#175 In this podcast episode, Guy interviewed Lisa, who shared her profound journey of spiritual awakening and inner transformation. Lisa, who once identified as a home builder, golfer, and boater, experienced an immense shift that led her to become a proponent for world peace and healing. Her journey began after declaring an end to human suffering and immersing herself in prayer and contemplation. Lisa spoke candidly about her personal struggles, the catalyst that initiated her awakening, and the transformative power of connecting with a higher consciousness. This conversation covered the natural instincts that guided her, her contemplation practices, the physiological experiences during her awakening, and how it altered her perception of herself and the world. Lisa also discussed the challenges and rewards of this path, relationships, and the power of surrendering to a higher power. This episode offers an insightful perspective into the depths of human consciousness and the potential for self-discovery and healing.
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About Lisa: Lisa Rose is a former home builder, golfer, and boater. After an incredible and life-changing spiritual awakening in February 2016, Lisa took a leap into the unknown and began exploring spirituality and its physiological effects on the body. Below, you can read more about her life and the experience, in her own words.
“Feb 2016. I was sitting upon my bed, legs stretched out. Suddenly I felt a sublime flash sensation where every particle of my body stood at attention, in recognition as if meeting their maker. My eyes became clamped shut, something slid back in the middle of my head… very euphoric… then energy began gushing thru my crown. A holographic image of Ramana Maharshi appeared behind my closed eyes along with a warmth that flooded my heart center and we shared telepathic communication. After a few minutes the image faded, the energy subsided some 10mins later and my eyes unclamped.
3yrs prior I had declared myself irrevocably done with human suffering. In resignation I surrendered my body-mind to my Creator and spent much time in intense contemplation of our Divinity… humanity’s Omniscient, Infinite & Eternal nature.
The experience was followed by 3yrs of Bliss, void of all desires and total detachment from the world, as well as unity with all things, especially earth and nature. I encountered incredible things during this period which has given way to a complete shift in my perception and a deep sense of Universal Peace.
The last couple years I’ve spent investigating things, mainly the Bliss, and marvelling at the incredible latent transcendent abilities of our body-mind organism.”
►Audio Version:
Key points with time stamp:
- (00:00) – Beyond the Surface: Lisa Rose on Exploring Inner Consciousness
- (00:08) – Lisa’s Journey to Courage
- (01:21) – A Shift in Perspective
- (03:02) – Turning Inward
- (04:57) – Discovering New Thought
- (09:12) – The Power of Contemplation
- (12:46) – The Awakening Experience
- (23:21) – A Profound Encounter
- (30:56) – Exploring the Mind-Body Connection
- (31:43) – Bridging Science and Spirituality
- (35:06) – The Power of Surrender
- (38:12) – Experiencing Bliss and Transformation
- (41:50) – The Role of Consciousness in Healing
- (45:15) – Sharing the Journey and Insights
- (58:24) – Encouragement for Inner Exploration
Mentioned in this episode:
- Gregg Braden
- Bruce Lipton
- Terence McKenna
- Joe Dispenza
- The Mind’s Silent Partner, A book by James Porter Mills
- Anita Moorjani
- Ramana Maharshi
- Kundalini
- Dean Radin
- Rick Archer
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About me:
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I virtually just put my foot down and said, I was done with human suffering. I felt this flash sensation where it felt as if every particle of my body stood at attention as if meeting its maker. And then my eyes clamp shut, and the next thing I know is an image of Ramana Maharshi appears right here in the middle of my forehead.
And when you see yourself as the creator sees all of the world, manifestation becomes almost discontinuous. I had heart palpitations for 20 years. Gone. Threw my meds out. When what is an intellectual conversation becomes actual experience, and it’s of a higher consciousness. Look out, it’s wars.
The episode you’re about to watch has been republished. My podcast channel reaches a lot more people now and there’s certain episodes that have slipped under the radar and I wanted to bring them up for your attention because I truly feel they are worth listening to. So please be sure to let me know what you think of this episode in the comments below and of course let’s continue to connect.
Let me know where you are in the world and where you’re listening and tuning in from. I love reading it. It’s amazing isn’t it that we can do this. And the other thing I want to say as well is find out where we are. If you want to put your spiritual boots on and come and join us at one of our five day retreats or one day events around the world, links are below as well.
If you want to find out more what we’re up to much love from me, enjoy. Lisa, welcome to the podcast.
Uh, thank you, Guy. Great to be here.
Um, I’m so happy you decided to come on. I know we were speaking off air before and I stumbled across you, uh, your journey, your story a few weeks ago. And I was, and I was blown away by the. The authenticity the vulnerability and the powerful message That you have and you know what word kept coming to me lisa when I heard you was courage And and I really think you’re an amazing representation of that and what the human spirit’s all about So I just want to say off the bat.
Thank you. Oh, well,
thank you. Thank you. I I like that word that you know, it uh, it is um something that um It comes so naturally once you connect with that higher power and for it to be viewed as courage. That’s, that’s wonderful to hear. For me, it’s so natural now. It’s so very natural. The things I were doing before the experience didn’t seem quite as natural and I would have had to muster up that kind of courage.
But yeah, ever since I made the connection, it’s, it’s just come so, it just flows through you.
And I think I was so excited because I, I so related to so many things you said on so many levels. And, and resonated with it. So, uh, yeah, it’s wonderful. And Lisa, I ask everyone on the show the same question when starting. And that was, if you were at an intimate dinner party right now and nobody knew you, and then somebody asked you, said, Oh, hi, what do you do? What would you, how would you answer that right now?
