sunshine first thing in the morning, five days a week. Fantastic. That’s going to change your life in ways that you never imagined. Yeah. So
Guy: yeah, I think as well with um, testing and the one thing that’s really highlighted to me over the years where maybe, you know, 10 years ago I might’ve been more subconsciously reluctant to go and get testing or some, I don’t know whether there was a part of me I didn’t want to find out, I didn’t want to know or I just, it going to cost too much. And like all these things would run through my head and then I would still go to the Internet, self-diagnosis and just have a crack, you know? But I really,
Lynda: yes, how many of us have done that, but I realize it, it can only take grand later.
Guy: Yeah. Well this is the thing and, and, and this, and this is the, the, the thing I guess I want to raise like is at least with testing, it’s, you’ve, you’ve got something then to work toward and actually can see change. And I think under the fact that actually seeing that feedback is, is really important in itself in terms of the work that I do, you know, so that it’s kind of motivating as well. Yeah,
Lynda: I agree. And, and for us practitioners, we’re not guessing, you know, cause then you could go down so many different routes because as part, the consultation at the end of it, I tend to spend quite a bit of time on the person’s case. I’ll look at their timeline, I’ll go, okay, let’s, these are the things that we may need to look at. We may need to look at their environment, they may have multiplicity, is there a potential for lions here, lions disease, uh, what’s going on, dietary lifestyle. Should we test for CBOS show we test the large bowel? And so I’ll have to start somewhere because that’s going to cost a fortune, all of that testing. Right. And so if I just didn’t do any of the testing and I went, well maybe you’ve got CBO, let’s just do the protocol anyways, that’s a lot of money for not knowing for sure.
Lynda: You know what I mean? And then we get to the end of it and what if they still feel horrible? And then it’s like, well maybe we should do that test anyways because I still feel bad. And then you’ve spent all this money on supplementation and it’s just, cause we were guessing. So I am a big fan of testing. I would much prefer someone to canoe overtones. Yeah, totally. So I’d much prefer someone if they would really, um, uh, of money was a bit of a pinch for them, I would say. Right. Go do the stool test. For example, the shotgun marriage genomics tests, which I tend to use now, um, or the 16 s RNA, which some people use to, um, and, and w and just saying, cause if it forever involves back in the day as packings, we’re using culture based techniques for store testing and that’s changed where we either use a 16 s RNA or we use the shot gun.
Lynda: Metagenomics it’s more sensitive. We see more. Um, so really important for you guys to know is as health partners. But so I would much rather say to someone if they’re in a pinch for money, do this store test for example, and maybe I don’t see you for four to five weeks until we get those results back. Um, and then we, you know, we can change some things, dietary and lifestyle before, like while we wait, but at least you’re investing that money in the test and we know for sure and then we can have some sort of direction after that. But of course there’s going to be suggestions that I give people. It’s just not in me to go bright, just wait for the TESL or there’s always something you can do within their environment, within their food, within their movement, within the stress management to support them while we wait.
Lynda: What are the, um, this is just for my own curiosity more than anything because one of the kind of common things that you see in and people have to treat them over the years. Is it, like you mentioned CBOs have leaky gut is a, is it a yeast overgrowth, like ordered, like generally all of that by the, all of the above. I don’t know. And you know, you, it was maybe to someone that does a lot with digestive health, you know, so I would be saying a lot of, um, confirming your own reality. And I do a lot of CBOS, I’ll be attractive to most people that maybe haven’t gotten the results or suspect that they might have saved by. So it’s a bit, it’s a bit, I guess, hard to answer that question because I do see, you know, I see a lot of constipation. I see a lot of bloating. Um, you know, there’s lots of skin issues as well. Psoriasis and hives and Eczema, um, joint pain, all that sort of stuff. Um, low libido as well. So you know that there is this, um, menstrual irregularities is huge as well. So, you know, I do like to, it’s another love of mine mean in itself. And so, you know, I seen everything. So what, all right. And I think what
Guy: rules or no rules, rituals do you, cause I’ve watched you go during the day in unity and or you don’t know the pilot, you do things very, um, some of subconsciously now because it’s in you, but I have no doubt if other people were watching you the way you were in the kitchen and some of the routines that you have about, oh, that’s a good like, so what I can, how could you distill that into the, is there any key things that you do that would be like helpful to others that you look for in the way you practice food or the way you
Lynda: operate? Yeah, what comes to mind? My mornings are really important. So I really spend that time to myself. So I, I get up and I meditate and it may just be 20 minutes and then I’ll go off and do yoga. So I’ll do a yoga class and that is my space. Like that is an hour of just deliciousness for me cause I worked from home and it can be really isolating. So it’s amongst other people. So there’s that connection. Invenergy, I often feel like we get downloads. Like I’ll come up with some answers to some things I’ve been ruminating on. Um, and I, and I get to move my body and nourish my organs. That’s my space. Or then come home and I enjoy breakfast. Um, for me, my Diet’s changed a little bit as I mentioned, the preconception stuff. But also this is interesting, maybe interesting and relevant for some people out there.
