#342 In this episode, Guy spoke with Chris Volpe, who shared his profound spiritual experiences and the transformative impact they had on his life. He discussed his intense meditation sessions, which transported him to Egypt, where he experienced a symbolic death and rebirth in a sarcophagus. Chris reflected on how these journeys, including a retreat in Bali and a pilgrimage to Egypt, led to significant personal growth and a deepened sense of trust and flow in life. He also highlighted his career as a CEO and how his spiritual work positively influenced his professional and personal life, urging listeners to take steps towards their own inner journeys.
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About Chris: Chris Volpe is a motivated accountant and entrepreneur with experience in business administration, operational systems, business restructuring and insolvency, leadership, and strategy. He is currently based in Byron, Australia and is the chief of Fox Wardrobes.
Chris is a passionate business man focused on delivering outstanding results for all involved. He is a fully qualified Chartered Accountant with a post graduate diploma in Insolvency Accounting with more than a decade of experience in business management.
►Audio Version:
Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) – Man REVEALS How Chakras OPENED a PORTAL to Past Lives & Profound Spiritual Insights!
- (01:05) – Welcome Back to the Podcast
- (02:00) – Balancing Business and Personal Growth
- (04:22) – The Impact of Personal Development
- (10:44) – Journey to Bali and Spiritual Awakening
- (15:15) – A Transformative Meditation Experience
- (27:44) – Continuing the Spiritual Journey in Egypt
- (36:42) – Reflections and Lessons Learned
- (46:51) – Final Thoughts and Future Plans
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Please note, this is an automated transcript so it is not 100% accurate.
I just had a really profound spiritual experience where, as I went into the different chakras, I was transported to being in Egypt. What happens if I get into the sarcophagus? And he goes, you’ll die. This is why I’m here. To do this work, I go, thank you. And I step into the sarcophagus and this sphere of light comes through the lid into my chest, my chest arches up and I’m feeling my body in Bali, but I’m in this experience in Egypt.
I’ve lost 10 kilos. feel amazing. My priorities have shifted significantly as well. Even deeper trust in this surrender process on how things are happening for a reason.
Mr. Chris Volpe. Welcome back to the podcast, my man. It’s been a while.
Thanks, Guy. It has been
I’ve, uh, yeah, I’m very excited. Um, obviously we’re good friends. I’ve known you for a long time and I’ve been hassling you to come back on the podcast and thank you for doing so. Um, and it’s, what I’m enjoying as well, Chris, is that you’re a real good benchmark of the work cause you, To one of our first retreats, you know, then you ended up supporting us for a while And then you came back as a participant at a later retreat And i’ve watched you evolve as well with yourself your own work and what you’re doing and it’s just a joy to see you mate so um,
Thanks, man.
Appreciate it. But for everyone listening You know if a stranger stopped you on the street or you’re at an intimate dinner party and they said what do you do? For a living right now, what would you answer?
Hey, that’s a tough question. That one. I think as a. In my general day to day life, I’m CEO of a company that I built with my brother, Vic. Yeah. Um, and I run, uh, the business, yeah, the day to day operations of the business. We’ve got a team of about 40. So, that’s kind of the, the, the work that I’ve built in my creation.
Um, and on the side, you know, I’ve done support work for yourself and, um, I like to, yeah, just to, to learn and grow.
Yeah, so a team of 40 people. So it’s a big operation, right? Like I can’t my my Brain starts to hurt when I think about having to operate 40 people. You know, we’ve got a small team of six of us, I think. But
with that then, and the work you’ve been doing, does it feel like you’ve been living a double life? Or does your employees and staff and everyone know that you’ve been leaning into this other aspect of yourself, which is exploring the self as well?
Yeah man, like it’s, it’s sort of, they know that I’m doing the work on myself and then I come back from big experiences and life seems to have taken a turn and they go, whoa, there’s a, sometimes a bit of a rollercoaster. Um, of what I’m bringing, but I feel that I live authentically and in my truth. So the team, you know, where the industry that we’re in his cabinetry construction industry, um, you know, the majority of the team of men.
Tough blokes, you know, and I come in with, you gotta live in flow. Trust the process. Like this morning, a few jobs moved out and I’m like, guys, there’s a reason, you know, it’s meant to be like, we’ve just dropped down from budget for the month. January is a hard month. They’re like, do we need to try to figure it out?