Oh boy. Um. I used to say, right? I’m a home builder, a golfer and a voter. Uh, now I’m a proponent for world peace and all kinds of, uh, very, uh, healing.
Aspects of our human consciousness. So I spend a lot of time, uh, in in prayer and contemplation and contemplation and and blessings, sending blessings throughout all the world. Because now I know the power of consciousness, right? And that we are all one being. Um, it’s quite simple to for me to spend that kind of time and in deep contemplation and sending love and healing. That’s what I do.
That’s an amazing shift. Funnily enough, I don’t know if you knew this, but I was a plumber. So I came from a,
I started off in a building background as well and was, had no idea that any of this existed. Zero from Wales, right? So I’m, I’m always curious because I’ve been reading a little bit about you as well, of course, and you said you made a declaration around human suffering.
And at what point did you What was the tipping point, the catalyst for you from being the boulder, the golfer, the builder, to looking at this work? Where was the shift?
It, um, things, negative things, Guy, began happening, um, to me, uh, and, We’re all used to, to that things happening to you. And, and, um, uh, we just usually just get back up and jump into that game of life.
Uh, I was losing that momentum, that spirit to jump back into the game of life, but I was still willing to do it until very negative, uh, and outrageous things began happening to family members and friends. And I was looking around me and I, it just felt like World War Three was in my backyard and I, I couldn’t understand how quickly I could have gone from such a beautiful life, uh, to, uh, just a, a, a state of mind that I could no longer jump back into the game of life.
Uh, the compassion that I was feeling for. all of the people around me and the circumstances were just so totally outrageous. I just said no. I just said no. There is no creator that would allow for such suffering. And, uh, that was the turning point. When you virtually just draw that line, it’s not a gray area guy.
It’s just no more. Just no more. And, uh, I naturally instinctively, because this is how we are made. It’s our, it’s our nature to then turn inward. I knew none of this. It was happening naturally as soon as I made that declaration.
Wow. So what was the natural instinct then for you to turn inward as opposed to continue to make that declaration?
I had heard that all the answers could be found in the Bible. You know, that’s what I had heard. I couldn’t read the Bible. It was the parables were not, they weren’t moving me. Um, I, I’d had major difficulty trying to, you read and accept and, and make any sense out of it. So I picked up an iPad and began doing a little bit of research.
I was not a big internet person. I was very much outdoorsy. And, uh, so I just picked up an iPad and I think I stumbled upon, uh, some Greg Braden material. Bruce Lipton stuff. And it really started to, uh, Terrence McKenna started to open, yeah, started to open my mind up to, uh, a different, science, which, of course, uh, at my age, I was brought up and I understand they’re still teaching materialist science in school.
Um, but, you know, that’s where I my science left off was material science at age 18. So, you know, fast forward another 40 years. I’m still Thinking and knowing and experiencing the body in my reality is purely physical and with no inner world, I had no idea this new quantum physics, uh, and, uh, and, uh, and, and a, uh, a reality that, uh, I could sense as I kept reading the Braden and looked in material, uh, but, uh, and so it felt right, it felt right to move forward.
So from there I started to explore a little bit deeper subjects. My mind went to, uh, uh, meditative science, Ernest Holmes and some of the new thought authors. And before too long I had landed upon, uh, a pamphlet, I called it a pamphlet, it was a booklet, about 300 pages. Pages, um, called mind silent partner by a new thought author.
And the beauty of that was it, um, it was taking the Bible and breaking it down into a, or looking at it from a metaphysical standpoint. So I virtually had an interpretation of the Bible and looking at it from a metaphysical standpoint, and it’s strongly emphasized. I am statement of being. We’ll talk a little further about that and how powerful that is.
But in in reality, it guy, it just is so natural when you virtually And you’re talking to your higher self anyway. I didn’t know any of this. I didn’t know what I didn’t know a higher self. I knew nothing about higher consciousness. So it’s really kind of interesting to have experienced all this as a newbie.
I knew nothing about a spiritual community. I knew nothing about ancient wisdom or any eastern philosophies. I virtually just put my foot down. And said I was done with human suffering and how all of this unfolded that that was the surrender right then and there. I didn’t even know that.
Do you, do you think the fact that you’ve gone, and I think back in my life, because, um, there was a moment where I go, right, I’m in, I’m a hundred percent in, I’m not mucking around anymore.
And do you think it was in that declaration that things began to open up for you from that point forward, because you knew with your heart and soul, you were committed to doing this.
I used the term irrevocable.
Irrevocable. There was, I was not going to jump back into this game of so called life anymore. That’s not. I would say that no creator, no creator could allow for this to happen. I have got to, I have got to know God now. And I really didn’t even know what that meant. Um, I just wanted to meet the creator that was enabling all of this to happen.
Yeah, amazing. I’ve never read the Bible and it was this language from Bruce Lipton, Greg Brayden, Thomas Campbell, Joe Dispenza.
There were so many people out there that I was looking at and it was the language that spoke to my western mind that really started to allow me to piece the pieces together and go, ah, that makes sense. And then of course, when you have the experience. Now, I’m curious to, Because I want to get into the life force energy you speak about in the three years of going inward that you spoke.
We’ll get into in a sec, but do you look upon the suffering aspect that, that, that you went through to force you there now? Obviously, I’m, I’m assuming you look at that very differently to when it was actually happening at the time.
Um, yes, I see it entirely differently now. Uh, after an awakening, you, uh, your perception of yourself and everything in the world changes dramatically.
Um, yes, I look at things now from a creator’s standpoint and. WWW. It’s really quite simple guys. You probably have deduced by now. Um, until we turn inward and away from the world, and it’s very clear in the Bible, right, turning away from the world, going inward. Um, it’s really all we need to do and place your attention inward and.