Guy: So what would you eat for breakfast?
Lynda: Uh, what would I eat? I wouldn’t eat a croissant with, um, bought from a supermarket with or Muffin look. Do Nothing. If you look at the standard Australian breakfast. Yeah. Publicly, no, no. So I wouldn’t eat processed stuff. Let’s, let’s put it like that. I like to eat like I’m unprocessed whole foods. Um, but I’ve tweaked it to what I need right now. 100% and like you’ve watched me have to reduce, I’m a bit of a fat lover. I love my fats in extensive, all of the fats and oils and the butters. Diggy is the coconut wheels than that olive oil, Macadamia, all, all that sort of stuff. But when I got my stool test, but my, I had high levels cause I’d been on it like almost a Keto diet for a number of years in the initial stages. It was like, I feel great. This is awesome.
Lynda: And then started things just start stuff. Didn’t start to feel, I didn’t start to feel my vital self and I’ve got some stool testing done. And in that was I was producing bacteria that like to feed off bile. And so I’ll break this down. If you’re eating a very high fat diet, especially saturated fats like butters and gays and coconut oil, you’re producing will bile to break down these fats. And so you’re producing more of these bacteria that tend to call us gas and bloating and all, you know, skiing conditions and various other things. And so I was like, oh, okay. Cato was good for a while time to maybe I need to reduce those fats cause I went a bit excessive. And so now you’ll find that sort of, I’ve adjusted to have more of the moral and saturated fats. Like y’all need some macadamia and that sort of stuff.
Lynda: I don’t tell you, don’t answer the questions. So I guess I come home and have breakfast titled Tangent, come home and have breakfast and then I’ll usually, bro, I love to eat. So I in you see me, I mean I’m boiling the tea kettle like so often. So I’ll brew up some, a big pot of tea and I’m going to the clinic, which is our office and all, it’s turned my office now and I’ll just get into work and whether or it’ll be a consulting with health partners or podcasting or something like that. And so, um, for me movement, good nutrition, um, and the, the nourishing tea, especially during winter, I feel like it’s just a bit of a warm hug for me. It’s my friend in my office was the slow cooker. Slow cooker. Absolutely. It’s a savior.
Lynda: I’m serious like, but having said that, I do, I do like the separation between work and evening. So I do like cooking kind of finishing my day and going, putting everything away. I’m going to pop podcasting or just nothing, have no sound and then chop and cook and make a beautiful meal for us. You know what I mean? That definitely is a bit of a separation and it, you know, a meditation almost for sure. I’m just looking at wanting to make sure I’ve covered everything. Yeah, that’s fine. Some of the questions that I ask everyone on the show as even the guys. So the first one is what’s been a low point in your life? Um, but well I had an eating disorder, had anorexia for um, you know, in my late teens. And that worked out to where your blessing, cause I really understood, I remember a moment in my bedroom cause I’d lock myself away from the world.
Lynda: My, especially my mother because she poor thing would just always try and get me out of that state. And I just couldn’t deal with her hurt. And so I was asked to lead it in my room and I had this moment of even when I thought I’d get to a certain way that I would be happy, I’m not happy, I’m miserable. And so I started to then understand how food was information for my brain because I was miserable. And so I started to say yes to friends asking me out to dinner as started to not starve myself in. I can feel the changes in my body and how the, that, that information from food was, was just supporting my mind. And so it was just a big penny dropped with how much, um, food is information and it just, yeah. So that was a low point, which turned out to be investing ever.
Guy: Yeah. Beautiful. Well, is a lot of people out there that need to come to that conclusion? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Um, if you could have dinner with anyone from any timeframe, anywhere in the world.
Lynda: Oh,
Guy: uh, outside of the vehicles, um, who would it be and why?
Lynda: Oh God, that’s such a great question. And I really shouldn’t have known this because you’re my husband and you ask these questions all the time. I knew, listened to. Oh my God. You know what? It would probably be someone like Oprah. She’s just phenomenal and she’s just, I just love the way that she’s present with people and interviewing style and just everything in house is just so raw in front of everyone. And she still has a demons in here, you know, all that sort of stuff. But she’s just, she’s phenomenal. Beautiful.
Guy: Yeah. I haven’t asked this question on the podcast world cause we, we covered your routine kind of. Yeah. So what’s one thing most people wouldn’t know about you?
