#319 In this episode, Guy engaged in a profound conversation with Jacque Nelson, a channeler for The Mary Group. They discussed the importance of self-preservation, not as a form of fear, but as a way of valuing oneself. The conversation explores themes of love, self-awareness, and overcoming fear. Jacque shared her personal journey of becoming a channel and the powerful messages from The Mary’s, emphasizing the difference between union and separation energies, and the significance of embracing one’s true essence. The discussion included practical advice on how to foster self-compassion and connect more deeply with one’s inner self and the world around. Jacque also touched on helping men embrace vulnerability and love. The episode is described as a beautiful, organic conversation that offers valuable insights for personal and collective healing.
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About Jacque: Jacque Nelson, she leads a vibrant community, reaching hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Their community engages via international workshops, travel retreats, individual sessions, and media interactions offering partnership for navigating daily life offered with clarity, empowerment, and love. Jacque and her husband Don’s acclaimed live events, held around the globe, are adventures into the deepest layers of who we truly are and how each of us love and live inward and outward with all of humanity.
►Audio Version:
Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) – Channeler Predicts Necessary GLOBAL SHIFTS
- (01:00) – Introduction to the Podcast
- (02:24) – Meet Jacque Nelson
- (02:46) – The Journey of Channeling
- (07:05) – Experiencing Channeling
- (27:53) – The Concept of Love
- (30:40) – Exploring the Intersection of Physical and Nonphysical Realms
- (31:18) – Understanding Love and Wellbeing
- (32:15) – Challenges of Expressing Love for Men
- (33:16) – The Divine Feminine and Masculine
- (34:37) – Messages from the Marys
- (35:03) – The Power of Vulnerability
- (35:53) – Fearful Loving vs. Courageous Loving
- (38:58) – Acknowledgement and Self-Preservation
- (41:27) – Union and Separation Energies
- (45:58) – Choosing Love and Wellbeing
- (57:01) – Final Thoughts and Encouragement
How to Contact Jacque Nelson:
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Please note, this is an automated transcript so it is not 100% accurate.
Because you are in a tumultuous time in your world. Yes, it is. And self preservation, which is an extraordinary part of the human has been labeled as a fear. What we want to offer to you is that self preservation is actually an extraordinary part of your existence. It’s saying, Hey, you need to value.
Your value of your physical body, of your emotional body, of your dreams, of your loving, of your laughter, of your depthfulness, of your whatever it is, just value your value. And when you decide to open up your companionship with this beautiful part of you that’s pulsing all the time, when you partner with it, it’s always going to help you follow your heart.
Welcome to my podcast Guy here today. I welcomed a beautiful Jacque Nelson and she channels what she calls the Mary’s group.
Very fascinating conversation today. She actually spontaneously channels about two thirds of the way through in this podcast. I don’t necessarily invite channels on to channel, but I’m more interested in the information that they’ve learned and how we can mine out wisdom and actually apply it in our own lives.
When she does channel, we certainly go into the topic of the disruption on the planet at the moment. And what we can do about it within ourselves to show up differently.
And I truly believe the more we heal ourselves, the more we will in turn healed the planet. Beautiful conversation. And I have no doubt. You will get a lot out of it today. The years flying by so fast. If you want to jump in and find out what we’re up to with our retreats, our events are online. Mentoring. That’d be all links below.
We even offer free meditation as well, which is a great place to start. Which sets you up for a seven day challenge, which is all below as well. Let me know where you’re watching this from in the world. I always love connecting with you guys as the YouTube channel continues to grow and yeah, hit a subscribe, share it.
Anything that helps to continue to support my channel Much love from me. Enjoy this conversation with Jacque its awesome.
Jacque, welcome to the podcast.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m really, really actually very happy to be here.
Yeah. Likewise. Likewise. I get excited. There’s always, every time I do a new podcast, there’s always like that little bit of anticipation to think, Oh, where’s this going to go today? You know
I really try and allow that organic conversation to happen at the same time for sure. So Which kicks me off and I’m always curious, especially when I get people like yourself on, if you were at an intimate dinner party and somebody asked you what you did for uh, did for a living, how would you respond to that right now?
Wow. Um, you know, it’s funny because it changes over the years, right? Because I’m a channel that’s not always a well received response, but, um, what I do share with people is that I help people climb inside of themselves and learn who they actually are and what they desire and how actually limitless they are and bringing that out and living the life that they really desire.
They really could participate in and enjoy. So, um, I just tell people that I, you know, I, I, it’s funny. I used to design clothing for a while. And one day I thought, you know what? I have two jobs. I have this job where I do this channeling and really move through all of the layers of people. And I have this job where I create clothing and help, you know, people.
Go great and dress themselves in a way that matches them and speaks about them on the outside. And I said, in both jobs, I see people naked.
Ha ha ha.
you’re not starving, you’re powerfully hungry.