I go, nah, trust the process. Something’s going to move. And so I feel that, yeah, it just waves into the everyday. And to be honest, my experience of my business and my work is way more enjoyable now, the more I develop myself and evolve myself into. You know, my truth and my authenticity and my heart, like leading from the heart.
It just, it’s just a more enjoyable place to be.
Because I want to lean into your experiences on a recent Bali retreat and, and then you went off and you did some more traveling, you went through Egypt and how all these things tied together. Because it’s pretty wild and I’m excited to share it with people. But just on what you said, and we’ll get into that in a moment, but just on what you said is if you are to quantify.
The from the remember the day when you came to our retreat, I believe it was in 2019 in winter. So it’s been five years and then you’ve been, you know, there or thereabouts. Obviously, we’ve hung out separately and stuff, but you’ve been leaning into the work constantly and exploring your own journey and other people’s work.
I think that’s really important. How has that impacted your life? How would you quantify that to someone that is always sitting on the fence looking in as opposed to diving in And running with it because what I love about you chris, you don’t mess around mate You just grab something and you run with it.
Yeah. Thanks, mate. I think like, there’s two words that come to mind. It’s just game changer, like like the way I live now. Um, to quantify the, you know, when I came to that first retreat. I felt disconnected from my feelings. Like I couldn’t, I couldn’t really experience joy anymore. I couldn’t like, I was like, I couldn’t cry.
Like I couldn’t feel, and it was like, I kind of just felt like I was losing myself. And then. To quantify that, you know, there’s been that first retreat. I said, like, I had like an upgrade. Like I felt like I was a windows upgrade. Like I needed a full reboot to now it’s just, it’s almost unquantifiable.
Like the experiences I’m having the, yeah. The spiritual experiences, the, the knowing that there’s more to. life than what we just see, touch and feel. Um, the feelings of joy that I experienced from day to day, the level of presence. Um, and if I saw like, well, if you saw a photo of me then to who I am now, it’s like, I think most people tell me I look totally different, but my body feels better.
I feel lean, fit, healthy. Um, Just on, you know, the wheel, like if I put everything in there, physical, spiritual relationship, um, yeah, financial, like all of it has just gone expanded out and I just see that as a, as a continual progression and expansion, this last, and there’s like, I’d say too, that there’s themes that I’m working through.
And kind of, they can read, you know, I might deal with it once, but then it’ll come back, but I’m at a deeper level, a deeper layer. So it’s not that, you know, that lesson that I got, that’s it. I’ve done and I’ve learned the lesson. Actually, I’m just going deeper into my heart, deeper into the awareness of who I am and unraveling those layers.
So the one thing I’d say is game changer. The second thing I’d say is all of that, you know.
One one thing I want to pick up on there as well before I get into What’s been happening for you is that you mentioned about you couldn’t feel Right, and that there was no joy in your life and you were like almost Disconnected from your own vessel right now for people listening to this Because we all we always tend to look externally to then Resolve what we can’t feel What would you say the impact is of in your everyday life then, of actually instead of going externally, going internally to those emotions and those feelings and start to unearth what is always wanting to grab your attention in the first place, except we’re too busy or we’re not shown the way of how to do it.
Yeah, I’d say the sense that I get from it is just like a solid mountain or I feel that my presence in day to day life, um, is more. Just able to weather all of the storms coming in and my, the emotional work that it took to bring joy back into my life. Like the inner child work that we did on retreat and with Petra and the other work that I’ve done outside of that on the inner child, reconnecting with him, um, finding healing.
Some of those emotional things that were being blocked or suppressed has freed up so much energy, like freed up my. My joy, it’s freed up my, my feeling body, that part of me that allows me to experience life. Like, I think I heard Tony Robbins say once, um, the quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.
And it’s like my interpretation of that now, having done all this work on myself, is that the emotional work that allows them for me to feel more fully Has allowed me to be more expressed in this life. Like I show up at work with more passion, enthusiasm. I can find joy in the day to day we’re making cabinetry.
We’re like, we’re, we’re sort of like changing people’s lives through organization. It doesn’t, you can say, well, you’re just building boxes, but like you come in and we have fun. And like the team are working together. And I think when I was first really digging into this. It was like, like it felt like a struggle, you know, whereas now it feels more aligned.
