#265 In this episode, Guy and Matt explored the prevailing bias towards the mind in our world, often disregarding matters of the heart and soul. They explained how our current reality is rooted in the subjective experiences of the five senses, heavily favoring the mind and dismissing emotions, intuition, and spirituality.
However, they introduced an exciting development in the form of new technology that aims to bridge the gap between the mind and the heart and soul. This technology can provide concrete evidence, such as brainwave patterns and energetic patterns, to support the existence of experiences related to the heart and soul. It offers tangible proof that these experiences are not merely subjective or mythical.
The expressed enthusiasm for this technology as it has the potential to validate and bring recognition to the significance of the heart and soul. They emphasized the distinction between belief and knowing, suggesting that this technology can provide a sense of certainty about the existence and importance of the heart and soul.
Overall, the episode sheds light on the bias towards the mind in our world and the need to bridge the gap between the mind and the heart and soul. The introduction of new technology is seen as a means to provide evidence and acknowledgment for experiences related to the heart and soul, which are often disregarded in our society.
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About Matt: Matt Omo is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years of experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques bridging cultures and traditions from around the world. The work and awareness around sound healing and its benefits are growing every day. Matt is developing new programs and products to meet this need and continue to support people in discovering the benefits of the healing power of sound.
►Audio Version:
Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) – Going Beyond Limited Reality & Transforming Your Consciousness
- (04:12) – Beyond the five senses.
- (07:14) – The pineal gland.
- (10:51) – Believing vs. knowing.
- (15:07) – Overcoming limitations and fears.
- (19:12) – Breaking free from societal control.
- (23:38) – Mystical experiences at a young age.
- (26:23) – Surrendering to the unknown.
- (31:09) – Profound healing experiences with psychedelics.
- (35:23) – Appreciating precious moments.
- (39:50) – Imagination fuels limitless possibilities.
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Guy (00:00):
Beautiful. We are recording. Welcome to the podcast, Matt. Welcome back.
Matt (00:15):
Thank you. I had to come all the way to the other side of the world in order to get on your podcast again. I know. Stingy you are these days.
Guy (00:20):
Yes. We are in Portugal and we are in Algezia. Oh, right. We are in Portugal. We are in Portugal. Keep it up Portugal. We are in this beautiful Monte Velo retreat center. We will be actually starting this afternoon and in true traditional style. We are recording a podcast just before we start. And today’s topic we want to discuss with a little bit around mystical experiences. And the reason why is that Petra should be on the podcast right now, but she’s actually in the room next door. We are in a chalet. We are trying to find the light because we didn’t have a light to turn on. Anyway, another story. Hence why we’ve got this amazing background. You’ve got the most stunning view over there and you’ve got the most beautiful background behind us. Can you believe it? So they are doing testing next door. This is the first time we’ve brought somebody in to actually start to measure the changes within the body. And he’s worked with Norman. He’s from the Hanover Institute and he’s worked with thousands of people. And one of his passions is actually measuring mystical experiences and the changes they have on the body. So hence why Petra’s on the podcast. She’s helping Norman right now. And the way we’re measuring is through the brain, EEG. So it’s quantitative measure of neurofeedback. And it’s amazing just talking to Norman last night and interesting podcast as well, recent one I did with Marty Schulz. Norman knew him. He’s like, oh my God, the guy’s a legend. One of the originals. Anyway, you can measure the changes from if somebody is anxious, depressed, in states of joy, love, bliss. And, you know, ideally we’ll want the default states to be of more peace, joy, love and bliss. So we’re measuring that and the mystical experience can contribute a lot to that.
Matt (02:08):
We’ll continue on. You said the EEG and what other things are we measuring?
Guy (02:12):
We’ll be measuring the nervous system. He’s using something along with HRV. He was showing me the equipment yesterday and we’re also measuring GDV, which don’t ask me to pronounce it because I asked him that and he said, look, it’s all in Russian and there’s a big long word about 25 letters long. But that actually measures the electro field of the body and within the organs and within the energy centers. And that’s a fascinating.
Matt (02:39):
It measures the energy centers too, right?
