#2 This week I bring you Darcy Higgins. His journey in life has been quite incredible. His thirst for living the moment is simply contagious!
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About Darcy: Darcy Higgins’ should have been in the defence force. His body and his dreams of joining were shattered when his scooter and a van collided at Mount Coolum. He would have died on the side of the road if it wasn’t by random luck a brain specialist doctor was passing the scene.
After having to overcome challenges that seemed almost impossible… including the likelihood of him not being able to walk or talk again. This is podcast that will leave you feeling very inspired.
Darcy has gone on to become a speaker, adventurer, blogger with a mission to help engage mindfulness and health by inspiring others through his journey.
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Links & Resources For Darcy Higgins:
Guy: Welcome to the guylawrence podcast. I’m your host Guy Lawrence. After building a successful health company and a number one podcast, I decided to do something deemed a little crazy. I let it go. Set a new destination called the unknown and use. My heart as comfort each week I sit down with great minds as we explore topics beyond conventional health, wealth, and wisdom to inspire and ignite that passion that’s within us all to create the life we truly want. So my question to you is, are you ready to let it in?
Guy: Hey guys, and girls welcome to, of course the Guy Lawrence podcast, where each week it is my job to get beyond conventional health, wealth, and wisdom, and have conversations with some awesome people and share the findings with all of us to make our lives a little bit better during the week. And this week I’ve got another pillar for you.
Guy: And my special guest is Darcy Higgins. Now I was really keen to get Darcy on the show and essentially give him a platform to share his phenomenal journey and story. Um, and you know, when I first met Darcy and then recording this podcast, it’s something that really touched the heart and sat with me for a long time afterwards. And I’m so happy to be bringing this to you guys today. Now, if you’re not familiar with Darcy, I don’t want to give too many spoiler alerts away, but essentially he was in a road accident, um, and severe had some severe head trauma. And from that point, you know, had to rebuild himself, learn to walk again, learn to talk again from his head, us and face all kinds of personal battles from carrying anger, to getting all the forgiveness and then getting to a point where he’s finding a deeper purpose and meaning in life and has now created a brand and a calling, where he’s living his authentic life and inspiring other people to live their authentic life too.
Guy: And just spending time with Darcy, I’m like, yeah, I got to get you on this show mate. And I just share from the heart and there was a beautiful conversation and we get into all sorts of topics, obviously his journey, uh his own thoughts into life and on what life means to him now. And even sort of looking at forgiveness and letting go of that anger and how that has now affected his life and coming from a place of gratitude. So sit back, prepare to be inspired. Darcy is a legendary guy and, uh, and we, we cover all the topics within it. And I have no doubt you’re going to enjoy the show today. I also, as much as I did anyway, you know and of course, guys, if you did enjoy the show, all I ask is that you subscribe to my podcasts, leave me a five star review.
Guy: If you’re enjoying the episodes, of course, I’ll just leave a review and honest reveal, you know, uh, they just had their help. I’ve got a new podcast out. Of course, I’m one them super keen to get this message out there. I’ve got some stellar guests lined up and I just want as many people to start listening to this show as possible so I can help inspire others. So it’s very simple. I do, obviously you’re on your phone, literally just go to the bottom. You can flick up now, and if you’re on the podcast app and it’s super easy to leave a review. So let me know, hit me up on Instagram guyhlawrence as the best place to find me a direct message, me, whatever. Let me know what you think of the show. And let me know if you’ve done a review as well. And I’d love to give you a shout out on the podcast. Anyway, let’s go over to Darcy Higgins. Enjoy!
Guy: So Darcy, welcome to the podcast, mate. Thanks for joining me today.
Darcy: Yeah. Thanks man. Absolute pleasure.
Guy: We’re here in a very rainy Byron Bay.
Darcy: yeah snow search challenge last week and get the rain.
Guy: Beautiful part of the world. And, um, yeah, look, it’s, you know, it’s interesting to, it’s actually nice to be able to sit with a person cause after doing so many hundreds of interviews on 180 nutrition podcasts, there’s always on a Skype. So to actually sit and have a real connection is definitely the way to go, mate? So I think I’m just chatting to you off air as well. You know, when I first heard your story all sales, obviously I was blown away and uh, and so I’ve just got to meet this guy and, you know, we had a cup of coffee, which was, which was awesome. And we ended up shooting the breeze for like nearly an hour. And now we’re getting around on your path. You’re on some random guys podcast.
