#12 We all know meditation is good for us… so why do most people not do it or struggle with it?
I believe this is partly because we don’t truly understand it and how we can truly reap the benefits from it by making it a regular practise.
Meditation for me used to feel like some mystical concept that I would get to when I had more time and less better things to do.
These days it’s a regular practise that has truly helped transform my life. If you want to explore meditation a little more but don’t know where to start, then this podcast is for you.
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1. Grab my free Daytime Reset Meditation
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Note: I’m Welsh and this a transcript. So there maybe errors below, but you will get the idea 🙂
Intro: Welcome to The Guy Lawrence podcast, I’m your host, Guy Lawrence. After building a successful health company, and a number one podcast, I decided to do something deemed a little crazy. I let it go. Set a new destination called the unknown, and used my heart as a compass. Each week I sit down with great minds, as we explore topics beyond conventional health, wealth and wisdom to inspire and ignite the passion that’s within us all to create the life we truly want. So, my question to you is, are you ready to let it in?
Hey, guys and girls, welcome to the Guy Lawrence Podcast, of course, and I’m your host, Guy Lawrence. I’ve got a bit of a special episode. A little in-betweener, if you like. In between my regular show with awesome guests, and it’s called the Mystifying Meditation, and the Four Key Ingredients to Live Your Best Life Now, and Let It In. It’s a mouthful isn’t it? I was trying to come up with something a bit shorter, but that’s the best I could do in this current circumstances.
And the reason why I put this together is that I’ve got my four week interactive online program coming up in mid May, and I’ve been running it for the third time. And as you can imagine I get questions around it. People don’t understand it, and I wanted to start breaking down the things that I’ll be going through in the four weeks, and what it’s about. Hence, why I want to demystify meditation for you now ’cause I guess, and if you’re listening to this episode right now. You either meditate, you’re flirting with meditation, or you’re kind of starting to look in that area. And for me, I don’t know what it’s like for you, but for me, for many years I really struggled to embrace, and understand meditation. And why I should even do it, and then how does that transfer into my day.
Now, I wanted to talk about my program as well. I’m really proud of it. Like I said, it’s the third time I’ll be running it. I’ve seen some fantastic results, and essentially I want to reach more people, and hopefully give them the option in to join a community for the four weeks, and actually turn knowledge into action, and see the transformation within yourself over that time by doing the work.
Anyway, let’s strip it back, and let’s start demystifying mediation, the first part for a second. Now, like I said, if you follow my work for a while, you would know me from 180 Nutrition, which I did for eight years, and I want you to think about this for a moment because I was exposed to great unique things during that time with a brand as it became popular. And if you go to the website, you’ll soon see that we achieved a lot of success with 180 Nutrition, and it certainly exceeded my expectations, but it allowed to me access some amazing experts over that time. Especially with the 180 podcast as we were growing, and I started to hear and listen to different things about, I guess, what could be deemed in mainstream, unconventional health. And it was challenging my current beliefs, and one of the common themes that was starting to come through, especially in the last couple years, by people I truly admired themselves, was meditation. And they all meditated, and they’d all achieved a great deal in their life. And up until that point, mediation was still this mystical, magical, whoo-whoo kind of thing, rest your mind, stop thinking for a couple of minutes. What’s that gonna do to me? How is that gonna help my day? How is that gonna transfer right? You know, I’ve got so much going on. Last thing I want to do is meditate.
But by being exposed to people, and actually going to do the courses, and the work in many retreats now, and workshops that I’ve done over the last few years. Like, Dr. Joe Dispenza, whose had a massive influence on me. Coach Chris Tate, who we interviewed on the 180 podcast, fabulous guy, had a huge influence on me. Dr. Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief. Greg Braden, looking at he’s a scientist. HeartMath, work in the HearthMath Institute. Obviously, on my recent podcast is that work. NASA physicist, Tom Campbell. There’s all this science that’s coming out, and for me that was starting to speak a language that I was beginning to understand. Because Eastern philosophy, and yogi, and all the kind of words that were used. I just couldn’t relate to. I get it now, but at the time I just didn’t relate. So, like I said, it’s always been a struggle, and if you find yourself trying to set still for five minutes, and meditating. And you know, the mind is going wild. You’re like, well, what am I doing? What’s the point of it.