Yes, shit gets tough, like there’s still real, um, challenges that come up and then I have to go into that emotional work, but I feel like I’ve built a process around that that supports me on a day to day and life is just more alive, you know.
Totally. You’re Foreman B now, not Foreman A. That’s
that’s an inside joke from the retreats. But anyway, I think about that. So why did you then decide to come to Bali in, well, I can say 2024 now. I think it was, June was it? June in Bali. We got another Bali retreat coming up in end of April 2025, but that’s almost sold out, which is amazing.
Yeah. So why did you come to Bali 2024?
So you called me in like, I think it was like February, you checked in with me and I’d been like the last two years or the year and a half leading up to it, I’d really had this, um, a shake up in business. The market’s more challenging. We’ve got interest rate rises. We’ve got, um, an industry that’s getting shaken up.
There’s a lot going on. So I was living in Byron Bay and I kind of had another project going and I had an operations manager running the business and all of a sudden I needed to get back to my business to deal with that and and make sure it was solid for this kind of challenging market. And you, I’ve been gone for like a year.
I just been like working and in the creation on purpose. My fire is lit, but I wasn’t having much sleep. I was like my, my balance had started to shift, you know, and that’s why I think it’s really important to continually do the work and to be checking in and creating space, um, for health and wellness and for that growth.
I kicked some really massive milestones in the business and business was cranking by this stage and you called me and said, Hey, we’ve got a retreat in Bali and that we’re going to launch. And I’d never been to Bali and it’s on my bucket list. And I’m like, I got to go. It just was like an instant knowing. It dropped in. I remember the moment I was in the car and you’d called me and you said Bali and I just had this like, like lighting up of my, my heart. And I was just like, I’ve got to go to Bali. And it just sort of felt like really good timing. Cause the business stuff was sort of coming to completion.
The team was really solid. We’d had to do a bit of a restructure. The team was feeling really solid. So I felt like it was the perfect timing. And that, that’s like. Living in flow and live like the guidance is just sort of guiding me and that it just feels more easeful when I follow that intuition.
And I think you booked in that night, like the same day I saw your I saw our payment mate, Chris Volpe, like, holy shit, he’s not messing around. He definitely come in. Um,
so, so let’s, let’s talk us through when, what was your mindset like then? Cause obviously you’ve supported us at retreats and you’ve been a participant at this point too, but you knew you had to come to Bali and the retreat.
So it might’ve been even technically your fourth retreat maybe or something.
yeah. Yeah, I think as a participant, it was my second proper one. The actual what I really loved about it too was the five. Not like that was a bit longer, so I got a bit more immersion. Um, The, the, the other ones that I’ve done, I must’ve back cause I, it was all through COVID I think, and Petra needed to zoom in.
So I was supporting Petra for a couple of years. So you know, four, five, maybe something in support. Every time I was in the energy with that collective that you guys bring together and the people choose, they come along. There’s always something big, like even though I wasn’t a participant. I found it was such a gift to give and to be in support.
And I also had moments where I was able to participate and it was a, it was really profound. Like the progress that I could see with regular, uh, each year, like working on the inner child stuff and continuing that work was really powerful. The, my sense for this barley one coming up to it and the reason for this knowing and the heart coming up was like, yeah, I’m ready.
Business staff, that mission’s kind of completing, um, I need some balance. What’s what’s next. You know, can I just, I was starting to feel a little bit disconnected by the end from my feelings again, and I was like, okay, I really want to, I really want to see what’s here, what’s next and what’s happening. So then it just felt right. And. Yeah. Lent fully in.
Yeah, fair enough then. So when you got to Bali, let’s talk through, I guess, the building up to what happened, because I believe it was in the meditation I led on, I don’t know, day two or day three.
Yep. So, yeah, I think it was day three, I have all notes and drawings from it. It was like the build, the dropping in, you know, it was just, we kind of get into the group and we start to get to know each other and I start, I’m starting to notice that there’s a few people there at the retreat that are bringing stuff up for me.
And, and that’s, um, that’s reflecting some of the work that needed to be done and some of the stuff I needed to let go of. And I’m like, everything happens for a reason. This is crazy synchronistic. So the point where I think it was you and Petra go, Oh, that person reminds me of someone that was really important to you back in the day, which was my ex wife.