Darcy: So I’m just rolling with it was good.
Guy: Yeah, totally mate. So can you take us back to that day on your more pads? I think let’s just start from there and put everything started practicing in the context for sure.
Darcy: Tell you where I remember? Um, it was six years ago. I’m on 24th of January 2012.
Darcy: It’s coming back though. Michael Jim how’s her work? Yeah. Um, well spoke to fly. I think one’s same longterm girlfriend, Chanel, Vain Willis, and saw school grade 10. She has been living in England, um, for about a year and a half coming to visit us over or join the army that was going to accept the army come back on. And then like who encounters warehouse pick got in the food loss scene of this trip. Come back on my bed. Um, then mom dads are assigning the Tom.
Guy: where was this?
Darcy: In Mt. Gone my uncle. Yeah. Mantle fix something else. Yeah.
Darcy: Yeah. Come back in and come back in local Kevin’s warehouse me on fake lost things. I bed come back to mum does call quote certain numerical, um, uh, tries when he’s rushing to work. Cut the corner. He hit me head on 70 guys now have nine protection million in Melbourne. Um, well only protection I had was a [inaudible] song. I was logging out why didn’t a hundred, five kilos kind of run getting them ready for the army. So it was food is all going to be paid. The car had on flew up the man down the road. That’s one it’ll went blank. Um, from that point on, I can’t remember her at three or four months. And then when that die,
Guy: I was intrigued to hear as well, like, is that run a motorbike? You know, I’ve written a long time and you know, it’s, everyone’s worst nightmare, really, even though it’s like one of the greatest pleasures of freedom and writing and being on a moped like mate, um, what intrigued me as well was there was a doctor passing on the scene. Yeah, that was the brain’s question.
Darcy: um, and you live around the corner, actually, my cooler in his own, these why to work in them. We’ll also heard about the Saint heard about the accident. So by the same, me at the same corny ambulance where it was that it lives in Brisbane role. So he is one that is I’m off.
Guy: Yeah. Fading the beat that day. It’s incredible. So, so you say you can’t remember the next three to four months. So what happened to that point? You’re taking the hospital. You’re you, you come round three to four months later or is that just when the kick in?
Darcy: Yeah, well, I was trying to from hospital to hospital and nimble as our Brisbane Royal to name or name or to clan DRA to rehab center and then back to Brisbane and then to a brand new injury, you know, Earl was in there six months learning in a woken Topia, and probably about four months after my first memory, candidly in the memory is pretty special to me. I’m getting emotional Metta. I’m remembering was same, our longterm girlfriend. And I’m saying almost two years, it was at the end of my bed. And I was thinking, why is, you know, in my bed, why am I in wholesale? What’s going on? Wow, I’m trying to get up. And you know, I give her a hug. I couldn’t move in toward the end of the bed. Fellows started to flow. I was saying, what the fuck is going on? So that was it for the smarmy. I’m not ever going to get that memory. Um, yeah, I mean to get pretty upset about it, but yeah, probably about four months after the, and after that day, [inaudible]
Guy: now your life looks very different today, six years, six years. Sorry. I mean, the things that you’re getting up to and do, and this is incredible. Like, you know, I mean the, the, the irony was when I, when I met, you pulled up on your motor bike, you know, and I’m thinking, wow, I heard everything like, so can you, I’m really fascinated to dig in between those five years because you’re, you’re, you’re at this point, which I think most people would struggle to relate to, you know? And what was the next step for you? So, so you, you said you couldn’t talk, you had to learn to speak again. Now it’s asking you to just before and after there was that. So that was like, you still, you could remember the English language, but you couldn’t connect it from the brain to the mouth. Is that,
Darcy: yeah, that was spot on. Um, the thought was there and you know exactly where I’m wanting to say, whereas cousin typically it couldn’t physically come in my mouth. I’m still six years on. I’m still having trouble with a few words that I get the still, so for us, or like can’t pronounce or can’t come out the way I think so. Yeah, it was as a whole thought was there, you knew exactly where I wanted to decide, but it just couldn’t come out. And honestly, you forgot year longer, first, a couple of sentences scam to me, or discounting the speech therapy for like every, every week, two, three times a week, just working on singing these shower, humming, saying words over and over again, this really, really hard work and nuts sometime nation. It always pays off. So,
Guy: yeah. And you mentioned about walking, could you walk after the, like initially?