One of the biggest aha moments I had was was when somebody said to me, they said Guy, “True meditation comes from what you do during the day with your eyes open. Not when you meditate.” I was like, “Huh, explain?” It’s how meditation transfers into your day. So, what I want you to think about, and I go about into much more depth in this in the four week course, but to give you an idea why I meditate on a regular basis is this, we perceive the world a certain way. Like, you can have two people. You and somebody else looking at a situation that’s happening in front of them. Whether it be good, bad, neutral, it doesn’t matter, and the two people could respond very differently, correct? And the reason is, is that they are perceiving the situation different.
Now, when you start to look at neuroscience, and break it down. They perceive in the world differently, and a lot of it is to do by their past experiences that’s happened for their entire life. So, what happens is that we actually start to look at the world, and we’re anticipating making machines if you like, you know. We’re like is this good, is this bad, what’s happening, we’re constantly … Our head is in the future. If not surprised, your head can be constantly in the past, or why did that person do this to me. Why is that happening to me, blahblah, and then we’re in the past, and we’re not very present. And those governing factors are generally run off as well because the way we’ve been entrained our body, and our nervous system over the years.
So, we’ve got what’s called the autonomic nervous system, and I don’t want to get into too much technobabble, bear with me. And you’ve got what is called homeostasis of the body. And essentially the body, all it wants to do is keep you safe. Okay? Naturally, that’s why you’ve got a subconscious that is running all the programs. Like, you don’t think about your heart beating. You don’t think about your eyes blinking. You don’t think about the way you’re breathing in and out, right now. Or your lungs expanding, or the food that’s digesting from the meal you’ve eaten today, or the water, or the signal that triggers when you realize you need to go the toilet. All that is run from the subconscious, and they’re all systems within the body that have to prioritise, and keep you safe, correct? ‘Cause it wants you to live.
And what controls all them systems is what’s called the autonomic nervous system. Now, as we have experiences in life, and as we start to have things, and see things, and do things, and learn, and grow up, and through every day life. We actually start to unknowingly, and this is like I said, we go much deeper into this normally, but we start to program ourselves, and the subconscious. And so, essentially we end up becoming a walking artifact. So, our future choices are made on our past experiences. So, that is then directly influencing our perception, and the way we see situations. So, essentially that situation might not be true. It’s just true to us by the filter and the lens that we are perceiving life, from all of our collective experiences over the years, that has been governed and stuffed into the subconscious if you like, so, when situations arise during our day. We currently operate from that auto-pilot. From that subconscious place, and that’s why we end up quite often interpreting the situation, and seeing it differently, and we can get into sabotaging things. We can be coming from a place of fear. We could be coming from a place of anxiety. We could be coming from a place of unworthiness. There’s many things that we’ve kind of done well at training ourselves over the years, that then is currently being run by the self conscious.
And we end up doing things that don’t make sense. Like, we all know, I’m sure if I asked, sat down with you and asked you would you like to be healthy? And whether you are or not, or whether you perceive to be healthy or not. You would say, yes, of course, Guy. Or you know, would you like to drink less alcohol? Or whatever it might be that, you know, we all have things that we can, we need to improve on, on different areas of our life. Now, when it comes to meditation. What I teach, and what I’ve learned over the years, is then being able to start to observe those actions during your day, but, which is a skillset, and you start with that skillset by practicing certain techniques during your mediation. Because what meditation can allow you to do, is get out of your analytical mind. Get out of that thinking state where we’re trying to solve problems all the time from the mind, and where we then tap … ‘Cause we’re tapping into the programs that we’ve created over the years. And ultimately those programs run, which takes it back to the homeostasis because it wants to keep you safe. The body is conditioned a certain way. It wants to operate a certain way, and then we run off those programs that we’ve learned our whole life.