Watch an inner world unfold. I knew nothing about an inner world. I knew nothing that it was as simple as placing our attention inward. And that’s what all spiritual teachings, including the Bible and spiritual teachers are meant to do. They’re meant to inspire us to go inward. So now that an inner world has opened up for me, indeed, I see suffering uh, entirely differently and that each of us has the power within us to go inward, to elevate our consciousness and rise up above our own personal suffering, which, you know, is, um, uh, to me, a very simple formula.
It’s a little difficult to do, but until some of us like, like ourselves have gone through, uh, the, um, uh, the necessary steps. Uh, you know, people are, people are having these spontaneous awakenings. It’s, it’s, it’s the same conscious life force within all of us that is trying to crack through, you know, human consciousness in order to evolve.
And, and that’s why we’re seeing a lot of spontaneous awakenings. But those of us who have taken the necessary steps. and just virtually turn our body mind organism over to this great spirit of life and let it flow through you. Boy, we have these really beautiful and intentional awakenings that can happen for us.
Yeah. So, um, the, the, the suffering, I just, I view it entirely differently. And people say that suffering is a choice. Yeah, it is. I can’t say guy that since the awakening, there aren’t still things happening, but I look at them differently now as an opportunity in order to amend or atone or do something differently, um, for myself when they’re happening for myself and to pull my attention.
Uh, back inward where it belongs. Right? And so, um, uh, there’s a lot less suffering in my life and a lot less suffering for the individuals around me as well. Yeah, I’m not wallowing in it at all any longer. Right. I know where to go. I know where to go to find Remedy.
That’s a big one. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So when you, um, you speak about the awakening and the life force energy that, that happened with you, and I believe it was February, 2016, is that correct?
Yep. February 10th. Uhhuh. .
Oh, there you go. And there was three years, three years from the declaration to that point, if I’m not mistaken, is that correct?
Just about, uh, maybe two and a half, but just, just about three years. And it, it, you know, might seem like a lifetime for some people, but not really. Because some really interesting things happen, Guy, when you surrender. I, I had no idea about a higher power. But when, When, when we surrender, I tell folks, it’s as if this higher power plucked me off my boat off the lake and sat me in a corner to stare at a wall.
I didn’t know anything about meditation. I thought it was something that, you know, people use to help find peaceful moments. I didn’t know that it, it had such power. Um, and so I wasn’t even meditating. I was, I knew nothing about it. I naturally. Was staring at walls or like I say, into bonfires or, or into the shimmering lake water, but so I go from this very active lifestyle to staring in, you know, at clouds overhead, but what was happening as I was reading the passages from mind, silent partner, which again was a metaphysical interpretation of biblical passages, um, but my.
My mind was beginning to center and focus. So the staring into, uh, lake water, for instance, the shimmering lake water was a bit, uh, trance inducing, if you will. It keeps your eyes steady on something while the passages, the words, the meaning of the words and the spirit of the words are rising up into your consciousness to where I could actually feel shifts in my consciousness.
I would actually feel. My consciousness shift that there was more. Whoa, wisdom coming through. People call them downloads. You know, I’m getting downloads. I mean, but I hadn’t experienced anything like that, you know, before. And it was fascinating. So I began to be fascinated by the whole idea of just staring at a wall because of what was happening to me physically.
So, so the more you were doing it, the more curious you got, which I guess kind of snowballed into Feb 10th, 2016. Would that be fair to say?
That it snowballed into the February 10th? Uh, yeah, things were happening along the way. There was more external pressure, uh, you know, things happening that, you know, You would say, you know, I’m, I will take that to God that was, that was, this is another big piece guy.
Thank you. Um, things are still happening. I’m not, I’m not turning away from them. Bad things are still happening to me, to family members during this three year. So, so I would bring them into my contemplative practice. If we are infinite internal, if we are divine love and peace, what, what is this, what is happening out here?
And what kept blossoming, blossoming within me was a compassion that I’ve never felt for all humanity because I began to realize it wasn’t just me and family members and friends. It was all humanity. So the compassion in my heart began to really. explode. And, um, I think that helped open up the heart chakra.
So there were things that happened during the three year period that led to, uh, that that full awakening and in particular, let’s go back to the mind silent partner. Uh, booklet because it spoke, it speaks very strongly to the I am statement of being and how powerful what you’re doing is you’re aligning yourself.
The I am, I am, and I’m not this thing. I am out here. You know, this, I am divine peace. I am divine love. I am omniscient being, I am infinite and eternal. And these are these, these, these are things that become very strong and they start to actually. become experiential. They become, you begin to see your infinite potential.
You virtually, it’s no longer an intellectual discussion. It becomes a very deep rooted knowing, right? I wasn’t yet experiencing things until the experience, right? But it just began, began to be a knowing. Yes, I am eternal. I am eternal being. I’ve never thought about after life or before life, but it just started to rise up as a truth within my consciousness.
Yeah, so lots of things that are going on, not just you’re not just sitting in contemplation. Your your heart, the higher consciousness is working your consciousness to raise it up to to its level. Yeah, it was fabulous. It was a fabulous physio physiologically. Those shifts were amazing. Um, now, uh, you know, the, the, the life energy can get kind of, um, uh, you know, for me, there was a lot of pressure that was building up in the upper part of my body and other things that were happening related to, uh, energy moving through, through your body.
But. Being totally surrendered, along with the uncomfortable nature of the pressure building up, and there was pressure, guy, um, but do, you know, even with the uncomfortable nature of what’s happening to me physiologically, was also a knowing, the most comforting knowing, I didn’t have to generate faith, and I didn’t have to go to bed every night and say, please, it was none of that, it was a knowing, a very intelligent knowing, that everything would be all right.