Darcy: No. Um, took about, uh, about to six months of walking in, um, even that was as like a few steps here and there. Um, but that was, for me, that was the biggest challenge. [inaudible] flop throbbing challenges. Like the, I just thought to myself, there isn’t even a song from me and achieving all my dreams, just give me goal to achieve every single day to be better and see where I can keep doing.
Guy: Wow. That was almost going to be my next question from that in terms of when you’re in that position, I mean, I’m gonna shit, man. Something like that could make you a break here. Right. I mean, ultimately at the end of the day, was it, what did, was, was that doubt there, or did you, was there a point where you clearly made up your mind and gone, you know, what I’m going to, I’m going to get over this.
Darcy: How were you seeing that at the time? Um, the big thing was, um, around the main house in the house a little bit in a rehab center. I mean, there’s, it wasn’t really, truly was with it. And, um, one of the doctors came in and my mum was Amazon bed. Hmm. Well, I think my sister was there as well. And doctor said to my mum, mom, not me, I’d walk into again. Um, and then as soon as I heard that, that gave me and got me in the biggest Spock to prove everyone wrong. I mean, from that day, and then look back under the Spain challenge and challenge and challenge and to do everything again, I’m, I’m, I’m doing it. Yeah.
Guy: Yeah. That’s amazing man. And, and, you know, from my experiences, and I’m also seeing the work of dr. Joe Dispenza, which I’ve been involved in a lot. And, um, it talks about the placebo and seeing thousands of people go through his work in that, you know, a message like that from a doctor saying to you, you potentially could not walk or talk again, you know, that that could fold obviously a lot of people and just completely buy into that diagnosis and then just accept believe and surrender to that diagnosis. Right. You know, and I think if you had done that obviously then it’d be a very different position, but I’ll come today.
Darcy: Well, things in my blood to just, um, keep going, um, family and for really hard workers and they’re different and I’m going to be strongly hard work and those goals and dreams are achieved. So I’m not going to solve them though. My goal was, and James had done so
Guy: yeah. So take me to the next point in time. Cause I know we’ve spoken about, um, I can’t, yeah. You’re so humbled by it, but some of the things that you’ve been coming out with, it just like amazing me. Now you were saying that you had to learn to talk again. Right. And for periods of time that you were almost didn’t want to connect with people to a degree because of your speech, your speech impediment and not actually. So you kind of retreated from interaction.
Darcy: Yeah. That’s spot on. And how long, how long did that last? And then when, when I’m curious in a way, when was the changing point for you? Mine that lasted about two, three years, honestly, maybe longer, maybe closer to four years mean does going in non [inaudible] thing. Just not talking to anyone. And I’m my biggest, and my biggest interaction was my wife and I were separating the habit and she said to me, well, you can’t get going online. Is you going to eventually talk to people? So she’d come in. And then she got me talking to people and she actually said it was on the inspiration behind the up, open up the cafe.
Guy: Yeah. Right. I’m stumped. You’re right. So you went and bought a cafe, right. So then you could be in front of people. So you almost,
Darcy: mm. Like did what was going to make you the most uncomfortable for sure. I was absolutely terrified. Um, um, seeing how did it at first, um, talking to people mainly golfing. I just so out of sorts after a while, I just seem to love it. I was absolutely fiving and talking to people again. And I was like, what I’ve been doing last couple of years. This is amazing hearing people’s stories, getting to know people. It’s like, what, whenever I’ve been doing the last two, three years or cleanup years, the flock months out. And so there’s a lot of myself in the closet I’m in the world and this is, yeah,
Guy: it’s interesting. I are, we can have that perceived belief of how things are because of our past experiences. And that was the same for you. And then you’ve, you’ve gone, got to a point where you knew you had to overcome it, your board and your board, the cafe is strong yourself in the fire in line. And then I’m guessing, you know, the reaction from the people that were coming in and getting to know you, it was very different to how you would perceive the prior.