And there’s a big difference. Starving that can’t be met. You know, you don’t know if you can ever feed that, but if you realize you’re powerfully hungry, you’re willing to reach into all the layers of yourself and the world to see what nectar will actually feed you.
I like it, but, how do we get to the point? as humans, as a species, or whatever, that we become powerfully hungry. Because I feel like until that fire is lit at some level, where there’s that willingness to go there and actually climb inside yourself as you, which I love the phrase, how do we get there, you know?
Well, sometimes I think through some challenges, right? Like life’s gotta be better than this or something. There has to be something more. Um, I, yeah, you know, it’s, it’s so interesting. I feel like I’m losing all my words here, but, um, I believe that so often We go along like this is just what it is, but inside we know there’s something more.
I remember a long while ago when I was working a regular job and coming home and raising children, I thought that I loved my family. I loved my life, great friends, but I thought there’s gotta be something more to life itself, you know, than this routine of working and then coming home. And that’s when I, I guess I started to say, then what is it?
And. I think that the way you get to it is one, maybe be willing to know you might have an ache, but to realize the ache isn’t threatening. It’s a desire. And if you want, you know, if you’re looking around, like, what will satisfy my appetite, you can start to recognize. What can meet this desire? If you do it from a painful place, it’s a, it’s a bit more difficult to get there because you just don’t have your vessels open for noticing or recognizing things or bringing yourself with you.
And if you, if you realize, well, I’m willing to know that there’s something and I’m excited about learning what it is. And like the Mary’s always saying, be very curious because curiosity without curiosity, nothing would exist. So if I can be curious enough. To know, not just stuff that ache or put away, but actually value it and, and say, okay, what am I looking for?
What, what am I noticing? How am I opening up to the world that, that does feel good? And how can I lean into more of that? I think it’s really just deciding you want, you want something more than you have right now and believing it’s possible to, to get it even, and maybe especially when you have no idea what it is.
Yeah, definitely believing it’s possible, isn’t it? And this exists because it feels such so foreign. Uh, I know it did to me anyway, before I actually started to have direct experiences along the way. So what was your journey then, Jacque? Like, how long have you been channeling for? And before you were channeling, were you aware of this kind of possibility?
this kind of world. Um, well, I’m happy to share the story. It’s kind of funny when I sat down and of course my image comes up on the screen and I thought, Wow, I’ve been doing this so long that I’ve raised children and gotten gray hair. So, um, it started in 2020. So, it’s been 24 years. Um, And we had, uh, I, I got married.
Um, one of our first experiences after we got married was, um, I met, I went to somebody who was speaking. It was just somebody locally who was speaking in it. And I wish I could recall the name. We called him Mackie. I don’t know his whole name. He was a elder from New Zealand and a very extraordinary connected, like just if you’ve ever been in presence with him, it’s in, it’s in you, you can’t, you know, it just doesn’t go away.
Um, And we went to see him and it really opened us up into thinking, what else do we want to do? There’s a whole world that we haven’t discovered. And my husband and I were thinking, well, we want to do something different with our lives. He was a printer. I was a human resource director. And we thought, okay, this is the come home, go to work, come home, sit, you know.
And, um, So we were thinking something really off the wall, like, you know, have an Airbnb or own a campground or something. Um, but then I went to see somebody else, Robert Dubille, and he suggested that Don and I sit down together to meditate just for like five minutes, which was brilliant on his part, because my husband’s been meditating since he was like 12, And, and I can’t sit still very long.
to meditate. So, um, and the Mary started coming through prior to that. I suppose I would back up. We, we, we started learning Reiki. Um, we heard about Reiki, we learned how to do it. We actually became Reiki master teachers, which is a way to move energy. Again, it’s working in a way in the world that isn’t normal, you know, isn’t seen all the time.
We could feel the visceral the, the shift of it, connecting into energy. And then a friend of ours gave us a whole box of Abraham Hicks tapes. And this was back when they were the reel to reel tapes. Right. And I don’t know if you’re familiar with Abraham Hicks. I think, I think they started a revolution.
Um, but we listened to him and it just start, started opening us into a whole That we felt the truth of, and we read Neal Donald Walsh’s books and that sort of thing. And then now we get to the point where I went to see Robert DeVille. We sat down to do the meditation and right away, my, the first time we sat, my face started like contorting and moving around a bit on its own.
I thought that was a little odd that maybe that’s what happens when you go into a really concentrated meditation. The second time there was just a lot of energy, just like,
Blowing through my body. And interestingly enough, like the word kinesiology, like I kept feeling like kinesiology. I thought, okay, what’s that about?
I’ve later learned that it was that they were learning the, the Mary’s coming through, we’re learning like how to connect with my body, use a physical body again, move with it, um, and move energy. So, um, and then the third time they. They popped all the way through and just started talking. And my husband’s.