And I had to like some processing. There was just. There was some general really getting into the energy and starting to see, oh, there’s a, there’s a reason I’m here and there’s some work that’s happening. And then I booked in the meantime, I’d kind of booked sort of three things in a row because I wanted to test my team to see if they were able to really continue the business without me being there all the time.
So to have that support and wanted to see that what I’d done had worked. And so I had this, the Bali retreat booked, and I’d also had the Egypt retreat for the Egypt. Like it was like a spiritual trip, a bit of a pilgrimage and that felt really strong. And then I’d also had a trip to Italy where I was going to be doing a retreat at the start, um, and going to a, a, a wedding of my partner’s Italian and go into a wedding at the end.
And so. All these things are kind of booked, but it just felt right, but it was kind of the steps. So in your meditation on, I think it was the third day, um, it was in the morning one with the, with the chakra meditation. And, um, yeah, I just had a really profound spiritual experience where as I went into the, the meditation and into the different chakras.
Um, I was transported to being in Egypt and I could see myself walking in a procession. Yep.
So was that a vision or did you feel yourself expand and physically be there? Like, how was that?
Yeah. For me, how it kind of happens is I can, as I talk about it now, I can see the experience. So when I was in it, it’s a sense of like, I was going into myself through the guided meditation. And then all of a sudden it’s like, it’s something expands and opens up And then I start to get a sense of Uh, visual and, and knowing like information.
So it’s like, it’s sort of, it’s translating and I don’t know, I don’t really know how the whole process works, but this is where I’m in full trust of, uh, and surrender of where life’s taking me now. And so somehow I appear and can see, and we’ll transmit to you kind of the visuals of it as like walking in a procession with.
Um, some people in front and some people behind me or beings, like, it’s sort of like, but I can tell that they’re, they’re a being, like, you know, it’s light, it almost comes through as light. And then we’re walking to the Great Pyramid in Giza. And I’ve never been there at this point, like I did ancient Egyptian, sort of ancient history in school.
And I learned a little bit. So I’m there walking to this. So you could imagine at this point, I’m going, what, what’s happening here? What’s going on? And so we go into the pyramid and we end up in. a chamber and or in a room and there’s a sarcophagus and like it’s hard not to know what it is. Just a box with a lid.
And so we’re walking and it feels sacred, you know, like we’re walking with a reason and a purpose. And we’re there together in support of each other. And there was a lot of love. Like my heart had pretty much was just way open and I’m feeling a lot of love. And I get into the room and the other beings around, um, one comes forward and says to me, uh, you know, do you want to get into the sarcophagus?
And I was like, what what happens if I get into the sarcophagus? And he goes, you’ll die. And I’m like, okay, this feels a little intense. Um, but I’m up for that. What happens then? You know, once I die, and then the message that I got was you’ll be reborn. I was like, okay. And there’s this moment of fear where I’m going, well, is it going to be painful?
What happens? Like, and, but I’ve, like you said, I lean in. So my. I was just like, you know what? I’m here. This is why I’m here to do this work. I’m going to get into the sarcophagus. So I go, thank you. And I step into the sarcophagus. I lay down, they shut the lid and I get a little bit scared. I was like, Whoa, what’s going on here?
And this like spear of light comes through the lid. Into my chest and I start to like convulse. So I’m like, my chest arches up and this is, so I’m feeling my body in Bali, but I’m in this experience in Egypt and my chest arcs up, I can’t breathe and I’m sucking air in and I just, I had to just surrender because it was like, I’m, I’m gone and so boom.
And then it just expands into like, I feel like I’m convulsing like this. I’ve got tears start pouring down my face and I just let it happen and then as I surrendered into it and It basically just went into like Expanded into blackness and just sort of love and I was crying like significantly and I was Just feeling these beings sort of holding me in support.
And that was that day. And so you end the meditation and I’ve got snot like all down my shirt and I open my eye and you, you, you finish off and I open my eyes and I look at you. I remember like we caught each other’s eye and I just was like, had my hand on it. I was like, thank you. Cause the, the death, what had happened just felt so, uh, Freeing, like, so freeing, like, and all this tears and it’s this emotions just had me in such a state of bliss, um, that, yeah, I just was like, Oh, I just so grateful for the experience.