Darcy: Oh, for sure. Like I just thought, um, my speeches, Sarah cerebral and I couldn’t pick up on it. So in my head, um, I was so nervous and I couldn’t even notice a difference between me talking to her nice guy. There’s just so
Guy: it’s amazing. Right? Because this is a huge compliment, like, cause you should be like, someone’s paying me double in a movie or something. You don’t have to clearly look after yourself. It’s, it’s amazing. It’s amazing. Now the one thing I wanted to raise up about this whole journey for you as well and what you’ve been, you’ve been through, what does that do to you? Cause you talked about carrying a fair bit of mind yard around the whole incident and carrying that with you for some time. Can you, can you take us back a bit to how you were feeling and that’s all process for some, we’ll get into some of the changes as well.
Darcy: So sheriff before the accident for about 10 years, um, and it was a really good career. I absolutely loved it. The sun was up and my next goal in life is to join the army and was a dream of mine. So when I got accepted to the army, I was just over the moon, so happy. And then my accident happened and my dream was staying away from me. No, I was like, how am I ever going to get in the arm? And yeah. Yeah. I can’t even walk and talking. And even your by Ken Morgan’s or man, I can’t move my yesterday. Am I going to get accepted? And so that was, no, it was anger Bon it, I was extremely angry, but I can’t get in the army. Can’t see in my dreams, can’t believe this guy’s normally stand to me. Honestly. I was just angry, quiet, determined, just get more shit done.
Darcy: Try it from the army yen for a long time. Save about two, three years. I was just angry shortly and get back in the army. No point came on. I was like, you know, things, the moments of either ways, the way they’re supposed to be, things will happen to my, sorry. Yeah. Everything does happen for a reason. And the same, your long time, they realize that my accent did have a reason for me not to be in the army. So it wasn’t like cancer that acceptance anger. Hmm. What am I solving? What, um, was there anything that sparked up to, to, to let go of the anger and create an acceptance to that situation? Yeah. Um, I was in Melbourne at the time doing rehab four days a week. Um, I was just hearing the angry, just sort of rehab, um, camera, a meditation teacher, Jeremy Bowen and Johnny Paula.
Darcy: No I’m years old in meditation night in Merlin. I’m not too sure other Galton I’m pretty sure. I think it was me and my girlfriend at the time and I just thought, wow, I never heard of maintaining before. Um, in the dark ages, what is it saying? Give it a shot. And it was this mine long is like something I saw bang on that was flush out of me. And I was just counting to realize that this is who I am and this is the way it’s supposed to be. So then contact with Johnny. And he taught me on the main site for about two years in two weeks of training at the main site. And since that day I haven’t sought man signing in. I’m a changed man. Like to think I’m a lot less, I’m a lot calmer. I don’t get angry. I’m like more accepting, more humble. This nice guy
Guy: related to my meditation, changed my life through a month, you know, same life. So it’s starting to profound. And I’m curious because I’ve certainly gone down many rabbit holes around meditation. Did it come in one profound moment or was it, you know, a collective chipping away through practice and meditation and finding yourself again?
Darcy: Oh, just I tried so many things do my rehab. It was like so many things is the same, like in natural path, all that sort of stuff. And I was like, this isn’t working then incurrent, Kevin Cross and Johnny not, not there’s this box. And he was like, wow, I wouldn’t give this a shot and see what works and what was the worst thing good to happen. Gavin of shorelines is truly addicted to, or, um, I could change my life and, and actually did say Malawi. Cause if I didn’t come across my incision, I would have been extremely anger, angry and bitter person.
Guy: Yeah. And, um, have you spoke to the driver since that day? Um, no, there wasn’t,
Darcy: it’s on there. I was in the hospital and they knew who was through friends, on friends on Facebook of course. And sending me a few messages saying, you know, I can’t believe what you’ve done. You know, my dreams are crushed down. What am I supposed to do now? So I certainly regret it. Um, no, it was just me six years, you know, five years ago called anger. Um, and now, and just, you know, I have love for him. It was, I’m grateful that none of the accident didn’t happen. So I am the person I am today. Cause an accident.
Guy: Yeah. Yeah. Do you, is that, do you feel like you, you completely all over and you’re on your new projectory
Darcy: I’m well, and truly I’ve written, um, I know I’m on the right path. I know exactly what I want to do around going along. So yeah. So I can get there and more, I can see that make love.