Guy (02:41):
The energetic centers. So it measures the energetic body and it can measure how aligned or disaligned you are and post and pre and post retreat as well. So we got about a third of the participants doing that because we can only pump out to an hour. Oh, was that a, anyway, notification. That’s nice. My computer’s never done that before. Anyway, let’s keep going. All right. Mystical experiences and as we’re waffling now.
Matt (03:05):
That is almost mystical.
Guy (03:09):
Yeah. How would you define mystical experience?
Matt (03:14):
Well, for me, I think it comes back to the basis of the work that we do. It’s just, we tend to identify reality with the information that comes through our five senses, right? So, and that information that comes through the five senses is often skewed and limited and colored by the experiences that we’ve had, especially the traumas and the challenges that we’ve endured through our lives. So it becomes even more limited in the information that’s coming through or skewed. It’s biased. It’s biased information. Very. Very. We see that all the time, right? And so in all of that is a very limited view of what reality is. And that if we start to realize that we have the capacity to feel and experience life and consciousness beyond the five senses, then we start to lean into what I would call, or what I would classify as mystical. So beyond the five senses. Yeah. I don’t know if that’s a proper definition, but that’s the way that I look at it.
Guy (04:18):
Yeah, totally. It’s like, I remember when I’m doing the biogeometry fundamental course and they spoke about absolute reality. So you’ve got reality, which is totality, which is, we see it as truth. That is, you know, you could say it’s the quantum field. You could say it’s spirituality, God, whatever label you want to term on it, but there’s total reality. Absolute reality. But then for us to experience reality, and if we are to get to know thyself and experience ourselves through physical reality, if you believe we are energetic beings in the physical form, then that has to come to a point where we can actually experience the physical. And when we start to bring that into form, we’re actually bringing it down. I know many quantum scientists on the podcast, but talk about less than 1% of totality that we can experience in any given moment. And so to, and then to experience that we’ve got the nervous system, that pass send is a sender and receiver of information and allowing us to then create emotions, create hormones, create experiences through life, touch, smell, taste, sight and sound. Right. But then like you say, you’ve got the lens of our emotions and thoughts and our life experiences that is shaping the human condition from the day we are born, which is then filtering or colouring that lens. Right. So like you say, then for me, then if we start to look at that, how do we start to broaden, I’ve got ant crawling off my computer, how do we start to broaden that bandwidth of reality and start to get beyond the known from what we see, but to do that, we need to surrender the mind to allow that in, and then we lean into possibility, right? Like you, like your friend, Justine always would say, what was that quote? Let’s be, once you beyond, you know,
Matt (06:20):
Oh, let, let shit get weird.
Guy (06:22):
That’s it. Let shit get weird.
Matt (06:24):
Cause when shit gets weird, then you’re beyond what you know, if you’re beyond what you know, then anything is possible. Exactly. That’s, that’s a great way to look at it. Yeah. And the, and the fact is, is that, um, I forget what I was going to say. Go on.
Guy (06:39):
Okay. But, but it’s like, well, how do we start to see beyond, how do we start to experience from reality? And, um, you know, I’ve had many experiences where my pineal gland has opened. So it’s a small gland in the centre of the brain and it, you know, it’s known as the third eye or the sixth chakra, whatever, whatever terminology you want to do. But what I found was as I healed my own energy centre, especially opening the heart first, once I opened the heart, I was able to then work through, uh, above and below the three centres above and below, and really start to work through what the restrictions were in them in my life. But the pineal gland is fascinating. Cause I always remember interviewing Jeffrey Fanning many years ago, who studies neurofeedback and everything. And he’s like, well, you see with your brain, not your eyes, your eyes, uh, the lens and your actual brain interprets information. And they know that there’s a lens on the pineal that we can then open up to, which is going beyond the five senses of which we normally receive reality in. And that’s when we can start to open up. Sight information possibility that can come in and then work through the, that can work through the body as well at the same time, but then allowing us to start to experience something beyond what we know. And that’s when shit gets weird.