Now, what meditation is that once you can start to quiet in the mind. I use what’s called an Open Focus technique. By a guy called, a neurofeedback specialist called, Les Fehmi, you can check him out. But once you get out the analytical mind, you can start to drop into the subconscious mind. It can switch off, and then you’ve got an opportunity to start sending it new information, and you can start to slowly recondition the way the body is trained, to the way you actually want to start acting, thinking, or feeling, and behaving during your day. And as you start to marry the two up, and practice it as just a skillset. It’s just like tennis, golf. Going to the gym, learning to squat for the first time. They’re just skills that you can start marry up and bring together. You start small. You don’t go running a marathon if you can’t even run. You know what I mean? And that’s what the four week layering program is about, by starting to demystify this process. Marrying those things up, and then you can start to transfer in your day.
And then as you become better at mediating, that actually starts to entrain the nervous system, and what I’ve noticed for the guys who have gone through the program and from my own experiences, is that you start to become less reactive during your day, and more responsive, and you start to see situations for what they truly are, not from what has been run from a program. I hope that makes sense. And as you start a practice. You start to a widen and broaden a skill. You start to get better at this, and then you can really start to make transformation and change.
I mean, think about it, right? You know, 180 Nutrition was my everything for eight years, but in my heart I knew I was ready to move on, and start to spread this message and word because it was having such a huge profound impact on me. It was like the world’s best kept secret. I was like, people need to know this. If I could just convince them to start it. Try it, and stick with it for four weeks. My God, this could have a huge impact on other people, as well it has me. And I believed in it so much, I literally had to step aside. I stepped down from 180, but then I had to step into this big Gulf of the Unknown. Okay? Just like what many, many people … I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.
It’s like if we have something that’s calling us within our heart, but yet our current circumstances ain’t supporting that. We can then start to … You know, that’s when the self talk can come in. The self sabotage. The things, and we don’t believe we’re capable of making that change, but I actually use these tools that I teach to help me facilitate that change, and move my transition from my company from eight years of 180 Nutrition into this space, and even though I didn’t know what the outcome was gonna be, and I still don’t. I still enjoy, the kind of, the unknown, that ride, if you like, with it.
There were things I had to practice on a daily basis to ensure that I believed that I could do it, and then carry that across into my version 2.0 of Guy Lawrence if you like, and that’s what Let It In is all about. There’s a moment, and there’s an act of surrender. There’s trying not to control the uncontrollable. You know? And you only control what’s within your control, and you let the rest unfold, but I can promise you with all my achievements, and the different things I’ve done in my life so far, and I are certainly hungry for more. There’s a beautiful act of letting it go, that surrender, and allowing it just to come in when it’s ready. I know that sounds a bit whoo-whoo, but I promise you it’s true, and I’m seeing it unfold with the brand of me, Guy Lawrence, on my Let It In program.
You know, I just do what I can do during my day, in my moments, use that meditation practice, and then transfer that into my day. Start becoming the observer. I start looking at those programs and patterns that are running out, and using the skills I teach, and it’s allowed me to. It’s given me a sense of joy, happiness, and gratitude that I can’t even begin to tell you guys. I don’t know how else to say it, but from doing the work, it’s moving forward, and that’s why I want to get it out, and that’s why it’s called, Let It In, I guess.
Now, that hopefully will start to begin to demystify mediation for you. In a nutshell, we learn to become the observer. We practice a meditation by getting out of the analytical mind, and getting into the subconscious. We have an opportunity to give it new information in that time using an Open Focus technique, and then as we go through our day, as situations arrive, we have an opportunity to break the patterns of the programs that we are running. Collected our entire lives, that our constantly running from the subconscious because it wants to keep you safe. That’s what the nervous system does, and that’s how they keep … With like, a branded animal they keep playing out. And we have an opportunity to interrupt those patterns from the mediation practice that we’ve already done, and then when we interrupt those patterns.