Started answering questions and it seems people go, was that weird? It’s like, it seemed like the most normal thing in the world. Like suddenly there’s this energy coming through me and in complete, like casual conversation, and just answering any question he had, making observations, talking to us about, What love actually is and, and what the value of being human is.
And they, you know, the Mary’s it’s interesting sometimes when you’re with them, move into human touch and they, they just, there’s this exquisite.
Joy and grace that comes through with just that. opportunity to have touch. And so from there, we asked if they would be, or my husband did, will you be back?
And they said, anytime you ask. And so we would sit and we would call on them to come through and it just took off from there.
Wow. At that point in your life, did it frighten you when something like that came in? Because yeah, I remember experiencing it for the first time and I bloody jumped a mile.
What was your first experience? I’m curious. What did it feel like for you?
So, so going into meditation, once I start to tune in and feel my field around me, it always feels like a warm cloak coming in. And quite often, there’s a lot of, a lot of energy above my head in the eighth center. And, and then there seems to be a connection comes through because I hold space a lot. Now
it comes through the voice, the voice box as well, which is, it’s quite, it’s quite until you experience it.
It’s, hard to put into words, but the first time, cause I remember, Even just sitting in meditation after I had my initial awakening, my arms would just start wanting to move naturally and I was like Why is it doing that? That is so weird
ha ha. Ha
And my, my Welsh head would get, keep getting in the way and doubting it as opposed to
Yes. Letting
it flow and the creativity and it guide you to, to whatever it wants to go with it. And those initial early signs I would get up and I’d talk to my wife. I was like, this is just weird. What’s going on? You know, she’s just like, go with it. Stop, stop
much, you know?
we need our encouragers, right?
Yeah, exactly.
and our spouses or others around us, it’s, I love feeling how relatable that is to me. Cause I feel them come in through here and Mary calls it about the door in the back of your heart. And I just, this whole area of the back of me just buzzes and lights up. And, um, actually the, In that time when they came through on the third time all the way through, I also was like resistive, which is interesting.
I was completely open and available and I wasn’t afraid. I knew something was occurring. It didn’t make me feel weird. I thought it was fascinating. Um, But they wanted to sit up. I was laying down and they said, sit up. And I said, if you want to sit up, then you sit up. I was, I was kind of just like right on them with it because for me, it was like, I don’t want, I had to keep like, you keep checking in.
What is this? What’s going on? Is it real? And, and so I’m like, well, Then you do it. And they did, they said, I was laying down, they set me up with a snap like that was just like this and then it was like, Oh, okay. And, um, and then, you know, the movement of my arms and they’re really so fascinated with our bodies.
Um, and, and yeah, so very relatable experience in that way.
And one last question on that. Are you, when they come in, are you aware or were you aware initially? And now you’re just kind of separate. Like what happens to your consciousness while that process is happening?
so I, I, I was aware they were coming in. I mean, I was having kind of, you know, talking with them a little bit as they were doing it. And then Don of course picked it. And that’s the other piece. He wasn’t experiencing it and it didn’t seem odd to him. He immediately was like, Oh, this is cool. I’m going to ask questions.
Um, so, cause he’s, he’s just edulously curious, right? Um, and so, uh, keep losing my train of thought. But so in the, can you ask again?
So what happens to your consciousness when they come, when they come in? Yeah.
They’re kind of like buzzing around here. So I’m like flowing in and out a little bit I Feel like I because I think that part of my agreement what is that? I’m happy to be a vessel for this like extraordinarily happy and I just I release so I fit when they’re coming in I release and, and I, people say, where, where are you at?
You know, where are you at when it’s going on? Because I can hear it. I can notice it. I’m not paying. I’m not noticing so much from the physicality standpoint as from a vibrational field. And I said, I think I go where I’ll be when I’m dead. I’m not quite sure, but it’s a brilliant place. Just, um, it’s so hard to describe.
And I know people are really curious and I would, I would love to have a way to give it, and, and I’m an artist, so I’ve even tried to paint it. It just hasn’t come through yet. Um, it’s, it’s such a differing experience, um, but I’m, I’m in like a, I’m just, I’m like all around me, and, but I’m not all around me on the planet.
I’m all around me and what I am as a whole being, I think, if that helps,
One thing during my journey of. this process as it just continues to journey and evolve. But one of my fears that I kept, coming up against, which was interesting, was that when you go into that expansion, it was like it was breaking down a belief system that I am not my body. So even though, even though we intellectualize that, yes, that we can be the universe and stardust and we’re light in a physical vessel, and we can understand that.