So that was that. And then it followed through to the next that, which I can tell you about. Sure. Yeah.
you were able to do in that moment was just truly surrender. And let go and i’ve been in those circumstances myself in deep meditations and it can be bloody scary it’s like wow, but But it’s in that trusting and letting go and knowing there’s a greater support and an evolution of ourself That really that’s where the transformation lies.
It’s like in that moment, isn’t it? It was right then and I remember seeing I remember just laughing to myself what look Because the state of some of the people when they get up off the floor at the end. It’s quite You Funny after a while, even though I know you went through such a big emotional thing I was really happy for you as well because it’s like wow something profound just happened there. That’s amazing
And you’ve seen me, I remember one of the retreats, I’m like, I’m like this, like, and you’re just receiving stuff from my manager. So you’ve seen a lot that I’ve gone through and people, you know,
Totally. so what happened the next day?
so that I just went through that whole day, then just in this kind of euphoria of. Uh, release and then the next morning in the sleep at the retreat, so good, like deep and like visual and stuff.
And so like I went for this really deep sleep and I got up the next day feeling ready. I came in and we, you did the, um, you guided us through another, the chakra meditation. And as soon as we hit, you start the meditation. Boom. I’m back. I’m in the sarcophagus. And so the lid slides off and I’m going, this is insane.
Like it’s the thing processes happened over a whole day, but I’m, I’m here now in the same moment in that time. The lid comes off and they, the beings, they’re just like, help me step out of the sarcophagus. And I was like, I was reborn and then boom, I’m in tears. I’m sobbing again. And then my heart just sort of like, opened right up and it felt like then it was complete that we came out of the, um, Great Pyramid and then that was it.
And I, the meditation finished and then I’m like, I just had the whole journey through over two separate meditations.
Wow. Wow. Yeah. And I just, because you mentioned the chakra system a couple of times as well. I’m a huge, huge fan of ultimately using the chakras to, to dive into the, do the inner work. Cause I found on my own experiences, and this is for everyone listening is that as we clear that vessel, think of the chakras, it’s like a, a blueprint for a house almost and our body the physical body being the home, but then you’ve got this blueprint that Is sending and receiving information creating that structure?
So I kind of look at these big energy chakra systems and as we clear that from our This life’s traumas past traumas and so forth. It really allows us then to start receive and dive into experiences To evolve our soul our evolution like you just had
yeah, and, and, you know, That then allowed me to really, with the last piece of the retreat, close and let go of those things that were, I could see when I arrived, were there to be healed. That person that was reflecting and triggering me for some reason, that it all kind of then was able to close off.
So it was like, it was like the death initiation, whatever had happened in that, That, you know, I can’t fully comprehend with my mind. It’s like all allowed for this beautiful completion of the retreat. And then after I spent a week in Bali, I had the best time of my life. Like I had the most amazing flow holiday synchronicities happening, you know, Like, so, thumbs up to that, mate.
Like, Bali was so spot on and, and fun.
Yeah, no, it was beautiful and the charlotte we had like in the rain forest and and we didn’t have many mosquitoes either Which was a bonus
the whole experience was was phenomenal. First of all, thank you for sharing all that. I know, um, It’s not something you you probably talk around the dinner table too often with your work mates, but I appreciate it, right?
So, um So let’s fast forward then the experiences because that’s only half of the the story,
Yeah. So, then, I was pretty surprised that in Bali, I lived in an experience that I’d already, I’d booked Egypt, but I’d, I’d kind of lived this experience in Bali. So all of a sudden sort of this Egyptian pace started to open up more for me. And I went from, I went from Barlow, came back, business staff, sorted it out, kind of got into the flow and then I didn’t, I went to each, uh, to Italy first, so I had a month in Italy and I was meant to go to a tantric retreat where I was doing tantra work with my partner and we ended up going through this super, cause the, my sense of it was, I had been so opened up to this These other realms and other parts of myself that, um, going to Italy then had this, this sort of pilgrimage almost on its way to Egypt.
And what had happened was I live through this whole month. We ended up having to cancel the, not go to the, um, the tantric retreat because my partner’s, the grandma Nonna, she passed away when it was literally like she waited for us to arrive in Italy. And then the day before we went into the retreat, she passed away.