When we conscious during our day, we’re not in the future, we’re not in the past. We’ve become more present in that moment, and there’s an opportunity to send it new information, and that’s how you can then begin to overcome yourself. Overcome your sabotaging, and overcome any areas that you want to work on. Like, I’ve just used the example. Obviously, moving from 180 into Let It In, where that’s obviously, unknown fears, and self belief, and all the kind of stuff that can up for us whenever we want to create change, and all the doubt that comes with it, but marrying them tools up. Bringing it together. Moving through. That is the snapshot of it. Like I said, obviously, we do this for four weeks. We delve in much deeper than this, but in a language that I need to understand ’cause I’m a right brainer. I’m not very good with technobabble, and I want everyone to understand. And I’ve run the program, like I said, twice, and people certainly, once they go over it. A lot of the guys have done the program twice, which was a huge honor as well. You know, they getting the hang of it, and they getting the skill set up and up, and up, and seeing transformation, change coming in. So, I hope that demystifies mediation a little bit for you, and what the concept is about.
So, let’s move on to the Four Key Ingredients:
Key Ingredient #1 – Learn By ‘Doing’
Ok cool, so Key Ingredient One to Living Your Best Life Now and To Let It In, is learn from the ‘doing’. Huh?
Think about this for a moment. I spent eight years trying to help people, and educate people through 180 Nutrition. Through the podcast. Through the blog post, and putting all this content out there, and I came to realise we make great philosophers. We’re in a world of information. Like, the information is everywhere. In fact, I believe this too much information, and we get paralysis from analysis, and we don’t know where to start. And what I wanted to do that I thought was crucial, and I’ve seen it from my days as fitness trainer as well in that, is by, I wanted to make it an experience, so, you physically have to do the work to start to understand it, and that’s why I created the Let It In Program in such a way, where there’s a start date, and there’s an end date, and I want people to actually experience from doing the work because what happens is that once you experience it. You get to embody it.
Because some of the things I’ll be teaching you within Let It In is actually a feeling. Okay? It’s a change within, and again, that sounds a little bit cryptic, but I have no doubt there’s been times in your life where you’ve perceived something a certain way for so long, and then when you finally did it, or got there. A holiday destination could be a good one. You might look at the holiday destination. You can read magazines. You can look at photographs, but until you actually go there, and drink the wine. Eat the food. Dip in the ocean. Meet the culture and the people. You’re not gonna have this direct experience about it. Hence, why we go on holiday. Otherwise, we would just read the magazines, and go that’s great, or we have these preconceived ideas.
So, I truly believe to master any skill, it has to be done from doing it. Doing the work, and if you come to one my workshops. Even when we’re on the Zoom Master classes during the four weeks, you’re gonna hear me saying it. Do the work. Do the work, and the answers come from doing that. I can’t express that enough. So, that’s the key ingredient, number one. You can listen to all my podcasts all day. You can continue to do it, but until you actually make the step, commit, and start giving yourself that honor. You know, that privilege of bettering yourself through your actions each day, and doing the work change will never come. It’s as simple as that. So, that’s key ingredient number one.
Key Ingredient #2 – Have Accountability & A Mentour
Okay. Key Ingredient Number Two to Live Your Best Life Now and to Let It In, so, that the next thing I wanted to ensure we do in the four weeks. I think, again, this is massive. I mean, they’re key ingredients, right? Is accountability, and a mentor. And you need both. Now, when I built the program many people are saying to me, “Oh, can I just buy it, and just do it in my own time. Why do you have to have a start date, and an end date, Guy?” And the reality is because I want accountability. Because there’s never a good time to do anything. There’s never a good time to create change. You know, we’ll always find a reason not to, and we just need to get on with it.
Like, I said, I was a personal trainer for eight years. I worked in the fitness industry, and I had a whole business grown from holding people accountable because people would turn up, and then that accountability by having an appointment, by way of doing things, would force them to do the work, and when they did the work. I never heard someone say, “Oh my God, I really regret that workout. Oh my God, I wish I hadn’t come today.” Like, you know, it was in vigorous. It was life, and we were able to change the relationship, the way that it was around fitness, and their health by having that accountability in the first place. But not only that. Having a mentor that’s been through the process. Knows the most effective way to get the quickest results for you in the least amount of time, and that’s the two aspects I really dug my heels in when it came to building this program. I wanted that because ultimately I cannot do your pushups for you. That’s what we used to say in the fitness industry all the time. You know, you have to do them yourselves.