But when we experience that. It was, it was actually quite, there was a fundamental fear there for me. So every time I’d, it, it would vibrate, vibrate and expand out. I, I didn’t know what to do with it. Yeah. So I would, I would stop it and come back and it took me months, if not years, really just, there was a dance in slowly having to heal something in there that was to transmute that fear into a space of
You know, safety. now, now I can just like right there, you know, I can, I can pop it out for, for the beginning. I would sit, my eyes would be closed. I would still myself in a particular way. And it would take a little bit to the first time they just came through. But then of course my. My personality got in there or just like, well, what’s going on?
More of those questions instead of just the natural way. So maybe that was fear and just looking at the, in the Mary’s would actually say, okay, get on the train. We’re going to send you up on a train. You’re good. You got you. Um, and so that I could find a way to leave until I could just know I can just let go and release.
Um, I feel so completely held by them and I’m not afraid. I’ve never, people have asked. Couple of things. Are you ever afraid you won’t come back? Or, um, are, would, have you ever not wanted to come back? And I’m like, I’m, I always, and maybe that’s part of why I do it is, I’m, I very much love, love being in a life.
I, I very much enjoy it. It’s not always easy, but it’s fascinating. And, you know, that sort of thing. So I’m, I’m always, I’m always, going to return. Um, I don’t have a fear of not being able to return. I’m still connected to myself. I’m just releasing and allowing them to utilize me as a vessel for sharing their message.
And it’s, you know, I figured that’s the way I can do it. That it’s the most pure, um, connection and message coming through as I, I just take myself out.
Yeah, beautiful. I, I remember, um, I think, It was Tom, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Tom Campbell, but I was listening to him a long time ago, maybe when this was happening, at least 10 years ago. And, but once I developed the relationships, I kind of put it in my head that my higher self was wanting to show me something.
And there was an opportunity to overcome a part of myself to heal and grow to to continue on my path forward So once I was able to relate This that those experiences into something tangible in daily life It’s like well if I can start to overcome this because I really wanted to lean into Helping other people on the path, but but I I’d know if I don’t overcome my own fears with this,
what kind of facilitator am I going to be
fully embracing it?
So I started to then develop that relationship and that really helped. And then in daily life, those areas where, you know, those fears come up in, in all sorts of things. It, it helped it in such a, in such a deep, um, powerful way. It could really give me the courage to, to move forward in the direction I wanted to go and, you know, let go of my identity and sell in the company and all those things that you tell yourself you’re not entwined in, but you’re really, you really are.
Yeah, we are. Yeah. And that’s Mary’s sometimes referred to it as, you know, um, withdrawing your participation from kind of like the tangle or the, the, the, you know, pulling that strand that sets you free from the, the confined, uh, thoughtfulness about yourself to a much more expansive. availability that’s part of everything.
And, and yeah, so when we’re moving through our own stuff and, and it was interesting for me, it took a while to figure out how to move with Mary’s on my own behalf, um, could certainly move through others. And I would ask my husband, ask them questions. And of course they just started answering them before it would even get asked because they knew what I needed.
Um, and they have this amazing ability to kind of look in when they’re working with somebody, they’re actually following vibration. They’re listening to the words, but they’re, they’re noting more of like, what is actually occurring? What’s the story in the being and where they’re so great. Like, they’ll see.
Somebody might be talking about something, they’ll know that there’s a tightness in that, even though the words didn’t match it. And an opening here, and then they’ll start to just talk with them about that, and people will start to realize. So they really help you to hear your own voice, and to, you know, they always say, we don’t have a big, Bag of magic answers out here.
We, we come into you because your answers are right there inside of you. Sometimes you just don’t know how to get to them or how to embrace them or how to source yourself for them. So they help people to, to do that. And so, and it’s fascinating to kind of watch that. And then with myself, I can now I’m very clear, like.
When I’m tightening or gripping or when that fear might be coming through and sometimes I’m pretty good at immediately saying, okay, I’m going to breathe out into the whole of myself because I’m not limited to just this, you know, part of me that grew up in a world full of separation, right? I’m so much a part of, you know, the oneness.
Um, I want to make a note. It’s kind of funny when you talk about my higher self. Mary’s will talk about that like we so completely get what you mean by that and it is it’s like when you can connect in with that more spacious space of self, but they always say, we invite you to refer to the whole of yourself.
Because when you say my higher self, you’re there’s a party that says, gets offended. Like, is there a lower part of me that I have to deal with? And it says like you’re a whole of self and it’s this pulsing sphere of union, right. And, and even our messy moments are brilliant. And so if we, if we, Know that, you know, we can interact our messiness with our higher self.
It isn’t like a separateness. It’s all together. Then everything can stand side by side and contribute to each other, take us through things much faster.
Yeah, beautiful. The whole of it. I love it. Yeah, I’ve never really known what else to call it. But no, that’s, it’s just kind of pick it up terminology along the way. But no, that’s, that’s beautiful. It’s interesting. Picking up on what you shared there as well because I really feel as I lean into this more and more The self awareness just continues to grow and you spoke about the words we speak because words can be meaningless If they come easy, I mean we can all talk we got the words in our heads And then but this is the state of being that that essence that vibration That expansion or contraction that is almost sitting behind it all
as we, we’ve, we’ve kind of vocalizing or into, into form, whatever it is, that state of being.