I had no clue what was going to happen, but I would lay my head on the pillow at night. I didn’t know what a spiritual awakening was. I just wanted to know God. Yeah.
Do you, do you think that’s why you had one? Because it’s the same for me when I had my awakening. Um, I had, I didn’t really know that it was possible. And, and I think my innocence got me there because I wasn’t heaping expectation on the outcome of how I wanted it to be.
Oh, I love that you said that. I sometimes think of myself as this poster child because it, it, sometimes, you know, the, the, again, going, going back to not knowing anything, being totally oblivious to an inner world for some 52 years, having no clue about anything.
Um, yeah, yeah. You just kind of like the kid, the kid who comes up, uh, you know, to a group of adults and Suggests, you know, who they’re all like confused for thousands of years about something. You just walk up and say, Hey, why don’t you just do this? It’s kind of, it kind of feels like that, right? Just feel like such a, such a child.
It seems like such an innocent, like, or no brainer. Why don’t you just say you want to know God, you know? So, but it’s, I guess, very, very difficult to do. And truthfully, even when I got down to the, I am God statement, boy, that was a little difficult to come out of my mouth.
Yeah, but, uh, we, we be, you know, we have so much, um, we have so much, uh, well, human nature in our consciousness. And I didn’t know this. I did not know. But a lot of the belief systems, a lot of the human race consciousness that is there. We are born into it. Yeah. Every single member of the human race is born into a certain race consciousness, no matter the culture, right?
And, and it’s amazing that it, it, it, without even knowing, for instance, like you say, religion wasn’t a very big part of, of my growing up, my upbringing. However, I was amazed at how much religion was really in my consciousness, to the degree that You know, it took a pamphlet that was analyzing, interpreting the, uh, a Bible from a metaphysical standpoint for me to wake up.
And then once, once all that, you know, once the experience happened, I was, I was, you know, look at that pamphlet and say, boy, I love it. I still love it. It’s very inspiring for me. Uh, but it was a necessary thing, uh, for me in order to wake up because I still had. a lot of religion in my consciousness, even though I didn’t realize it was there.
I did not realize it was there. And a lot of other things that, you know, we as human beings have subjected ourselves to knowingly and, and sometimes unknowingly. So yeah.
Totally. It’s not until you start looking under the hood, you start to realize what’s there and been getting in the way.
But, but, but what, what, what, what is really cool is, um, you realize, The, the power of your mind, you know, that too, uh, was a fantastic realization after the awakening, when I started to, you know, even the next day, I, uh, what, what, what just happened to me?
What, what happened to me? And you realize that in the body, the human mind, body, the whole, the mind, body, organism, the entire thing. And what a wonderful vessel, what a wonderful vehicle we have right here. And my gosh, we’ve, we’ve yet to even begin to explore its potentiality. Yeah. Totally.
Totally. I got a question for you. That night or day or whenever it happened on Feb 10th when that life force energy really started to come through, did you, at any, what, two things intrigue me. Well, there’s two things I’d like to ask you. A, what happened and if you could describe it and B, how, I’m just, you had the courage to surrender fully into it. Which is a big deal, I think, especially if you were there on your own and it was happening. How did you, how did you know that it was like, oh, this is it, this is what’s happened?
I, I had no control over what was happening. It was like a woman having a baby. So everything, every, every single thing that happened that evening and, uh, I had, uh, grabbed a cold beer because I had just gotten off a two hour phone conversation where I was doing all the talking.
I And I like to bring that up because that gave me reference to how long the experience was. The beer was still cold after the experience then. So I could estimate, cause I don’t wear watches, you know, I gave up on the thing called time about 20 years ago. Right. So I, I, you know, I, I wasn’t paying any attention to the time.
Um, but, uh, I had, um, You know, but by this time, my contemplative practice guy had actually increased it to because it’s about all I could do with the Kundalini, the Kundalini energy, the life force energy that was rising up within me. Um, and, and because I would love the effects that the contemplation was having on me, um, I was doing it often.
And being surrendered as well, you do it more often than you would think you would like to do it. It’s as if somebody else is running the show, guy, somebody else, something else is running the show. And you, I could sit in contemplation for eight, 10, and up to 12 hours a day. I was sitting in, in some sort of, um, contemplation.
And Uh, I began to get messages from to give it all I have in terms of I kept hearing 24 7 everywhere. I turned all of a sudden, give it 24 7, 24 7, give your practice 24 7. And, and so I did, I like, I took up a class to study Ramana Maharshi’s teaching. And it was a six week class. And every single day we had exercises.
And I said, great, you know, I can, and they said it was going to take two hours a day for me because of what was going on with me. It took almost like four hours a day just to get through the exercises. And when it came to meditate, I can’t meditate. You know, I would just stare at Ramana Maharishi’s pictures or the words in this book, right?
The Sanskrit words, and they weren’t making any sense to me, but at least I was. absorbing. And so that’s that’s what was going on when the experience happened at that evening. It was day eight of that class. And, um, uh, I was looking at the book cover. It’s a picture of Ramana’s, uh, from, uh, of his head, a bust and black and white.
And, uh, I had, we had just learned about his life as a child and not child, but a teenager and how, um, he wouldn’t take care of his body. And I was very upset at Ramana because here I am a physical mess and I couldn’t, you know, at this point in time, I’m like, why am I, why am I sitting here reading? You know, from a young man who wouldn’t take care of his body.