So, and I only want people who actually do the four week program that want to be in there. That actually are ready to change, and want to do it. I don’t want people that are gonna come in and drop off after two days, and just love the idea of it. I want. I want. You know, they can. That’s great, you know, and great I make a little bit of money from selling them a course, but I want to see that change. I want people if they can just stick with it for a few weeks, and get over hump. You know, the hump of it.
Like, you when you do when you go to the gym for the first time. You train, and your body aches, you know, there’s like this pain that comes. You’re like, “Oh my God, ’cause I’ve been lazy for a few months,” and then you get all this feeling, but when you get over that hump. When the body starts to adapt. The next thing you know, you’re like, you’re on fire. You feel stronger, happier, and that’s what Let It In will do for you, I promise, from a mental, physical, and emotional aspect.
And when you start to push through because there’s that sticking point. The mind starts kicking in going, “I don’t want to do this, I can’t be asked, and all the other chit chat. I’m busy. I don’t have time.” All the excuses start throwing at you, but by having that accountability, and that guidance, like I said, from which is most in pits, that will help you get through that ’cause all I’m interested in is getting a result from the people that do the four week program. So, that’s Key Ingredient Number Two.
Key Ingredient #3 – Be Part Of A Like Minded Community
All right, Key Ingredient Number Three to Live Your Best Life Now and Let It In, can you guess what it is? I truly believe it’s community.
Community… and I am verociously working hard to grow a community that props each other up. Supports each other, and is there for one another to help us all get through. Probably, this the most important ingredient of the lot. And they say, there’s that old saying you’re the sum of the five closest people to you. And what I’m finding with my program and Let It In, it’s attracting a certain person. It’s attracting that person that’s willing to start listening to their heart, and step in slightly into that unknown, and have the courage to do so. And just start getting curious about life, and getting curious about maybe there’s more to this. Maybe I can be making different decisions, and starting to honor that voice that’s within me. You know?
And quite often I find these are conversations we can’t have around a lot of our people close to us. They don’t get it. I’m sure if you’ve ever had like an epiphany around your health, or nutrition, or food. I’ve certainly received tons of emails from people saying, you know, I’ve made all these changes, but I can’t get my family to do it or commit, and I’m trying and they all think I’ve gone crazy. Well, guess what? When you come into a program like this you’ll have the same epiphanies, and a lot of people are gonna think you’ve gone crazy. Just by the act of you wanting you to better yourself, and improve your life, and start to honor the truth within you. You know? When people say, “Oh, that’s risky, you can’t.” They’re not. They’re only putting their own limitations on you. It’s not your limitations, okay? They don’t even realize they’re doing it, and by having a community. By seeing, you know, one thing that’s been blatantly obvious from my Let It In, is that we’re all the same.
We all just need human connection. We all need to be a bit vulnerable, and un-vice ourselves, but we all have the same problems. We are not unique in that sense. We all can beat ourselves up. We can all feel like shit. We can all have doubts and fears, and not go for it, but when you start to realise that we’re all going through it at the same way. And when you start to see people doing the work, and when you see somebody come in and report back they’ve just had a breakthrough. They did this, and they see this. ‘Cause I can talk to you til I’m blue in the face.
But when you have other people that are doing it along with you, and you can see that for yourself, and it’s not me just telling you. It is a beautiful thing, and if you’re struggling, or if you have a problem, and you report in, and you’ve got other people there doing that journey to support you. It’s magic, and I think that is an essential ingredient to make a program successful, and that is another reason why I have a start date, and an end date. Because everybody can come in, and we all start the same time. We all have the same intrepidations. We all have the same fears. We’re all new to the work, and together as a community you can help start embodying those tools over the four weeks. Break some old habits, and gain some new ones. Okay, and I’ve set up also a community, ongoing community, after the four weeks as well. Where people are joining my Let It In membership that goes on monthly, and we’ve been doing group mediations, group intentions as well. And I bring in experts, and it’s been phenomenal. And to nurture that community, so, then conversations can continue to grow as well, but everybody has to come through the four weeks first. Understand the tools, look at it, and then if they want to move on, and continue in the community they can, but that is a crucial ingredient for the success of Let It In.