And we’re so disconnected from ourselves as a society. Generally, we’re in our heads. We’re not aware of our body, the sensations, the subtleties. That are that are within that and but it’s it’s hard work, isn’t it? Sometimes though for you know It’s like the it’s the chop wood carry water. It’s
with it go back with it And you’re
how much of this can I take?
Right. And wait a minute. There’s more I have to move through, or no, or really. But when you, when you do those, start tapping into, wait a minute, there’s, there’s just a whole different way to arrive with ourselves. You know, like there is this space. The Mary’s sometimes will translate. Um, because they talk a lot about the difference between union vibration, which is our original vibrational existence, and then separation, um, which is really got a lot of division and it’s where inhumanity comes from all of those practices and in separation and such.
And yet they, um, They really, they’ll move with like, um, let me think of a word, like the word, um, want, so they’ll look at like the word want, and then they’ll look into the vibration of it. And some, not on all of them, but then some of them go, for instance, like want and its original vibration is actually the energy of open. And so sometimes we have an ache and a want, we believe, you know, if I want something, I’m reinforcing that I don’t have it. If you remember, oh, I want something, I open that, right? Like I open that vibration. I open that connection or that occurrence or that thing that feels like it’s calling me. And so they also talk about don’t want be, they refer to it as the threat field that they said, anytime you say don’t want, depending on it, you know, if it’s something simple that you don’t want, like, I don’t want to trip over that to, I don’t want my life to fall apart. It opens up threat and threat energy. And so, because threat’s not actually an original part of who we are and, and it’ll open it up and it kind of destabilizes us. And if you’re in, I don’t want. then you start to feel a little heavier or a little less possible or a little fearful. And, and then they always talk about the characters of blaming and excuses and justification and defensiveness shows up in that field because you’re trying to figure out how to survive it.
Right. And, and they say just, so when you feel it, don’t want, you know, you say, I don’t want to just take a breath and say, what do I want? And you kind of bring it over into your center, into your actual essence. And then you translate that one. To what do I open and they also say, and we can give you a two bridge if you if you don’t feel like that’s, you know, like, I open feeling great every day, right?
Or I, I open, know, leaning into my desires or creating, um, a sense of peace within me. And if you say I open that, but you don’t believe yourself, then they say, put that little bridge of two. And like, I, I do the truth is I do open to it. I’m just not quite there yet. Or I don’t know how the landing will happen, but you can still open it.
So it’s, so when you say I want you to translate it to, I open. It really shifts your ability of how you create and how you understand yourself as a creator. And that’s an open space. That, that center, that essence space is, is connected into everything and it’s, it’s possible and it can start moving.
You’ll start noticing things that align with it. But in the don’t want, you just get all kind of swallowed up. So, they just always encourage us, let your don’t want, don’t be afraid of a don’t want, just let it remind you to ask yourself what you do want, and then go with that.
Yeah because we, we end up getting fixated on all the things that we don’t want,
We do. We do.
perpetuate in the, the life circumstances and it gets thrown in our face.
Yeah. And then we don’t know how to get out of it. Yeah.
that’s right. That’s right. Absolutely. Question I had for you, right. You, you mentioned something right at the start. Um, when you started channeling, the first thing they started to teach you was, was what love is. What is love? And that really piqued my interest and why do you feel that’s where they started?
Um, what is love?
Well, well, first it was, it was, yeah. It was, it was an experience moving through me that I’ve, I’ve, you know, and I, I fully love people. It, it opened something in me that remembered what an unrestricted love is and, and people will ask me sometimes to get tired when you channel in, like I’m being washed with love the whole time I come out, you know, I can go in feeling tired and come out excited, you know.
Um. So. One of the things that Mary’s will talk about is, you know, that, that love is real and can’t be proven. So we kind of confine love into, well, actually what we don’t want or what we fear of losing or what we want proven to make sure are sure it’s there. They talk a lot about relieving fear. Um, and it’s, it’s our most natural state.
And I still remember we were in front of a audience one evening and the Mary’s actually. Um, said, you know, love is real and can’t be proven in a, in a woman kind of objected, which they always invite a good argument. And, um, she, she kind of said, well, I love my kids and I can prove it. And they said, you can do things to show your love.
But your love doesn’t need to be proven. Your kids know it’s there. It’s, you could try to prove it and it will actually take you farther away from that, um, because it’ll get more fear up in it. And if you ever asked somebody to prove they love you, you’ve got to start over because you just depleted the purity of love.
And so. It’s, it’s waking into remembering that it’s, it’s the most natural and pure state of our existence. And some of us have never like really gotten what that means. And yet meditation can be very helpful to just call forth the vibration of love because it wants to have a relationship with us and it will start to show us.