Matt (08:00):
That does get weird. Words gets beyond the mind. So then it becomes unknown to the mind. It doesn’t fit into the construct of the mind. But that’s what I was going to say is that it’s, you know, all for a long time, for, for millennia, this is something that has been documented. It’s in many cultures and traditions around the world is that they, you know, they have ceremonies, they have rituals, they have things that they do that are embedded in their culture that are designed to take them to the mystical, designed to take them to source to spirit, and that they actually then get the information from that and it holds a very high space within the culture as to how they move through their lives, how they make choices, how they, they develop, how they move the tribe or, you know, how, just how they make decisions, how they live is based upon more of the mystical and that they spend a lot of time and energy in their daily lives, reconnecting and re-imagining what that, what is possible. Exactly. And with that, what’s so exciting about now and what you’ve mentioned with Norman being here is that we witness this all the time. And that, you know, when we get the people together and these retreats in the, in the workshops, even online for that matter, cause you know, we can come together beyond time and space and not actually physically be in a room, that we see the connection of the heart and the connection then from the heart is the gateway into the soul, into the mystical, and that we’re actually working with people to connect in that way and it creates a synergy that opens people to these experiences. So we see it all the time. We see the true potential of what humanity has available to it. The sticking point then is that our world that we live in now is biased and based upon the subjective reality of the five senses and it adheres strongly to the mind and discredits and disregards anything from the heart and soul. And so in order to then bridge that this new technology that he’s working with is the bridge and then, so then those, the world that we are living in that is adhering to the mind has data points and clear pictures to say, no, this isn’t just a subjective mythical thing that you’re making up. Like it’s, it’s a reality. You can see the same brainwave patterns that are happening in people that are going into those states. You can see the same energetic patterns that are happening to people going to these different experiences. Yes. Like, so that’s what really excites me about it.
Guy (10:39):
Totally. And there’s a difference between believing and knowing. And I speak about that when the relationship of who we are, what our potential is and experience in total reality for a moment or going beyond the five senses, because I know that was for me, I was believing, I was reading books and going, yeah, that’s possible, but there’s still a element of my unconscious self. You could say the protective self, the ego, however you want to frame it, that is clinging onto this, I am just physical, this is me kind of thing. And then when you go beyond that and have a knowing experience and actually bring that back in, you can’t unwind that really. And then, and then it shifts. And the beautiful thing listening to you speak then was that it then shifts our relationship to other people. We start to see other people beyond the veil of the mask of what we put forward and protect, you know, all these protective mechanisms we impose upon ourselves and we start to get behind that and connect with the human in the soul, the heart and soul of the person, but also with Mother Earth and nature. And that starts to develop our relationship. And like you say, if we actually, this became common knowledge and common practices and we started to have these experiences and remind us, because we all fall off grace, right? You know, we all like step out of tow and start swearing and crack the shits and go back and then breathe out, calm down, come back. I don’t know what you’re talking about. If only they knew what I witnessed with this man. Oh my God. You know, so, so for me, it’s like you’re drinking from a rich well, this huge resource that we are actually part of, that we are. And as we nurture that, we can then actually adapt the body to allow more of that information to come through at any given time. So we start to develop our living experience day to day. That’s actually beyond just the five senses. If we continue to have a regular practice, which richens our relationship to everything around it, and we’ve actually become more aware, we are developing our awareness and we become more conscious beings. And there’s nothing like having an experience where, you know, your eyes are just like, holy moly, you know, your hair stands up on end and you’re like, wow, that was the life changing moments. And like you said, we see it often. So can I ask you,
Matt (13:19):
That’s what you were talking about that with the pineal gland opening. You have these things all the time, right? A dozens of lost count, lost count. But you know, Why? What do you think? Well, why is that happening for you?