Lynda: I like to eat everything with the spoon. It’s this strange like that just have, you don’t want to think it is, I don’t want to like miss a morsel site. So like sauces or it just not even sources, everything that even doesn’t require a spoon. I eat everything in the spring and I wants to spend a year, um, uh, perfecting the crispy pork belly skin. They’re French, my degree recipients.
Guy: Oh, I know what I want to ask him as well and I can attest to the spoon.
Lynda: God, she’s even tried to influence in me with his food and he doesn’t do it purposely, even when it’s required by the pole.
Guy: Um, I want to touch on before we wrap it up as well, is that I want to touch on your podcast. Great name by the way. Oh yeah. Cause he said, yeah. But you’ve been podcasting now, um, since March last year, 2015 months. And uh, and it’s amazing to watch your podcasting journey evolve and I’m so proud of you cause you sound so much more professional. I mean when you speak in the, in the thing as well. Um, what does podcasting taught you
Lynda: over that time? A Lot, but it has, it has taught me to just be myself, you know, just to, because that’s what people connect with most. And don’t be afraid to, um, share your story. Um, and to listen more. Jay’s in the beginning. Like I feel like I just jumped in on everyone as I spoke and through my, um, nervousness and not wanting to forget because I was relating with what they were talking to. So I’ve learned to, I guess, be more present and listen until people finish. I’ve let him dropping your questions tonight and yeah,
Guy: today my simple. Yeah. And um, um, what, uh, like you’ve had a lot of guests, I think if you even know that the hundred shows or six now, 105, something like that in an amazing, um, so of all the guests who, who stood out for you as like, wow, like, I don’t know, for whatever reason,
Lynda: uh, honestly, the first one that comes to mind, Paul Chek and I think, cause he just, I came into it thinking I’m a little bit nervous. He’s a very big name. And then he was just so disarming. You know, he came on with his smell like smoking is tobacco in herds. You know, his, his wife was like, you’ll be here soon as she’s gone to the toilet and eat. He was just so giving of his time and his like, you know, he’s, he’s experienced. I shared with him my miscarriage and he was like sharing his experience with that too. And I was like, why would it be beautiful man? And I just, you know, um, there’s that thing that people remember how you made them feel. I remember how he made me feel afterwards. I was like, oh my God, this man is beautiful. What a good human being. And it just was such a nice little connection. So, and there was also a bobcat that came, um, came, like past his window as we were speaking. And you took the moment and to appreciate the bobcat and say it was a special moment and you know, it was just really, it was, it was magical. Yeah.
Guy: Awesome. Awesome interview. Yeah, I enjoyed it. We both had the pleasure of interviewing Paul, so I don’t have no, yeah, what you’re saying. Yeah. Fantastic. And, um, just to finish with everything we’ve covered today, anything to leave our listeners to ponder on.
Lynda: Ah, don’t ignore the signs and symptoms and it also just listen to yourself and if something doesn’t feel right onto that question, it, you know, and recognize that you’re not alone as well. Like those little tabs, there’s little signs and symptoms aren’t something that you need to consider as being normal and it’s often something that can be, can be rectified or at least, you know, reduced in its severity. So, you know, don’t, don’t live this life feeling like I need to put up with stuff. Yeah. It doesn’t feel right.
Guy: Beautiful. So, and if they want to find out more about you, obviously you got the podcast loving guts. Yes. Available. No. All good. Charles.
Lynda: Yes. 11 guts. We can definitely find me there. My Linda Group, rich.com didn’t do the whole end of Lawrence because it’s just too much of a common name and [inaudible] friendship and also, um, yeah. Um, yeah, I’ll find me through the tee. But if you, if you’ve ever consumed better me meaty that’s, I’ll put my hand up. I made that well explained to people quickly what out me to use if they don’t know. And so I created a all organic herbal tea planned. Corbett and has got four Herb’s in there and get every now and we do, it’s a bit of a ritual for us and it’s supports bowel, regular bowel movement regularity. So it was designed to help, um, people move their balance because a lot of the teas that are out there for that purpose don’t taste very good at all. They contain things like center, which can be really harsh and harmful on the gut lining and integrity if they take it for a long period of time or it could take a beat consumed like lax and tears that give them the griping and again, harmful on the gut.
Lynda: So, um, tastes delicious. It’s all organic and it, yeah, it helps you to reduce or extinguish constipation as well as their common digestive complaints. Blue Team, highly recommended. I might try it, but I do drink it every night. You do drink it. Trust me. Doesn’t do things he the Monday, no, especially when I’ve created a, this is true. And um, yeah. So make sure you get amongst it. You get a weekly newsletter as well. I know, yeah. Up to today towards cast and all the rest of it. And uh, you’ve covered so many topics on there. I highly recommend it. And I’m Instagram, Instagram. I do that. That’s the best place to find me. Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you for coming on the show today. I really love it. Thanks buddy. Thank you.