And so we ended up canceling the retreat and we just went. To do family things and it just started to open up all of this, um, family heritage and stuff and past life. So we ended up going from, we went from Puglia seeing family traveling all the way up Northern Italy. Um, and we were having and the whole time I was having these glimpses of a past life where I was in the Knights Templar and I was actually Rosanna’s protector in that life and she was in, um, One of the, the Magdalene sisters, um, one of, she was in the, that group.
And, and I, we’re going from place to place having this, this, like we’re, we’re having a trip and we’re seeing family and then I’d walk into a place and have a vision of, well, we’ve been here before, and I was protecting you as we went to this, through this village. And we would have experiences where then people.
That the accommodation we’re at would bring up experiences. I had one where I, we went through a whole forgiveness process through this past life. So we lived that life and this life at the same time, pretty much for the whole month and the synchronicities that happened by the end of the trip, because it’d take a few hours to tell you the whole story, but by the end of the trip in Italy, we had people coming up to us, just giving us.
Book recommendations for, um, Mary Magdalene. And we were like, how did you know? We’ve just spent this whole time. Like in this past life thing. And so we’ve, we started to journey deeper with that and we arrive at a place. Someone recommended us to go and there was this big sign and it says the passage to Egypt in a time and Rosanna goes, here you go.
That’s your pilgrimage to this next. Next step. And so just that in itself was profound, like having that process complete and the, we closed off this past life thing together. Um, I came back to Sydney, did some more business stuff, kind of work through that, and then went to Egypt. And so there’s all the conflict that was coming, like there’s conflict over there and stuff happening.
And so I had family members telling me not to go, like you could get stuck in. Egypt, you may not be able to get back. There’s a war that’s going to break out. So I had moment of sort of fear coming up is like, am I really going to go? To Egypt in this conflict. Like I could wait, but man, I just knew I needed to, to go.
It was like that same thing with the Bali experience. And, uh, I bumped into someone I knew from Byron Bay and she said, Oh, I just got back from Egypt. She’s half Egyptian. And she’s like, yeah, it’s fine. Go for it. And I was like, that’s the sign I needed. I’m going. And that was like two days before I left.
So then I flew out, arrived in Egypt. And the, the, um, lady who’s running the, the travel, the trip, Marcella, she’s from Peru. She’s a shaman. So she does like this sort of spiritual work and the whole journey was kind of mapped as a bit of a pilgrimage. And so we arrive on day one, I don’t know what to expect, what we’re going to be doing.
And I arrive at the hotel and she goes, okay, so you. You sleep, you get up at 3am and we’re going to the Great Pyramid in Giza. And I’m like, what? And she’s like, yeah, we’ve got a private tour of the pyramid and we’re going in it and we’re going to be there for 5am. And I’m like, well, because I’m starting to think what’s happening here.
Like I didn’t even know, you know, going to go to the pyramid, how the itinerary looked and if we were going to, when we were going to go. And so I get up the next morning, we’re in our van, we get there, we arrive. There’s no one else. It’s before opening hours. And we had a private tour organized with a guard and one of the, um, people who managed site.
And so we went in and it was like a procession and I’m on this journey into the pyramid and we walk, we climb up through and I start to feel The stuff that we came up for me in Bali, so I had to have some like, um, a little bit of panic or fear coming up as I like, I’m climbing into the pyramid. Cause I’m gone.
Is this gonna be what I’ve just lived through in Bali? Am I going to die in here? You know, like what, what’s happening at the same time, the God, the God’s got a machine gun and I’m like, well, maybe this is it. Maybe this is the end, you know? And so. So we climb up, we make our way in and, and the pyramid itself, just to, for those who’ve never been, and it was my first experience, the construction of that thing is unbelievable.
Like the pieces of granite that have been cut precisely in perfect lines and joined together and in the King’s chamber, which is what it was called when we got in there was this big room with these massive pieces of granite that come from Aswan. Perfect like joins like we do in our cabinetry to the millimeter but stone the size of a truck like a semi trailer and I’m going, how did they get, you tell me that you got slaves putting this thing together, how did they lift that piece back then, you know, to three thousands of years ago, like 5000 years ago into place, like, it doesn’t make any sense, like the stuff like how that construction story comes about.