Guy (13:33):
I, I, I, it reminds me of, I believe it’s my teacher. Yeah. So, so if you start to believe, I, for me it’s knowing, but everyone’s experience is subjective and we need to discover it for ourselves. Point taken. So don’t take my word for it, please. But from my experiences that, um, for a, I’m a facilitator, right? Now, and we facilitate and hold space for retreats. There’s been a part of me that’s been a knowing for a long time that this is the direction I need to go. There’s a reason why I sold out of my company and stepped into the unknown and just lent into my heart. And here we are in Portugal. You know, it’s, it’s in flow. It’s in creation. It’s in flow with me. Right. So as those mystical experiences started to happen, I realized that if then I am only like a upside down iceberg energetically that there’s only 10% of me having a physical experience and the larger expansive, the higher self or everyone is called a consciousness is expanding out, then there’s an element of me wanting to allow me to experience growth here on the physical, right? Yep. Yep. You with me? Yep. Yep. Cause if you’re not, they’re not. No, I’m following. Yeah. Okay. So, so that means then, so that means things start to occur and happen in our life to allow us to enrich our growth as a human being. So we need to feel that pressure and overcome our limitations and fears to grow and evolve our consciousness. So if I’m, if I feel like I am on my path, I’m on my truth, this is what I’m destined to do, which I really believe it is, then what was happening was then things are starting to present to me for me to actually have to heal and overcome my limitations and fears about who myself are and who I am as a human to earn the right to be able to hold space and teach for other people. So then that’s when different mystical experience started to happen because at first, if it’s an unknown, what’s the first thing I want to do? Shut it down. There’s a fear. Well, why am I scared of that? Then I had, then I started contemplating explore the fear and then they would arise again and it allowed me to, to lean in as opposed to run away and go, ah, actually they’re, you know, lean into love and surrender because that’s what we teach at the end of the day. So I feel like they make me walk my talk for that gross in a long winded answer, but to keep it grounded in this moment.
Matt (16:12):
Yeah, no, that’s, I agree. I think we’re always growing, evolving. It’s fascinating to think that, you know, we’ve talked about it a few times that we’re coming from this expanse of consciousness, this soul, this true, what did you call it? The true reality, the absolute reality. And then we’ve, we’ve, we’ve fragmented off into this fractured vantage point of what is, and then we, we move and try and relate and live from that fractured stance. Yes. And then we, then we take this journey to expand and to grow back into the vastness of what, what we are going home, going home. Yeah. That’s it. It’s a, it’s full circle, isn’t it?
Guy (17:02):
Yes. So it is fascinating. And I think it’s been good to talk about that because it’s very easy to just impose the Western mind upon all of this. And if you’ve never had these experiences, it’s very easy to go, this is all horseship, you know? So, so if you’re still listening, it’s great. Cause now we can go into a bit more, some of, some of the experiences we’ve experienced or witnessed.
Matt (17:26):
Yeah. Yeah. We’re just sitting here in this space. Like we’re, we’re on the top of this ridge in the, in the, what, the rural area of Portugal, not a village for half an hour from here. Big village. Big village. Smaller than the gist. I can get a coffee. Get a coffee somewhere. Um, but the, it’s just quiet. That’s what I’m saying. Yeah. It’s peaceful. It’s peaceful. It’s quiet. You can see the ocean and the distance there. And when I start to sit in this, in this space, it takes me back to doing this work in the, in the jungles of Peru and, um, in the mountains of Santa Monica, when I was, you know, growing in that regard, learning breath work, learning sound work. I mean, all these different techniques. And it’s like in the, in the subtlety, it’s in the silence that all that can start to emerge, it’s like my mind can start to relax. Yeah. Cause it’s the stimulation of the everyday that then it numbs out the, the space for the mystical to happen.space for the mystical to happen.
Guy (18:29):
Yeah. So when was, when was your belief system first challenged? When did you experience your first kind of mystical like experience?
Matt (18:42):
Yeah. That’s a great question. It is a great question, but it’s a, it’s a, it’s a windy road. Well, you know, foot, foot, yeah. Huh? You can just do footnotes. No, I know, but it’s, it’s, um, I don’t know where to answer that from. It’s just a, because, you know, being, being a kid and leaning into psychedelics and stuff, you obviously got, you obviously got a lot of things to do. Yeah. Because for me, there was that whole kind of experience and wanting to break free from the everyday control of, you know, society and adults and like, you know, wanting to have my freedom growing up as a teenager. Right. Yeah. And then in that feeling, like I fed it fit in or whatever it was. And then, so I had experiences through those spaces, but it was more of a recreational, more of a social thing. And it wasn’t looked at as like a spiritual thing. And it wasn’t until I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was life pushed me in such a way that there was enough pain. Then I started to reach for these things and heal that shame and guilt around those experiences and the, the abuse of those medicines. Right. And so it kind of like, that’s why I struggled with that because it was in working with, um, plant medicines then, and starting to open into that kind of work and breast work and the sound work and all these different things that opened into different, different understanding of what that all meant. So it’s kind of been with me always. I’ve always had mystical happening. So I don’t know how to answer that question.