Guy: I’ve met some pretty awesome people in my time, but I promise you, you won’t want to make like, Darcy’s like he’s on a mission. [inaudible] mission. That’s pretty Epic. Now I wanted a breeze as well. Nepal. Cause you’ve been on some pretty cool adventures. Like you’re definitely squeezing life out of each day. There’s no doubt about it and making the most of it. Can you, do you spoke, you had some pretty, pretty awesome experiences in the poor as well. Can you tell us a bit about the journey you went on to and what happened? So
Darcy: I’m married my high school sweetheart. That was a dream come true for me. We, the house by the beach, I was happy days sell the cafe enrolling nanny. So it was an extremely solid that the future I’m go to puppy. Um, I thought, you know, kids are on my mind. I was just always wanting to be a dad. And then, um, maybe Shannon, we’re just not getting along. And um, yeah, she, you know, said it wasn’t for her anymore. Um, separated. And that was heartbreaking. She moved to Sydney and I was in the house when myself with a yacht, any young puppy, like when I’m hugging, do I couldn’t come and train on uni? I was this total mess. Put you any on hold and thought there’s no better time to do something for myself. I’ve traveled a fair bit, lived overseas in America for a loop wall. Um, mean to Bali, Jamaica, Mexico, and a few old biases and always trying to, um, do my American walk to one. No, I just couldn’t picture anything better than doing an unboxing on the hemlines. Um, it was so part of a rolling infield. Um, I’m trying to Hunter a knife.
Darcy: Yeah. We started off at Denali and then we traveled off of now a long time parts to Y for two and a half weeks. My, the, just the scenery and the people. We meet food, the culture vibe.
Darcy: Well, I’m speechless talking about, um, you know, one night it was snowing. One of the things that was something all excited riding through the rivers next, I was just worn down, Ryan Kim, the mountains mentation then saying in the mountains, many monks and try to monks with monks and that trip was, um, um, good. Well, um, soaring in speed. Tell my kids one though, for sure. Um, actually put a lot of, and a lot of pressure on myself to become a new man. Um, by strips, it doesn’t mean to you. It doesn’t have to spending a month in Nepal in the mountains and there’s, there’s an energy to it that it’s it’s undescribable. No. Yeah, for sure. So Emily napkin, I mean more life separators, like, yeah. Okay. So it was triple AAA and um, someone that in the hemlines wrong and I’m only infield, I just have the gun metal bars and his canvas setting look forward to my future. Yeah. I’m counting, carve out the bath I wanted to do. And who, who is it? Who is in? It is in it. So yeah, so special each day is no, no, I’m sorry. Grateful am beyond grateful for every single day and what I have and no cool am so
Guy: yeah, I, wait, when did you first get back on the motorbike after the accident? Yeah. Yeah, because the fact that the fact that you overcame that you’re living your dream in a Royal Enfield mortar by cruising through Nepal and like one of the most spiritual countries in the world and having this Epic time where you have to stop and pinch yourself. I think I was thinking about those things because like, if you hadn’t persisted even to get on the back and African motorbike model, like the knock on effect is that that wouldn’t have happened.
Darcy: Yeah, for sure. And then the trips or that would have happened in my acts and all that separation. So they get back into marks and I’m quite simply, there’s nothing like it riding my bike is like, you’re one with the earth, what you want in the EMR. So like, if this is your free, um, for me, isn’t from here, it’s like a meditation on its own rides is not unlike driving instead of a different. And just one that rocking in on is one I’d feel, um, probably be three years or they accidentally end up back in a bike. Cause all of a sudden Tim, that was B, it was always going to be part of my life. There’s all so arrive for about nine, about a year before the accident. And I was totally free person. I was a young guy counting and clubbing on the weekends and is rolling around so silly. I’m speeding, whatever. And now I’m in total. Just enjoy him. Choosier enjoyable. [inaudible] freedom.
Guy: Yeah. Yeah. That’s the thing I would say, not to any youngster. I’m glad I didn’t get into motorbikes until into my show, unlike our other two cars. And the thing is I’ll have numbered made, it’s like a walk it, but I rarely use it for that. Like it’s more just a, I can go at like one 20 and [inaudible] 2132. This gives us a machine part of me. So you have to be present when running is really cool. What would you say to the listeners out there? Right. Because we, we can all hold anger and resentment and sometimes me not even aware, we are holding it to maybe what somebody did to us, to an ex partner dumping us or you know, even small things to people cutting us up in traffic. And then yeah, there’s all these things, you know, what has been your biggest lesson from that? Like what were your, what would you say to anyone listening to this, but might still have some resentment that on God for someone else? Um, yeah, it’s a hard question from the thing.