What it feels like, what it sounds like, and it shifts and changes, but it moves with our senses, our bodies know how to understand it. Our minds also do, Mary’s love our minds. They say that there’s two minds. There’s the thinking processing mind, which they always say, quit dissing it. It’s an extraordinary library.
It’s capable of everything. And we have a being mind and it’s kind of that space that we talk about that the channeling comes through. It’s, it’s, it’s our connectedness into the all. And, and it knows it’s that intersection or the blending of our physical and nonphysical space that, that, you know, can source everything.
And, and when we love is it’s a, it’s a true and, and it took me a long while to kind of walk through that of like, what do you mean? You know, like it can’t be proven. We just have to trust it. No, just have to let yourself Remember that it’s your natural state. And they talk a lot about let every response be loved.
Let every step upon the earth be loved. They, they just, they just said, we think someone else said that, but we repeat it. Uh, they said, um, let, let yourself just sit and, and realize that that our true nature is, is like lift energy. We walk around a lot of times kind of weighted or heavy or trying to move through things.
And, um, If we open that lift energy, we just breathe ourself up. And they talk a lot about the space of our sternum is our center of wellbeing. And it’s the space between our wisdom, which is in our heart and our expression, which is in our throat. And we remember our well being. It’s so available. The knowing of love, the knowing of well being, and even when you’re being challenged, like the best response is, I’m calling forth my well being because that will stabilize you into knowing how to move with whatever is occurring, whether it’s a conversation internally or externally.
So love is kind of indescribable, and yet it’s, it’s deeply and wholly known when you feel it.
Yeah, look, everything you just shared resonates completely with me, but I, I could say one of the challenges is, is that, and especially for a man growing up in the valleys of Wales, love could almost be a sign of weakness.
Uh, okay. Okay.
like showing emotions showing vulnerability that there was this This kind of hard exterior shell and one thing I feel passionate about is trying to Actually bring more men into this work and actually feel into The wholeness, the masculine and the feminine parts of ourselves to create that whole being, you see, because it’s so powerful.
And I was wondering if you have any words to that, or even that men that might be listening to it, or all the wives that want their men to go, I get it, but he just doesn’t get it.
He doesn’t get it. I think one thing is you want to remember, you want to remember that, It’s interesting. The Mary’s talk about, you know, the divine feminine and the divine masculine, that’s actually all of it’s in all of us. And yet it has been a masculine, you know, that there’s so much fracture in men in the world from being sequestered into kind of that a little bit of, you have to be bold and you have to be strong and you have to be tough and those things.
Um, for their wives, if you might say, um, to, to look, to notice and pay attention to how they do know love or how they do feel loved. And because it may be expressed differently and to invite into that, um, they, they, the Marys were talking with a group of people that were seeing like how, how women have been so oppressed and it is true, and yet, um, They’re like, your men have been equally oppressed.
That’s not a, it’s not an either or it’s just, they’ve been oppressed and they’ve been oppressed out of feeling the wholeness of who they actually are and being able to know love how the, like the marriage are like, how inhumane is that for a male not to get to freely and openly walk through love? Um, like, like, you know, maybe women are encouraged to do that or to show it or to, you know, it’s, it’s. To waken to the Mary’s may may just bring the Mary’s through for a minute. So I talk about. Okay. Ha ha. We wanna be in on this. Yes. Hello. Hello, hello.
it ha , you’re very yummy. That be like, climb all up in your energy. Yes. So, so it’s, you know what, the first thing we’d like to say is. willing to release the tyranny because what happens is tyranny gets in between people and getting to just have the simplicity of knowing love and experiencing it, expressing it and being the, the, just like, you know, we see vulnerability. People think about vulnerability as this weekend or, or, or state that isn’t so strong.
Vulnerability is one of the most extraordinary We’re going to take these off. Most extraordinary places you can be. It means everything of me is open. And when you, when you really step in that vulnerability, you also know, and that vulnerability is mine and it’s, and it’s curious and it’s, it’s. It’s not going to limit itself from what it can know and express and experience.
And it’s going to gather what it needs from any other part to be held well in that. The difficulty in your world is there’s so much fearful loving going on and it’s so well intended. You know how, and we know you have beautiful young ones, yes. And you might want to love them. And, and yet if you fearfully love them, then you’re going to, you know, it, there’s a bit of a hell breath in that.
When you love them without, um, you know, when you, when you love them boldly, when you love them, encouraging them to bring out who they are, when you love them with curiosity and conversation and, and knowing they may not agree with you, or they may have differing ideas or ways of looking at things, when you love them, knowing they have.
teachings and understandings and groundedness to bring to you also. And you’re, and you want to take that in and you want to, you want to offer out to them. You’re going to love them in a way that yes, will help them know how to move in your world in a way that keeps them well and supports them and that they can have really good discernment about how they make their choices.