I, you know, I just, I couldn’t, I couldn’t make the connection and all the devastation that was happening around me and physical, people having physical problems because I only saw him as a guru at that point. That’s what we had learned. He’s a spiritual guru, right? The most enlightened, anyhow. So, um, I got kind of upset and I tossed the book across the bed.
And within, uh, probably five seconds. I felt this flash sensation, I say, where it felt as if every particle of my body stood at attention as if meeting its maker. And then my eyes clamped shut, I mean clamped, like this. I wasn’t clamping them. I did not do this. This is why I say I was not in charge of anything that was happening here.
The flash sensation, the clamping of the eyes and then something in the middle of my head slid back. That’s the, those, those are the term, that’s the terminology I use. I have since learned it to maybe be something else. But it felt like something sliding back in the very middle of my head and then a bunch of what I call energy with my eyes clamped shut.
I didn’t know what it was. And, and all this, that was building up is the only thing I could figure because it felt so good, right? To finally, it felt like a fire hose is going up through the crown of my head. And, uh, that went on for just a minute or so. And I was in such, I felt such relief at what was happening.
As I say, it felt good. I didn’t need to muster up any courage. I was happy. And, um, Where it was leading, I have no clue. I wasn’t thinking about anything. And then next thing I know is an image of Ramana Maharshi appears right here in the middle of my forehead behind my clamped eyes. Right. So it was right here and, uh, without going into too much detail, it was fascinating telepathic conversation.
Um, yeah, it was, it was cool. It was cool. Um, but, uh, um, but, um, uh, We, we had telepathic conversation for, for a few minutes and I was like stunned. Number one, that he was there, I’m like, what, what the heck, you know, and then I wasn’t saying anything. This is what I was saying, but he would respond right in words to what I was saying and I invited him to stay.
And when I did that, my entire heart chakra just filled with warmth, now warmth I’ve never experienced before, ever, you know, you could hold 10 brand newborns, right? And not have this kind of warmth after I invited him to stay, which was a natural thing to me. You know, I, it was just, it was a glorious thing.
And then, and then we had our, we had our, um, um, our, our, our exchange. And then, and then, and then the image faded. And, um, the energy was still gushing out of my head. And, uh, it, it eventually, like I said, the, the beer was still cold. So I figured it was about 15 minutes that the whole thing, uh, occurred. Um, uh, you know, I grabbed a journal right away.
I knew something profound had happened. I had no clue what, but I journaled everything. That’s how I remember it so well. I can remember every single detail. I can remember everything that was communicated between me and this, this light body image of Ramana Maharshi. Um, so that was just the beginning of things.
Um, It was quite an extraordinary experience. Um, again, if you think about, uh, the, just what was happening to me physiologically, um, you know, what was opening up in the middle of my head? How does energy gush through? How is all any of this happening? How is any of this going on? Uh, if you think about the power of the body, and what it’s capable of.
This is one of the things, and I appreciate you having me come on to just to speak to the mind body organism and to know it has this capability. And I’m, and I’m trying my best to, uh, research through science, through science, because the spiritual community doesn’t have much to offer in the way of explanation. So I turned to the science to try to help bring a, uh, a level of understanding to medical communities, to the scientific community, neuroscientists, et cetera, and just say, Hey guys, this is what the body is capable of.
Just, just, just that piece alone, let alone what’s happened since guy.
It’s nuts. We, we, I’m the same. Honestly, that’s why I, I podcast every week. You know, this is, this is a mammoth effort on to do this week in, week out, have a show, put it out, just put it out there freely to everyone and have conversations.
Obviously it, it grows People listen and attract and want to come and find out more. But at the end of the day, my belief is too, is that why aren’t we looking at this? Why aren’t all areas of our life? And, and the moment we, we use religion, spirituality, God, whatever words we are, we conjure up so many beliefs and it prevents us from actually looking at what’s going on, which is why I love this conversation too.
Because, you know, we’re just a couple of people that have, stumbled upon this across the way and going,
you know, guy, it gets really interesting when there are physiological aspects to these experiences. You know, people have visions, the life force energy can work on people’s, you know, psychically and with visions.
But when you have Uh, like, you know, Anita Morjani, who’s had, you know, the near death experience, but when all of her 12 tumors, after she comes back into her body, disappear. Why aren’t we looking at that? What, what, the human body is an amazing vessel. And once we have our consciousness elevated, healing then becomes a Uh, it’s, well, it’s very natural.
Self healing is very natural. And what was happening with Anita, everybody’s so tuned into the experience. And I love listening to her anyway. You know, she’s a doll, but you know, but I, I always say it’s like, you know, has it, and, and because there’s no science behind it, right. It’s just then, I wouldn’t say so much swept under the carpet, but there is not a focus on it.
I instead. After this three years of bliss, which we’ll talk about in just a second, I began to investigate the science because I felt like if I went out and just talked about the experience, then again, where are we placing our attention? On the experience. Where does our attention need to be? On the physical body, the mind body organism, because that’s where the experience happened.
And can we all take a look at that? That is where our power is. That is right here is where our power is.
Absolutely, and then we take our power back, and we’re not then influenced as much from the external world and feel like we’re getting pushed and pulled and, and in, and spread out everywhere and answering to somebody else.
That’s the one, one thing I’ve found with this is that so much fear evaporated from doing this work because I, you, you connect to who you really are. And once you know that. And
there’s nothing to fear. It’s life. It’s life itself. And because we’ve suppressed it, Again, knowingly or unknowingly, um, it’s coming out in such explosive ways. A lot of times spontaneously. We talked about that earlier, but in my case, such an explosive way. Well, it had to. That’s what life does. And there’s nothing to fear. It’s the most gorgeous thing ever to have this beautiful spirit of life flow through you freely. That’s why I tell people, surrender.