And so. I’m in there just blown away by just the place itself and the experience. And we get in there and then the guy, the, the, the guy just says, okay, you can do what you need, meditate, spend your time in here. It’s just a room, like it’s just a square box room. And then I fall, I see the sarcophagus. And so I walk in, I’m like, there’s a sarcophagus there. And so we end up, we start a meditation process and we end up each of us going through a ceremony where we lay in the sarcophagus. And I lived, I literally lived the experience that I had in Bali. There was, when I laid in it, I didn’t put a lid on top. It wasn’t the exact same in terms of how that happened, but from an energetic.
Um, level and a spiritual level, the same thing was happening. I had my chest convulsed. I had releases happening. I could feel the energy in the pyramid just coming into my body and this unbelievable level of like release and energy and not fully comprehending my mind. I don’t think can come can keep up with the level of stuff that’s going on.
But the experience was profound emotionally and, um, energetically. Yeah.
So that’s, that’s what the, that’s how Egypt started.
how it started. What do you think, like when you look back and reflect on that now, months later, what are the lessons from it? What do you feel has come from that for you moving forward?
So much has transformed in me since that experience, like coming back. The, there was many profound moments on that Egypt trip and in completion of that trip. I had, I got like, I came down with like a fever and I felt a release, like my body was releasing, I got back to Australia and I was in this releasing process and then my, I, like my diet shifted.
I’ve like, I’ve lost 10 kilos of weight. I, um, I feel amazing, like absolutely amazing. The, the, my priorities have shifted significantly as well. Like, so on a physical level, I’m still, I’m here running my business, doing the things, but there’s so much more space and presence like around it as a, like a takeaway, I feel that I’ve got so even deeper trust in this surrender process on how things are happening for a reason.
Um, I was safe. I went to Egypt and it was all safe and the things that happened as I lent him more and more just profoundly positive experiences and, and growth and the level of trust that I’ve got in like my commitment to that in my life and my journey has just like jumped up a whole other level. And I feel. Yeah, more peace as well. Like just so much peace from it.
Yeah, no, it’s beautiful the um, And the only way you’re going to get there is by actually leaning in and learning what it is like to trust And trust in that surrender as you said and until we start to do it and explore the self and really Unearth what is within us and what wants to present itself And we always get what we need, not what we want.
We, we always get more than we think we can handle, but we can actually handle it. So we’re always stretched at the same time, but it’s never stretched beyond the point, you know, and, and, and it’s through those actions and that refining, isn’t it?
contraction, expansion, contraction, and we propel ourselves forward.
It’s so good. It’s so good.
No, it’s beautiful. Um, last question for you then, like reflecting back now, what would you then, if people, because some of the things you shared then could feel quite scary. I remember leaning into this for the first time thinking I was really scared and the thought of letting go or like my mind would conjure up if I’m going to die, are these things going to really happen?
And then You know, what happens if I connect with a soul on the other side? Are they gonna, you know, like there’s so much your mind can conjure in terms of fear. That’s what I found for myself when, when I knew nothing and leaning in. Right. But so how would you share then from all your experiences to someone that might feel really disconnected, really stuck, really emotionless?
There’s a magnetism to leaning into this work, but I’m not willing to take the step or not yet, like, I don’t know, talk to all of that.
like I imagine it’s sort of like a ladder climbing up the, you know, like it’s sort of one step at a time and the, when I, you know, I’ve been doing this work for a good chunk of my life. I like always interpersonal development first to start a very physical, just getting better and doing, you know, setting goals and all that very, like, primarily focused on my physical reality.
And then now it’s expanded so much more into spirituality and who I like am deeply in the emotional work. Um, I would say just taking that first step, like you said, you’re given what you kind of ready for or capable to do. I don’t think I could have lent in and had that full experience when I first started.
The work and I remember when I went to your retreat, I was like, what are these? Like, I didn’t know you at the time. I was like, what are these guys on about? They try to manipulate me or something like, you know, like, like I’m going, what am I doing here? You know, I’ve set goals. I got my work, but I just kind of, I just took the step and I lent in.
And then I realized like how profound and beautiful it is when you can connect with people, their hearts truly open. And then there’s honesty in the community. It’s like. I took that one step and then I built a bit more trust. And then it’s like, it’s another step and a bit more trust, like, and building muscles through, you know, ice baths on a different experiences that are starting to bring more body focus, you know, diet, like little things, and then just building up to then the point where it started to have like deep, profound spiritual experiences and, you know, it’s not necessarily linear because I did have some amazing.