Darcy: As soon as I read along is like having an anger on the spiritual person, but I mean, I mean your body gets you nowhere. Doesn’t even let that go in what I’m real honest. So what you have, you just gave Lisa [inaudible], [inaudible] covering my speech again, better talking to more people. Can I PayPal totally from person? Um, so all I can recommend is, is like, this is a lot of guy, just shit happens. Um, actual shit does happen to everyone on the side. It’s going to happen to everyone. So just deal with it, get on with it. Yeah.
Guy: Um, they bought somebody once and uh, I asked him, what’s the best, what’s the best piece of advice you could give him on. He turned around and he blew my mind because it was the last thing I expected him to say. And he said, learn forgiveness. And, and from that comes gratitude. And there’s two things that are clear that you’re very grateful and you know, you you’ve let go of that anger. Like you said, your, your, your rehab is accelerated from that alone, which is just blows my mind, you know?
Darcy: Yeah.
Guy: Where did, where do you see yourself say five years from now?
Darcy: Um, it seems as though being a great speaker, um, being an inspiration and people being a nurse [inaudible] I want to be, you know, someday get back to the people that helped me in a way. So when me fairly fit and healthy, no two trips away, overseas, still similar to being a dad, um, was one of the father see myself. Yeah. I’m very much in a relationship myself. Um, this still totally, yeah. Very much committed to me, improving my myself for a while. So
Guy: yeah. I’m sure that it’s not amazing. Like nobody can basically say that can’t be done. Right. And I’m thinking the opposite of effect on you. You know, those are the things that you want to do in your life.
Darcy: Oh, for sure. Um, at a point, you know, and it was extremely, you know, they would call it a selfish, but all I have time for is, um, more improvement for me in the moments is getting me to a point where I going me setting my little PayPal, like coming in life. So, um,
Guy: it’s amazing, you know, it’s, it is it’s, it’s taken me a long time to get some stuff through my Welsh skull over the years. Right. And, and having the fortune from one 80, you know, there’s always a new podcast, but interviewing some pretty cool people, but one of the themes that was coming through and a lot of these guys have achieved a lot of success, but they’re just humans. They’re just people they’re going to have superhero powers, even though they might be perceived on a pedestal half the time. But one of the themes that was coming out was like cultivating a daily practice of gratitude. But, but the truly tapping into that feeling and actually being grateful for shit, you know? And when you, when we start to look around in life, well, how fricking awesome. We do have it walks around. I mean, you know,
Guy: around the corner in Byron Bay, you know, but yeah. There’s plenty of people walking around here that are still worried about the price of petrol or whatever, and get, get the shits with the, the, the, the mundane, you know, it’s,
Darcy: so every morning, probably the last two, three months, I’ve gotten a grade two book before my meditation every morning when I wake up more to my face and make sure I’m awake, write down when I’m grateful for Hmm. No, inside, inside. I’m more than grateful for, you know, beautiful and that’s um, yeah, no, somebody one, yeah. Massively. And that’s a big hand for everyone listening to this [inaudible] book drive away every day, even it was like, you know, waking up and camera serve, grateful my car, my motorbike and grateful family food. Um, yeah, I would be not be, tell me about your morning
Guy: Regina. Cause that was one of, so I’ve got a holistic set of questions here, but one of them was what’s your morning routine. So it would almost hacked it night.
Darcy: Yeah. Get up. Yeah. Finally I’d say three months I’ve been sleeping really well. Um, and I only use it asleep in bias, like four o’clock in the morning, but I see three months being sleeping five 30, six, 11. I don’t even like it, to be honest, I’d rather than be up and out of it, but yeah, I usually wake up, come down and watch ’em face or name one. We’re grateful for meditate. Good. 20 minutes. I’m Apple go the gym. Good workout. Come back breaking. So I’m a bit of a sudden you’ve been reading. You need more on a blog thinking about how my day or my week’s looking.