Surrender, just surrender, you know, put your books away, go within, you know, I still love the books for inspiration, but, uh, you know, cause it’s, some of it’s just really powerful stuff or maybe a guided meditation here or there, uh, you know, it’s just gorgeous from other people, uh, but, um, go within, go within, that’s where, you know, you put your attention on your higher self, right?
Aspects of ourselves that we’ve never explored and watch what happens. Just watch what happens. It’s so glorious.
Yeah. I always say that for me, anyway, the biggest teacher and still is, is from doing the work itself.
Yes. And all of these experiences that appear to be out there are really lessons, right? To continue to push your attention inward further and further.
And it’s a good thing. It’s a, it’s a very good thing. And, and, and by inviting as another thing that I did, calling these things forth up into my consciousness, this was part of the James Porter Mills, mind, silent partner, um, contemplative practice. We just don’t contemplate. We call it forth. Come now forth, thou living word, light the offices of my mind.
I am infinite and eternal spirit. Come now forth. So we’re calling it forth. We’re inviting the spirit of life into our consciousness. Very powerful stuff. Yeah, very, very powerful stuff. It’s so, so exciting to begin to experience what is wisdom. Oh, my gosh, to experience, uh, knowledge coming through, to experience what I call universal peace now.
I had heart palpitations for 20 years. Gone. Gone. Threw my meds out. You know, gone. So, uh, when, when, when what is an intellectual conversation becomes actual, uh, experience, and it’s of a higher, uh, consciousness. Look out. It’s glorious.
Yeah. So, so what happened after that experience? Cause you said it was about a 15 minute experience.
Did you just go sit back and have you finished a cold beer or did you like run outside? Did you? Yeah.
Wrote everything down. Yeah. Uh, like a little baby, I woke up, turned 90 degrees on the bed in the middle of the night. I mean, I’ve never done that even as a little child, but there I am like a little kid.
Because I call my experience. It’s a rebirth. It was a rebirth, my consciousness, and it was a slow shift. And this is why I believe there’s a three year, uh, bliss period for this kind of experience. Uh, it was like being reborn and just like a child who was born into the world and is marveling at everything.
That’s what I was doing. I I. I was just marveling at everything and butterflies, you know, going by. It was, I was, uh, it was a, uh, uh, a renewed, a refreshed consciousness. I didn’t lose my mental faculties. It was nothing like that. I didn’t lose memories. It was nothing like that. It was just, you’re starting to look at things with fresher eyes, with the creator eyes and the beauty of a butterfly.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. And the bliss then that would surface. where, um, towards the peak of it. And it rose very slowly, like a bell curve and towards, and I didn’t notice it until about six months into it, uh, that I had no more negative emotions at all. We were at, yeah, trying to, in an exercise, uh, trying to conjure up a negative, uh, And I’m like, I can’t, I mean, before the experience, I had 2000 different memories of negative, but even when I thought of those things, I couldn’t, there was no negative emotion coming up at all.
And it continued to rise up for an 18 month period. And at the 18 month period, I noticed that bliss had was encompassing all of my experience. I mean, people would tell jokes. And I would kind of laugh, but it was, it was, it was overshadowed by this bliss. Um, so it was, it’s such a good feel. It’s a consciousness, it’s a bliss.
And my brain was inside my skull. It was doing some very fantastic and beautiful things. I could feel very nice. Uh, energies and things moving through it. Lovely, just lovely. So, uh, then, then, then I began, uh, uh, to notice the, the bliss, uh, falling away. Uh, and, um, uh, that was something that I had to deal with.
And I liken it to the terrible twos. You hear children. When they’re they have this all about the world and they learn how to walk And they’re done and then all of a sudden wish like where did that child go. He’s slipped into the these fussing about everything now I know why it’s there you’re slipping away.
They’re bliss. They’re born right with this pure consciousness, right? and they’re adjusting to the human race consciousness and The bliss is starting to to to be And it was so gradual and I tell you, it was almost like a perfect bell curve, almost perfect to the three year period, 18 months up, 18 months down.
And that’s when I came out of it and began to explore the science behind the experience. Um, things that would happen, that were happening during that three year period, guy, unbelievable. That’s for another conversation. Just glorious things when you’re in a bliss state of consciousness. Yeah. Can,
can you give us one example, like just something like,
well, aside from no negative human emotions, um, uh, you know, um, there were, I, I could stand at the edge of a a hundred foot cliff and just feel like I could dive down into it because.
I was infinite and eternal. Not that I would do it. Right. But you can imagine why, you know, parents would go grab their children. If they’re standing next to a cliff, the parents in total, like, but the child is, it’s beautiful. It’s like, Whoa, it’s gorgeous. I would love to, you’re not going to. You still have the instinct, right?
You haven’t lost that, but it’s just a, you don’t get that sensation, that fear sensation that you’re standing, that is a learned, is a learned,
You see the beauty in everything almost.
Exactly. Exactly. But there are some things that, that I, you know, that even the audience would just not believe, you know, just, just would not, it’s just, it’s, it’s, uh, Your mind is extremely powerful.
And when you see yourself as the creator sees all of the world, you know, manifestation becomes almost instantaneous. I had to be very careful with my thoughts because I was used to thinking a certain way. I had to be very careful and, and well, not careful because you all, you’re in a bliss state all the time, but, uh, manifesting like, um, um, weather.