Guy (20:16):
Well, what about when your mom comes to you in a vision, would you, you could define that as a mystical experience?
Matt (20:30):
Yeah, absolutely. So it’s, um, I think, I think, cause in, in when she died, there was a lot of grief around that pain around that. And so I think that then allows for the expanse of my mind and, and allow space for a desire to want to get out of the pain, you know, and, and it was just so much to handle. And so she came to me in a vision and, you know, through sleep in between sleep and awake, it’s like, you’re in the space and it’s like, yeah, you’re very lucid and showed me colors and shapes and sounds that I can’t even, like, you can’t define with the five senses. No. And I didn’t, I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know what it meant, but it’s set me on this journey. So it was like that moment, then the little boy in me reconnected with my mom and realized what she’s not, she hasn’t actually gone anywhere energetically spiritually, her essence is still present in that divine consciousness of all it is, and that I have access to that. And then the journey started to move into, well, what, how do I get back to that? How do I meet this space? And so that really opened me up to exploring more deeply what it, what is it when we use these chemicals, when we use breath, when we use sound, when we use movement, when we use different practices, sweat lodges, fasting, vision quests, all these things. And it’s all to get back into that. Yeah. Expand and the knowing, I think, because I, I find that I lose, lose access to that knowing and can very easily link into the division that’s here. And that’s very disheartening for me to witness. So it’s that constant practice of every day opening and finding ways to release the five senses and go into that altered state and that expanse where my mom is and where many other potentials are. Yeah. But I’ll put it back on you. What was your first mystical experience?
Guy (22:53):
Believe it or not, I dreamt about this last night and weirdly, maybe it’s preempting coming up on this podcast today. It was when I was about five and I had, I don’t know if I ever told you this. And I was laying in, I had a small bedroom in Wales and I had a bunk bed. By this time, my sister was moved to the other room and there was a street lamp. There was an orange street lamp just outside my house. So I always got comfort from this orange street lamp when I’d lay as a small child in bed and I would leave the curtains open to allow more of the orange street lighting. I’ll never forget it. My mom had these net curtains, you know, to stop people from seeing in when your windows opened. But the net curtain had like this shape, like a, like a, like a bridge. So you could actually, only half the window was covered and underneath you could, you could see in. And one night I, I, as a kid, I don’t know if I was eight years age or a bit older or I was definitely talking four, maybe probably four or five. And I opened my eyes and I saw these beings of light. I can still see them to this day. I don’t, I’ve never spoken about this on podcasts before. And there were three or four of them and they were female and there were these angelic, beautiful faces and, and they were coming up to the window, waving to me and I would wave back. You’re seeing fairies, mate. I didn’t want to say fairies, mate, but I saw these beings and they were glowing and it was, and I was like, I remember just seeing it, just witnessing it. And, and there was a connection there. And I’ll never forget getting up the next morning, walking down into the kitchen. And I said, I was a kid, my dad was there and my sister was sitting on the stool. And I said, daddy, daddy, I saw fairies. And he went, ah, did you know what do you want for breakfast? As far as the conversation went. And then it sat with me ever since. So that was the first time I contemplated. So even going into my teens, like it was always there. It’s like, shit was that? Wow. You know, so very real. And I had one psychedelic experience I’ve mentioned a couple of times when it was about 14 or 15, hanging out with all the kids, not knowing what I did and I had too many mushrooms and, but that didn’t feel mystical to me. That just felt terrifying. Yeah. And that actually stopped me from taking anything. Yeah. Like it just like, no, that’s ridiculous. Time out. And then it wasn’t until a lot later leaning into meditation and practicing, I realized I had to lean into my own fears and to really start something. It was like, I could feel your heart and soul wanting to come forward. And there’d been times in my life where I suppressed that. And I knew I had enough experience in me to go, I got to listen to this, even though every part of my body is going, don’t do this. I chose to honor what was wanting to come through, which is I think the greatest challenge for us all, isn’t it? You know, when things arise, because we’re so familiar with the known. And that’s what I lent into my first ayahuasca experience, which was very mystical. I remember being in a room of about 23 people and I was only one of the few that had this very mystical, open experience. And I believe it happened because I fully surrendered. I actually just wanted to get through it. I had no desire to travel the universe or go around or do anything. It was just like, I just want to fucking get over this fear of mine and