Darcy: Yeah. And just sort of remind myself that it gets been gigs. How many times a week you train it? Um, six and, um, yeah. I’m glad you said the six months. Yeah, it took it. Yeah. Just one training has changed over the years, so much when I’m first coming out and I’m also, it was all about cycling, um, swimming, running, trying to run job to get the bunny in the morning, moving, move on to every weights, you know, have a weed thing Jim, for a while. No discovered man. Cross it, cross it and sold two years. And I absolutely loved the China and the life in between miles then when yoga, um, glottis. Yeah. I’m back to just running swimming. Gum and gym. Yeah. Cool. [inaudible] surf and comfort in between. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Surfing. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, like I’m a big believer then. I mean,
Guy: you know, you get the morning, right. If you can get the first half, hour, hour of your day, right? Yeah. It sets you up and then every choice you kind of make is coming from this much better state this place. So here’s a random question for you if you could not, did not tonight, right. With anyone in the world right now, and you can even walk through into a teleport or forward in time, back in time. It doesn’t matter if you could have dinner with anyone in the world tonight. Who would it be?
Darcy: Um, let’s give one where honestly, his question was on me and my brother in the beers, but um, what Springs to mind? I ah, um, probably Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy. Yeah. This is Trump animation. And then to Bronson, um, no, the movies as being an absolute legend. I love the guy.
Darcy: Yeah. Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy. I’m sure. A lot of dark guy women. Yeah. What a legend. Yeah. Yeah. I was curious. You’re going to say man, that, um, I mean, yeah. Bronson absolute change, right? It’s classic. Yeah. Yeah. He’s amazing actor. He’s through a lot as well. Yeah,
Guy: yeah, yeah, yeah. That would make a good denominator. I’ve joined you on that one if you let me, so, um, what’s one thing about yourself that most people wouldn’t know.
Darcy: Um, Ooh, I’m pretty, pretty open. I’m not so sure. Um, I’m thinking that people have at me,
Darcy: I’m actually quite boring. I like Rolla. I be watching Netflix or watching a movie in bed, meaning going out of holidays that are non whatever. Um, and then 40 season around, I fell like that. I go to the pub and coupons.
Darcy: Yeah. I’m pretty. Cause of all him or, well, I’d be watching maybe let me go on that. And that’s one thing I guess people should not bet. I don’t know. And um, what are you normal negotiables daily to be professors you use like, Oh, I’m going to med sign over that. I’m going to try no matter what, I don’t know. It’s like a non negotiable for me and it just got to get done as soon as I wake up. Yeah.
Guy: No matter what. Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful. They pretty much smell negotiables for me. And uh, any, any last words for our listeners, maybe listening to this
Darcy: dust, I’m following my journey on an insert on fire. So I’m checking my website. Um, I believe a kid, a couple of speaking gigs come up. Yeah, yeah. For my journey here in three and embarrassing and come to us and um, yeah, Ling, it’s going to be sore to be told. When I read in the book books, what was going to come and Tom and copies night and I’ve really naive, but I’m going to remake my life into a movie and just like notebook. It’s going through a lot of, um, big things, big events, I think it’s worth telling. And,
Guy: and then to a mate, it’s, um, it’s quite incredible on the whole that I’ve captured a bit from what you’ve been through. And um, and I just want to acknowledge and thank you for coming on to the absolute pleasure your you’re doing and putting out the world. Cause I read it. I’ve been reading your blogs made. I see what you you’re putting out there and this all coming from the house seminar. Sorry. Just, yeah. Just encourage everyone to go check out mr. Darcy Higgins. I’ve got a great website. You’ve got stunning photography on there as well. Yeah. We’ll have to hit them up. See if we can get rid of that. All right. It’s absolute pleasure. It’s awesome. Thanks for champions for that. Thanks. Thanks for tuning
Guy: in today, guys. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did and don’t forget, hit me up on Instagram guyhlawrence. Let me know what you thought of the show. I’ll try and reply to everything that comes my way. It’s always greatly appreciated to know tuning in and listening to these. And of course go back to guylawrence.com.au. If you haven’t checked it out, you can grab a copy of my five step morning routine. It’s got I practice every morning, sets me up for my day and I’m a big believer. If you could change your day, you can actually change your life. That’s awesome. And if you get it, there’s actually a little bonus in there as well. Anyway, I have a stunning week and look forward to tune in next week.