You know, the, just to, to, to ask the universe to bring, to bring showers this morning. You know, my husband would say, Lisa, there’s no showers in the forecast for 10 days. It’s going to be 90 degrees. Nope. There’s, there’s the showers. So fun stuff like that. And, uh, but, but more important things as well. But you know, what’s interesting is that all the worldly desires fall away.
Yes, I played the lottery. That was fun, but I didn’t care. I really didn’t care. It made no, all that matters is our health and well being and our experience here in this beautiful, what I now knew to be a very powerful and exceptional mind body organism. So this is what you begin to explore. know, more and more and more of the inner world.
The outer world can completely fall away. We ended up closing down our home building business and, uh, you know, all is well there. We moved from Texas to Colorado. Now I’m in the midst of the mountains and enjoying, you know, nature outdoors a lot more than than I did before. Um, things change and You know, along the way and still guide this, this higher power is still taking care of everything. I’m, it’s just beautiful.
What did you partner think of all this?
My husband, I have 40 years. Uh, I couldn’t, I couldn’t talk to him about it cause I didn’t even know what happened to me. Again, I didn’t know, I didn’t research anything. One of the parting words from Ramana Maharshi was, uh, hold on, I’ll stay inside.
And actually that’s a song phrase from a tune. I used to sing by a band called Tool at the top of my lungs, uh, uh, the, the song Par uh, parabola. And, uh, it’s a song phrase from there. And he actually used a couple of song phrase phrases from songs that I use that, that I would sing at the top of my lungs.
And that was one of them at the very end. And I took that to mean that. Don’t go and investigate anything. There’s, there, there’s still more that is going to, I knew nothing about a bliss period, right? So I didn’t go and investigate. Somebody mentioned the word kundalini. I did not look at, I did not look it up.
I didn’t read anything further except for some more of Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. Uh, the book of Aurobindo, the divine life, life divine came into my awareness and I allowed myself to read that. know, highly inspirational kinds of things. But I did not research what had happened to me at all. And that is another part of the realization process.
When you’re when you’re surrendered entirely to this higher power guy, you don’t have the desire to jump out there and research anything. I didn’t have the desire to go and go shopping. I didn’t have the desire. Everything falls away. Until then, the bliss period, and, and I began to realize that the falling away of the bliss period is essential if we are going to, um, be able to contribute as a higher consciousness within this human body form.
Um, there was no way I could do that in bliss. I could see why the sages would sit and why the monks sit in that state. But I wasn’t, I wasn’t, uh, obviously, uh, supposed to do that. The bliss started falling away. And while it was something that I had to deal with, like a crying baby, sometimes I did topple over the top.
At times, right? Like Jesus did at the, at the temple. But I, I, I, I seriously began to see that there was purpose for it. And I wouldn’t be here talking to you today if I were still in bliss. So this is why we’re helping to bring, demystify this beautiful life energy and to, uh, hopefully inspire people to, uh, um, Surrender to it.
Just surrender to it, especially if you already have knowledge of an inner world and you have a meditative practice. Um, I knew nothing about any of that, but it’s, uh,
Sorry, um, does your husband know now?
Uh, the, um, I, I, I wasn’t able to speak to him about it. I didn’t know what to say. Uh, but eventually after I came out of the bliss and started to research, uh, a bit, I had, I, I, I told him about the experience and, um, it wasn’t until probably in well into the first year.
Fifth year About the well into the fourth year after the experience that we began to speak about it a little bit more in depth And I actually wrote a paper to help to explain it to him because one of the things guy Yeah, if you’re I wasn’t it didn’t occur to me, but it makes sense that I I easily picked up on , good to quantum physics and the holographic nature of the universe and God as consciousness.
But, so I was speaking in these terms that I had learned through my contemplative practice, and, but I was speaking to individuals that, uh, uh, did, did, did not have that connection. They, they did not have that, um, uh, that. Exposure, if you will, to these concepts. So, uh, one night, uh, just last summer, I said, mate, can I write a paper?
Can, can, if I write a paper, Tim, would that help? Yes, please. That’s how I ended up on Batgap, the Buddha at the gas pump. I wrote the paper and I started sending it out to science organizations because I found some, Uh, fractal physics, uh, fractal, uh, plasma physics that apply to some of the things that I experienced.
So I incorporated that into my paper and I began sending it out to several science, uh, organizations, including the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Dean Raiden specifically. Yeah, and, uh, Dean replied me back. Uh huh. And I happened to be, I happened to go to BatGap and type in the word consciousness to try to, Um, see who else I might send the paper to, right?
Because backup is a pretty good resource. I typed in the, well, I didn’t even get to that point. Dean Radin is sitting there. Uh, he, he was being interviewed, I guess it was last November. And, uh, I sat there and listened to the interview and I thought, well, my gosh, it’s everything I’m writing is I’ve written in my paper is what he and Rick are talking about, you know, and I had just sent my paper to Dean.
So he and I had had some email communication, so I sent it to Rick, and I said, Happy New Year, my friend, because what you were just saying is, is, is everything that, that, that is in my paper. Just read my paper. And it was really just a gift to him. And then about a month later, he said, You need to get, you know, you need to get in front of a microphone.
I said, I guess it’s time. I know that this is another thing about the, the awakening experience, you know, we don’t have to. I don’t have to go. I do whatever I’m inspired to do. I was inspired to write the paper. I was inspired to send it to science organizations, very specific ones. I was inspired to when I heard Rick Archer, I just shot him the paper.
We are working now from a place of creation, from a place of inspiration. It’s no longer about money. There’s no, no Theme. There’s no, there’s none of that worldly stuff. It comes from pure inspiration from the heart to, to share, to share now and, uh, to, to let humanity know what, what we’re capable of through intention, by the way, through, through intention, set your intention, set your intention, no matter what it is, aim high.