do it. And I’ll never forget committing, fully committing. Like I just knew I’m all in. I’m 100% in. And if I was prepared to die that night, like that’s how I felt. And I just gave up and I fully gave up. And it was funny because they’d come around to check me because I didn’t move a muscle the whole six, seven hours. I just laid there like in Shavasana the whole time. Didn’t get up, didn’t spirit, didn’t pee, didn’t nothing. And yeah, I remember Rod, I think he’s there and he’s like, you like me? Are you alive? Yeah. And then, and then I went back into it and that was an extremely mystical experience for me and I had a tour of the universe and it showed me. It’s really hard to, like you say, put into words, but I remember seeing the entire universe and the universe would appear, it would go through and then, and then it would show me myself and then I would like go kaleidoscope like. And, and, and it was gold. It was like a light body thing. And then it all, and then I would evaporate and become everything again. And then it would bring me back and put me back together, but it took me through these emotions, it showed me the darkness of humanity and then it showed me the light and it was really trying to show the wholeness and how everything serves us to have our experiences. There is no right or wrong. There is, we just put the judgments to it. And I came out to that just like, wow, wow. And I’ve only ever done one. I’ve never felt called to go back. And that opened something in there. And then from there, you know, things started to accelerate then.
Matt (28:46):
Now I think it’s like that, isn’t it? When you start to open into that expense and you get that different reference point, then it starts to trickle into your life and it’s important then to have that time to integrate. Yeah. Cause it’s very, very easy to chase the experience. Oh, totally right. It’s like, you know, it’s, it’s what is that experience then inform your everyday life, how does it inform your everyday life?
Guy (29:13):
Well, it’s, are we not running away from the very things we need to heal? That’s right. And the other thing I want to mention, cause we’ve spoken a fair bit about shamanic experiences and exploring things. I, for me, it was just a catalyst and I don’t know how necessary it is. And I don’t think people should feel obliged that they have to go in that direction to lean into this work. You know, it, I think it’s what your field called to do. Um, you know, I’ve only done one and I’ve had more profound experiences just from meditation since. And, and I, and I, and I believe in my heart that I would still be here having this experience, even if it wasn’t for the shamanic journey, the shamanic journey was right for me because I had, I felt I wanted to overcome the fear that I had with psychedelics. So that, that’s why it was so healing for me in that moment in time. So that was right for me at that point. So I just want to mention that because yeah, you know, it’s using breath, sound, meditation, collective group energy, group healings, you know, through the group healings, we do some, um, some of the experiences people had, I mean, I was talking to one gentleman after our last May retreat and through the group healing, he had the mystical experience. Cause I remember walking up to him and seeing him like, you know, his life has changed forever and I asked him later, can you explain? And he was embarrassed to at first because it’s so beyond his known, but he spoke about, um, he felt all his ancestors coming in and he saw their hands and they all come in and they were all sending him love through his heart. And he said it was just, and then he was with the universe and with his ancestors and it was all together. So like, how can that not change your life? Change your life. Yeah. No, and there’s nothing to fear either. That’s the thing. Yeah. You know?
Matt (31:14):
Yeah. And I think as you’re talking, a few things come to mind is that we’re, you know, regardless of if you’re working in, with medicines, with, um, different healers, whatever the modality is, uh, if you’re guiding yourself or if you come into whatever, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day, you’re there. And it’s like, that’s what I always am confronted with and always find that wherever I go, sometimes I’m trying to find something far greater, something more, and no matter how much I get expanded to consciousness or the depths of insight or the depth of the experience that I have, I’m, I’m there. And my consciousness is in flow with what is there with a divine. It is divided is, you know what I’m trying to say? I do, but it’s about being present. That’s it. And then learning how to then not only being present, but being, being in command of my presence. Yeah. And then, you know, you talk about sometimes it’s dark, sometimes it’s light. There’s this, all these different things that are happening here in the expanse of all it is, and you come back down into sadness perhaps, or what? It’s like, well, in many of the journeys I’ve been on, I find that, well, I’m navigating that I, no matter where I put my attention is and where that experience then unfolds. And it’s like that to me is, it’s what it’s all about is how do I take greater command and be more empowered in my life? And, and, and of take command of the consciousness that is that available to us, that that is what we are. Do you know what I mean?