Openers, um, and that helped guide me to you guys and the other work that I’m doing. And I chatted a bit about that in the first podcast we did together when I was living at Possum Creek and the, the synchronicities that happened, but it’s like, it’s just the one step at a time, just climbing up that ladder.
And taking, just leaning in when it feels right, when the heart feels good about it. I don’t
What do you think this would do to
I want to know
people in general or the population of the world if this was part of a curriculum?
should be! Like, it’s crazy that it’s not. You know, like, there’s, there’s, This is a way of being that we are more naturally Built for, I believe that this is who we were, have been, are, you know, in many layers on many timelines, but it’s like, you’re pulling yet you, what I love about you guys is you bring the science in and there’s that part of it, but really this is ancient stuff.
Breath shaman is like sound. All of that does, it comes into what’s been there. And when I was in Egypt, a big part of my initiation through that whole process was, um, Starting to learn about 5, 000 years ago, what these guys were doing and how they were living, um, came through more and more. And it’s like, Whoa, the stuff that we’re doing, you know, and the live and flow retreat, the work I’m doing with Marcella, these different people that are working with, um, with spiritual realms, sound, frequency, vibration, body, DNA, like all of this stuff is actually.
Technology or, um, understandings that have been there. I just think it’s like, it needs to be a part of the, the way the curriculum, how we live. And I think it’s becoming more and more, and it feels like now is a really good time turning point with that, you know, with technology exploding, like ways of doing things are going to change significantly.
So bringing this back into. community into society. So we’ll be hugely powerful and For the new generations that are coming in, you know, like I look at my dad, man, my dad, he has cancer and he’s in remission. Um, so he’s, he’s done all the chemo and all that stuff and amazing strong man. But you know, I believe that he that’s held on emotional trauma from his life and the buildup.
And he has, you know, he, he, I haven’t seen him do the work. So I imagine that that’s. That cancer is a combination of that. And you know, peace comes from letting go. And now as he’s coming to the end, he’s more gentle and letting go of things. So I think for health, for wellness, for emotional happiness, for all of that, where, so if we do this work, we’re breaking the cycle, we’re cycle breakers, and we’re changing that.
And it’s like my relationship. Uh, my partner, I feel that our relationship is more joyful because I’ve been able to do this self work and we’re doing the work together as well in the relationship and we’re maturing. And then the first thing is the individual, then you got the couple, then you got collective.
Like if we can’t hold out relationships. How do we hold, uh, more a community orientated, more supportive environment, you know? So, my heart, gateway to all of, all of this, you know?
Yeah. No, phenomenal answer. Absolutely. We can’t separate any of it, even as an individual, when it comes to health, like I’m so passionate about it. You have to look at not only the physical aspects of the things where you spoke about your dad, but you have to look at the mental, the emotional and the spiritual aspects of it as well.
The environment. The, the, the. The external inputs that are happening. It’s not just any one thing.
Yeah. Exactly.
Last question for you mate before we wrap this up is um Actually, I got two first thing is is there anything else you’d like to leave the listeners to ponder on? Just do it. Get, take a step. See how it feels. If it feels good, continue. And yeah, I think that’s, that’s what I just leave is like for me, it was just one step at a time taking the step and yeah, there’s been challenges, but, oh, it’s, I love where I’m at now, you know, the expansion that’s happened.
Yeah, good on you mate. Well, hopefully we’ll see you back at one of them Eh, we’re gonna be in bali at the end of april 2025 we got australia in june and spain Split in Croatia in November, early November, 2025. Come and join us if someone’s listening. And Chris, thank you so much for coming on and sharing, mate. I know it’s a big deal, but it’s truly appreciated, man. And,
Cheers. Did you have two questions guy? Or was it just one?
that was the one and a half. It was all in there, but that’s sweet, mate. That’s sweet. I’ll, I’ll wrap it up, but I just want to say mate, um, it’s, it’s an honor calling you a friend and I love your enthusiasm for life and the way you tackle things and take things on head on and, and just fully embrace everything.
And, um, it’s contagious. It rubs off and it’s always a joy hanging around. Thanks, buddy. Much love, mate.