Yeah, exactly. Aim high. Exactly. I got, I got two questions for you to, before I wrap up the show, Lisa. And the first question is, is that what’s came from all of that for anyone that’s going in, that’s inward and is in a relationship and their partner doesn’t get it. And I see this a lot. Yeah. What would your advice be?
Lisa: I would say they’re not fully surrendered because the creator will make way. Remember, It’s it’s we are the process of creation, and if you will allow for this higher power to move through you, it will make way for everything else in your life in order for the fruit to bear. Right. And that fruit is the awakening to the higher consciousness.
And we, we accept in all cases, in particular with family members and, and, and people around us, especially our mates, um, that God has taken care of that too. We have to trust that trust in the process of creation that is God. And it’s happening all around you. Not just to you. Remember, we’re all connected.
Yeah. We’re all connected. So if you’re ready for the fruit, it will only blossom if the environment is proper as well. And God will make way for that total surrender, total surrender. If you’re gonna try to move away from that situation, see, that’s an action that God can take care of that the universe will take care of.
Whatever needs to be taken care of in order for the higher consciousness to evolve properly. And now my, now my husband has a meditative practice. I’ve gone on backgap. He’s read my paper. Now he’s heavily into meditation himself. He loves it.
Amazing. I,
What is that? Uh, if I, if I rise up, So all men around me, something like that.
I’ve heard, um, a rising tide lifts all boats. Yeah. Um, well, another question is to spark another one. Um, God, what does that word mean to you? Because it conjures up so many beliefs and we’ve used the word a lot throughout the conversation today.
I actually like the word Uh, so I, I still use it, but I do, I do, uh, now relate to it in terms of consciousness.
It being the substratum of the entire universe and we’re immersed in this field of, we use the word field, this, I even like the word space now, right? We, we are, we are in, we are immersed in, uh, uh, mind, universal mind. matter arises from universal mind.
And but mind consciousness is the substratum of all of that. So I like using the word God when I’m in prayer or meditation. Still, it’s inspiring. We hear the science community use unified field. It’s very hard to feel that in prayer when you use unified field, I like God or the universe to me, that word, those words speak to a higher power that I, but now that I know it’s right here, it’s no longer this thing out there that I won’t meet until I you know, pass away.
It is consciousness. I am conscious being it’s right here. And so when I, yeah, when I, when I speak to certain audiences, I’ll, I’ll use the word, uh, consciousness, uh, even unified field, but definitely not when I’m not when I’m in contemplation or prayer, because I know what it means, but it, it, it, it, the mind has to be convinced that there is a higher, that it has a maker.
The mind is so. And I don’t care, left brain, right brain, it doesn’t matter if it’s, you know, analytical or the, the more creative side, it’s still all mind and it has to realize that it is a, an agent of omniscience and when you start thinking about that and the power, uh, the creative force behind everything that we are experiencing, Whether it’s matter, whether it’s moment to moment, everything is, comes from, stems from this consciousness, this God that is, is behind the whole show.
Um, and once the mind comes in touch with that, it will acquiesce. It will bow down, it bows away. And now I pick up the mind as a tool when I need to, uh, analyze or do whatever the mind. is capable of doing, but I no longer depend on it, you know, 24 seven, I sit and wait to be inspired by this inner world and, and have things just happen.
You know how it is sometimes in meditation. Well, most times in meditation, some of the beautiful light shows and things that can happen in meditation. It’s all very real. It’s all very real, so the mind becomes more of a tool and it’s being used by the beautiful body organism that we have and, and, uh, boy, it’s just, it’s just a, an exploration guy, you know?
You know how it is.
Certainly is. Certainly is. No, thank you for that. Um, my last question that I ask everyone on the show is, with everything we’ve covered today, is there anything you’d like to leave our listeners to ponder on?
Maybe I said it before, uh, in, in, in different words, but, uh, I, I would highly, highly encourage everybody to take that leap into life, the inner world, and to Explore that to its fullest.
And it will, it’s, it’s a, it’s a never ending journey. It’s, it’s once you, once you, once you turn inward, you, uh, you will find that there is so much there. The inner world becomes your best friend. You find that universal piece, my friends, that is the, uh, springboard, right, for, um, exploring the. The universe and I’m just now in, you know, in the beginning of all of this, I would highly encourage everybody to go within and stay within.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing. And for anyone listening to this, um, where can I send them to if they want to connect with you, say thank you, or reach out? Where should I send them, Lisa?
Well, I, you know, I, I only have the, my Facebook page. And if you can link that up to, to this, uh, and then from there. So I’ve, I’ve emailed some people if they want to get into conversation.
Um, uh, I I’m, I’m more than willing. And I’ve, I’ve taken several phone calls from folks from the boot at the gas pump interview. And I, I loved talking with people. This is a thrilling and I get so, I it’s, it’s just a, a, a thrilling subject for me to talk about. I could talk about myself now all day long.
No, Lisa, look, I just want to say thank you and, um, anyone listening can pause this below the link to your Facebook page will be there and, uh, and just thank you for sharing so openly and honestly and, uh, being able to, for me as well, have conversations like this is really important and, um, I’m just glad you came on the show. So Well,
I’m, I’m glad you’re out there guy. I, I really am. It’s, um, it’s, uh, it’s a pleasure to be able to. explore what people consider anomalous experience, but know that we can have them through pure intention and that it is life. It is our very life that is taking us into this exploration of our inner world. And, uh, it’s gorgeous.
Exactly. Thank you, my love. Thank you.