Guy (32:54):
Totally. It’s like tapping into the reservoir of riches in any given moment to allow us to experience our life and be more appreciative in these moments. And then you could, whether you’re, you’d whatever kind of journey you’re doing is bringing that self there. It’s like bringing your best self almost to the moments or your true self, I should say best means like I’ve got to be a certain way, but like, I, I, like I’ve been contemplating this because this is our 17th retreat. We’re in Portugal. Like it’s mind blowing. Did you tell me we’re in Portugal? Yeah. And the thing is, it’s like, it’s easy to get caught up in logistics and people and, and we have, right. And, and I always think about that life is a series of small choices moment by moment, by moment, by moment, by moment. But the challenge is we’re running unconsciously most of the time, and we’re running unconsciously to how we’ve conditioned our homeostasis to be. And then we keep receiving reality equal to how we’re thinking and feeling in these moments. And then that narrows the lens and we miss, we’re missing moments. And I’m always crying, come back, soak it up, enjoy. Wow. Like we’ve, we’ve got, we’ve got, you know, a retreat full of people coming and we’re going to have the most incredible experience. And one thing I want to say as well is that the collective group energy, when you bring people together, it heightens the experience tenfold. And that’s what’s beautiful. And when you’ve got, when you, when you start to show people how to hold space lovingly from their hearts and create a sacred safe place for people to start to surrender into this, you know, it feels like sometimes go get into a mystical experience could feel like this, we get blunt instruments out, you know, wade away there, but now it can be a very gentle surrendering, nurturing and expansive experience, you know, like, and it’s, it’s incredible. So that’s why I think about all the time and, and having these experience remind continually to help remind me of what really matters, what really doesn’t matter, what I catch myself complaining about all those things and to actually appreciate everything that I have. My daughter was driving me crazy yesterday. There’s moments where I was just like, God, I just need a break. And then I catch myself and I just give her the biggest hug and knowing like, how precious is this moment? She’s three years old and she’s going to be a teenager and not wanting to bar me before I, when I click my fingers next week. You know, so, so it’s, it’s beautiful. And I know I continue to evolve and become a better human being because of, because of them, those experiences and, and this work. And, and you want to share it with others. Hence why we do a podcast and we want to invite people to come along. Don’t, don’t be scared. Like come and experience something. Um, if I had to put money on it, you, you, you will have quite a defining, uh, experience through the retreats and potentially change the trajectory of your life in a positive way, you know? It’s like, if not when I, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to look back on the end of my life thinking ifs, buts and maybes, that’s for sure. Yeah. Is there anything else you want to add?
Matt (36:39):
I just think what you’re talking to is great. And then we’re, we’re all these, um, you know, I would say, well, what is, what is, um, what is important? What is, you know, in the essence of, of everything, the important thing is to be here and that we’ve caught as a conscious being, as a, as a, as a spirit, as a soul, we’ve put a lot of energy, a lot of attention, a lot of awareness to come into a physical form, into a body in this now moment. And it’s like majority of us then are just kind of plotting along, just like barely moving anywhere. You know, we, some people don’t even leave their hometown or like have experiences outside of their living room.
Guy (37:20):
Yeah. Netflix.
Matt (37:22):
Right. And it’s all just in that box. And it’s like, well, you’re divine being here intentionally as a part of the whole that’s wanting to express fully into this world. And that’s what’s the most important is to be here and that that consciousness, that expanse of all we are is outside of time and space and that the anchoring into time and space is you and that you then that’s your mission. That’s your purpose is to allow that consciousness to come through in its unique way, fully into this now moment. And what you were alluding to is like, that’s what all this is like training to be here. Yeah. It’s training to be present and in that presence, then the wisdom unfolds. And it’s like, wow, why don’t we all, why don’t we all running into retreats?
Guy (38:14):
I honestly don’t know. I might be biased, but I’m like, wow, this should be on the curriculum. 100%. Without a doubt, without a doubt. And every, pretty much everyone that’s come through with a degree by the end of it.
Matt (38:28):
Yeah. 99.9%. Yeah. Cause that one person.