And yet, So often people fearfully love themselves. And when we see that you kind of, you close places off. So when you’re asking about men being able to love, it’s, we’d say, To unfearfully, courageously love yourself and to kind of find out what does that even mean to me, because it may be very different to the person next to you.
There’s no one uniform experience of loving it’s what’s the truth of what’s moving in me. And if I feel a compelling or a draw or a connection, and I feel as though this this burst of kindness or strength or curiosity or you know, whatever it is I have to offer because it’s not just about being, you know, a male or a female, it’s about being a being.
And so it, it’s, it’s knowing truly, you know, to, to truly love in your world for either.
Is courageous without fear and so it’s a, I have to, not I have to, like it’s got burden in it.
Have to, I can’t, I can’t repress myself out of actually knowing that I’m alive. And that I’m a life and that I’m creating a life and I’m in this life itself.
And there’s so much to know there. And so it may not be. Oh, I’m going to love myself. We’ve talked with people about that. And we’ve seen people actually go through tyranny of I don’t know how to do that. So I don’t get to have love in the world. We say, please don’t do that to yourself because you’re already that all you’re doing is bringing your yes open in whatever pace and movement perspective and desire you would like to kind of seep into it or let it seep out, become friends with love, hang out with it for a little bit, get to know what it is.
Is. One of the things we heard you, uh, we heard Jacque share that, you know, we translate words from, you know, what they are in their original vibration to how they’re utilized in your road with separation in it. And acknowledgement is one of those words we use. So, and, and how does that come into this, you might wonder.
Acknowledgement in its original form, in its original vibration, what it actually is. It isn’t something where somebody decides that you can be acknowledged for something. to know something or someone as it knows itself before any other idea of it got in the mix. And that includes yourself. And so when, when we move with people are saying, I don’t know how to find that.
We invite them to step into that vibration and truly we often say go do it with something in nature first or something that you know is awe inspiring to you to let yourself stand with it because it’s not a one way exchange. It’s to know that I’m opening myself to be seen and heard and acknowledged by the thing I’m, I’m, I’m acknowledging so if it’s a tree or nature cloud or somebody you love.
It’s to allow that receiver to open. Not for just what they want to offer. But to open to how do I know myself? Who is this being I am before any and particularly lesser idea of me came into the mix? How can I breathe my own breath into that space of this essence that I am in it? And it doesn’t mean I have to float through the world or live in a, you know, in a, in a superfluous or, you know, kind of light, light, light way, it’s, this is the actual natural way.
Maybe it’s going to start. releasing what I’ve tucked away out of fearfulness and get to know it a little bit for myself and then see where I share it or what I can receive because I’ve opened this relationship with myself and my wholeness and the oneness. Yes. Does any of this make sense for you?
Totally. I’m just nodding away in agreement. And, um, I guess while I’ve got you, the next question I feel is that the entire planet could do with a bit more of this, not just a man or a woman because we’re so governed by fear. It’s so perpetuated in our daily existences. And it’s like, it’s almost like the I don’t know the way we’ve set up the systems and the cultures want to keep us in a box
it’s, it’s, we agree? Mm-Hmm.
but yet Which is creating the separation which I know Jacque mentioned earlier and we’re moving towards a unity consciousness Well, I like to think so anyway where we don’t see ourselves as separate as each other What do we continue to do?
To embrace what’s happening and what’s coming.
Uh, okay, because you are in a tumultuous time in your world. Yes, it is amped up. Yes, absolutely. We, we often offer to people that, you know the, what does that that infinity that Mobius? Yes. Um, that, that it, yeah, so it’s been moving. So if you look at it though, so union energy and it’s an actual, uh, wholeness of existence.
And, and we talk about it as a pulsing sphere of creation. Yes. And it lives, it’s what you actually each individually are and what you are as a wholeness together. Yes. Right now, and the Mobius is wonderful. That infinity, it’s wonderful. And yet it does this. Yes. And right now it’s, it’s interesting.
We’re watching, like if you were to look at. what humanity actually is and what humanity is within the humanity in it, which is all come from practices and separation and all that fear. Yes. Uh, fearful, loving, false fear. And even in your world, if we might, can we elaborate a little bit? Um, we noticed that self preservation, which is an extraordinary part of the human has been labeled as a fear.
Yes. And so, Oh, my self preservation fear. Okay. What we want to offer to you is that self preservation is actually, uh, an extraordinary part of your existence. It’s a part of every one of you. And you know what it actually is? It’s, it’s an insistence that it insists that you value, Your value. And so it’s not afraid.
Self preservation is unafraid of anything. It, what it, what it is, is it saying, Hey, you need to value your value of your physical body, of your emotional body, of your dreams, of your loving, of your laughter, of your depth, fullness of your, whatever it is, just value your value. And when you decide to open up.