Key Ingredient #4 – Get Clear On What You Want
Okay, Key Ingredient Number Four to Live a Best Life Now and Let It In, and that is this, you’ve got to get clear on what you want, or at least what you don’t want anymore in your life, and you’ve got to get clear on that too. Now, obviously, that is part of the program, so, I have a system in place, and it’s actually week two, where I help you break down the very steps I took when I wanted to transfer myself from 180 Nutrition into starting something new, and there was like an unfolding process. As I did the work that I teach, and then started to look at that, and, you know, it can take. It’s not like a ten minute job here. It’ll take contemplation. You’re gonna sit yourself under a tree. You’re gonna start to think about these things, but as you start to see the community, like we said as well, starting to share things. Starting to look at things, and start to help break it down. Because as you get clearer on what you want. You then have a destination to go … Move towards. But what I found, including myself, and this is hard to say, but, hey, I just want to speak my truth, is that we can be more fearful of our success than we can of our failures.
And I know that sounds ridiculous because you can stop anyone and say, hey, would you like to be more successful? Hey, yeah, yeah, sure, sure. But I’m not so sure about it. Obviously, in Australia we hear about tall poppy syndrome, and subconsciously quite often as we start to rise. As we start to improve our lives, and move on. Subconsciously people around us might feel threatened by that, and we can quite often start to, I guess, detract ourselves from creating success, so, we can remain to feel fitting in, and we don’t want to fit out. Okay? And sadly, I’ve certainly done that as well, and the question is should we really? At the end of the day, if we want to achieve.
You know, I’m in my forties now. I look at … I’m certainly not going to live forever, and I wanna squeeze every drop out of life. I want to make sure I can look back in my seventies, and eighties, and nineties, or hundreds, hopefully, and go, you know what, I wasn’t too frightened to have a go. I did that, and I made it happen. And I think that’s just one thing to certainly be mindful of when doing this, and again, from the support of the community, and people around you, and being able to come back in. You can start to slowly start to get clear on what you want, and help move towards that because the more clearer you are from the tools I’ll teach you, the more effective it’s going to be, and then you can start to notice those patterns. Those things during your day that could quite well be sabotaging from the things that you want, but by practicing the mediation skills I teach you’ll really start to be able to interrupt those patterns, and replace it with something new at that moment in time.
So, that’s another big ingredient, and there are probably, certainly more elements to, Let It In, over the four weeks, but they are the key factors that I think that when you combine it all together can really create a winning formula.
Beautiful, guys, I hope you got something out of this podcast today about demystifying meditation, and obviously, the Four Key Ingredients to Live Your Best Life Now, and Let It In. The four week program is gonna kick off on May the 14th, which is a Monday, and we’re gonna run it for four weeks, like I said. Literally, just go back to GuyLawrence.com.au, there will be a button there saying, “Four Week Program.” You can sign up there. There’s also my email on the website as well. Info@GuyLawrence.com.au, if you got any questions, or concerns about the program, and yeah, I would absolutely love to to see you in there for the four weeks.
The other thing that we do around the accountability aspect, that I forgot to mention during the ingredients, was that we hold weekly Zoom classes as well. So, not only you got the close Facebook community, where we’re all posting, on being able to live videos, et cetera, guiding you. You’ve obviously got the members login access with all the videos there, and the programs, which is all there. It’s all on the website, anyway, but the other key thing is as well, is that we log in for a Zoom class every week for four weeks. Just once a week in the evenings, and we go through each component, and you can ask me any questions. We’re all gonna get to know each other, and I’m gonna ensure my best to get you across the line for the four weeks as well. And like I said, at the end of the four weeks there’s an opportunity if you want to continue. If not, brilliant, you’ve got a toolkit to take away, and hopefully improve your life.
I hope you enjoyed that podcast today, guys, that’s it for me. Like I said, go back to GuyLawrence.com.au. May the 14th, is the start date, those are pretty much open now, and enjoy the rest of your week. All right, guys, see ya.
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