Guy (38:32):
There’s always one. You know, that don’t want to change. Yeah. And that’s fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Matt (38:38):
Yeah. And I think, cause you talked about seeing the fairies as a little boy and all that. And like, it just sparked so many different things of my journey and sitting on the roof and calling aliens to come and I used to do that way. Like, you know, I’d have, I’d drift off to sleep on the roof and my mom would always think that I’d roll off, but you know, was it a dream? Was it an experience seeing lights in the sky and this and that, and like all kinds of weird stuff happened and you know, street lights moving and little shadows. Yeah. You know, the list can go on, but within all of that, it was like, I think because I had those experiences back then, and then it was like something that filled me up. It was exciting and I was very imaginative, very creative boy. And it was like that creativity, imagine imagination is something that I’ve adhered to and held onto as I’ve moved through my life. And it served me well because that is the bridge then for our consciousness to understand that divine essence into this limited mind. And as you were talking, you know, I kind of made a joke while you’re seeing fairies, mate, and it’s like, you know, your dad discredited it too. He’s like, what do you want for breakfast or whatever? Yeah. It’s like, don’t discredit your imagination. Totally. It’s, it’s within the imagination that we start to gain access to it.
Guy (39:59):
Oh, thousand percent. None of what we’ve created wouldn’t be here without our imagination and leaning into potential and not allowing our mind to limit what’s possible. And that’s exciting because it is like every day, like, wow, what’s possible. Yeah. And so, you know, not only are we filling our own hearts and cups because we’ve been willing to lean into that creativity and that imaginative side of things, we get to support other people through their journey and ideally contributing the ripple effect to make the world a better place. That’s right. And I still pinch myself and I think like, wow.
Matt (40:40):
Hmm. Well, it’s just starting. Absolutely. As you’re talking to, I remember I was a kid, I went to Disney World. Oh yeah. Yeah. And, and, uh, it was, I don’t know when the, um, what’s it called? The, um, not Disney World, but there was the extension, the, uh, the Epoch center or something. Oh yeah. Yeah. I went there. Yeah. That thing, right? Yeah. The big dome, right? Yeah. Ball. Yeah. Anyway, there was this little exhibit that was, um, this little dragon came and it was called figment was the name of this dragon and it was going into your imagination. Good name. Yeah. Yeah. Figment was the, yeah, but it really resonated with me. It was just this really imaginative ride and really fun. And, and I, from that day on, I wanted to be an engineer at Disney, right? And they didn’t call themselves engineers. They called themselves imagineers. So you want to go be an imaginary Disney. You want to work for them, right? And so as you’re talking, I was like, well, we all should be imagineers. We should be imagineers of our lives and start engineering from our imagination. That which inspires. Yeah. So.
Guy (41:46):
I love it. Yeah. Love it. I think we should wrap up the podcast. 41 41. It just clicked, clicked past me. Um, beautiful. Hopefully this conversation is encouraged you to explore more. And come join us. We hope to meet you somewhere sometime in some country. You never know. Um, we’re, we’re contemplating, um, we’ve got November retreat coming up. Um, August is sold out. They’re selling out about three months in advance now. So we recommend, and we haven’t promoted November yet. So that’s about now, because we’ve just opened our, um, our membership coaching. So we, we actually hold space for people that want to integrate it in, and at their own pace. So if you want to work with us directly, you can come and check that out as well. Uh, the inner self mastery. So that’s up and running. We’ve got retreats in November and January in Gaimia, which is just outside the Gold Coast and I was going to say here in Australia, but we’re here in Portugal. And then we’re, we’re mapping out 2024 as well. Uh, but that’ll probably be more overseas. So come join us and we’ll be doing one day workshops up and down the coast.
Matt (43:04):
That’s right. We got half a dozen left in the air.
Guy (43:07):
Yeah. Melbourne, Geelong, we are coming to Canberra, Wollongong or Searull I should say. We’re going to Adelaide, mate. We’re going to Adelaide. Wow. Never been to Adelaide. Yes, I have actually. Tell like once long time ago, backpacker. Anyway.
Matt (43:19):
Uh, yeah, we should definitely wrap up before the ants take over the system. Yeah.
Guy (43:26):
Much love and, uh, yeah, hope to meet you somewhere sometime in the future. Cool.