Your companionship with this beautiful part of you. That’s that’s pulsing all the time that your self preservation when you partner with it. It’s always going to help you. And we’ve heard you to say, follow your heart. Yes, because that helps you follow. There’s a song that someone in your world has written that has a line that says, follow your direction magnetically.
Yes. And we love that because that taps into in your world. magnetically through the vibration and the truth of your heart and what you’re drawn to, to follow that. Not because else told you it’s the thing to do. It’s because it’s a knowing and you have to do it. Yes. So let’s get to the Mobius again.
Right now in your world, we see that, that Mobius you’re all kind of in that tight little cross section of it. Yes. So if you take your hands, if you want to kind of start practicing, relieving the impact of the, of the crunch, then put your hands out here and feel them on each end of that Mobius.
And you may feel it actually buzzing, you know, right there between them. And then slightly ever so slightly push in and then turn one hand forward and one hand back and then push it again. And it’s going to pop into that sphere of union. And the reason we bring that to you, Is that that’s the shift you’re looking at occurring is it’s not if this is the right side or the wrong side, or it’s this against that we would say to please stop practicing against energy.
Never takes you where you want to go. But if you if you twist twist it and you pop it, then everything opens out into that sphere together. as a oneness. Yes. And so, and, and then everything that actually can breathe and that is of original creation, that is what you actually are as a being, you know, the vibration of soul and the fluidness of source and the wonder of physical nature.
So extraordinary, please don’t miss out on that. And, and so, and then that breath comes and we heard you even go, ah, yes, like I can breathe it, it, it took it out of the division and popped it into the together, which is your natural state. And so how can you do that every day with the world? That’s moving it’s it’s to as often as possible. I’m going to remember, I’m going to kind of, you know, have this little touchstone of center of wellbeing that, that Jacque also shared with you. I’m going to remember that there’s a lift energy in there and that I am always well. And so if I, when I remember that it can dissipate the fear that has driven me and, and we know we can hear people say, yeah, right.
I’m always well, Mary, you don’t have to live here or go through this or that. You’re always well in the midst of whatever it is. And what we’re, what we’re encouraging is that you. You, you connect into that so that then you can call to yourself everything that supports that wellness. Yes. And that can grow it and that can help you feel it and help you open out into it.
And so then it’s not, I’m moving through the life trying to survive what I’m afraid of, because the truth is, we heard somebody often saying, well, they, you know, they’re the exception to the world, they’re thriving in what they’re doing because they’re the exception and we started looking thriving is not the exception.
It’s actually the rule and the confusion that fear has said, no, only a few get to get past what can, you know, what confines us and we’re saying, please retell yourself the true story because. Driving is the rule. And when you can say, I’m even I’m willing to open to that. Yes, or I’m willing to just see if that’s anywhere in where I can pull from or notice or remember, you’re gonna open a whole new realm of yourself that isn’t concerned with how the world has been created around you.
You’re going to open the world within you. And create how you interact with the world around you. And that is a very helpful tool. Yes?
Beautiful. Yes, absolutely. And one more question I have for you then, because what I see, because I, I hold space for people every month to connect to their heart, essentially get them out to their heads and connect to their hearts. And they say that that is the shortest distance, but the longest journey for so many of us, which I know it’s, it has been for me along the way as well. When we govern. by fear but essentially there’s a difference between the have and I have to have that that’s what Jacque mentioned
And how do how do we get that? How do we allow ourselves to get that point where fear is crippling that I have to have that i’m willing to go there i’m willing to start actually Connecting to myself as simple as it seems
Yes. Yes. So it is. It starts in that kernel of I want to feel better than I, than I, than I do right now. And it’s like, I don’t even know how far that will take me. If sometimes when you start, I need to get there. It can seem that journey can seem really arduous. Yes. I want to take, I want to feel better.
Better than I do right now. I open to feeling better than I do right now, or feeling more aware, feeling more grounded or feel whatever it is. And, and invite your self preservation who’s going to help you insist on insisting on your value. And insisting is a completely different thing than demanding.
Demanding comes from fear. Insisting is love that is of loving. It’s a way of moving with you. That cause is assured NASA. A realness of remembering that you’re already whole, yes? And so it’s, I’m going to take this breath and I, because I just have to, and I don’t even know why, and I don’t even know if I can get there and I still have to do it.
And I’m going to allow myself to have that. And so I open allowing this to, to just take one step and that one step could be huge or it could be just so incremental and both are of equal value. They’re extraordinary. So it’s. What is it? One of the big pieces is what do I want? Because if they’re in that don’t want field, there’s going to be threat, which is pretty oppressive.
Yes. And you might get, it’s also very clever. It won’t let you know that you’re under threat. So it’s like, Oh, if I’m feeling a don’t want, there’s a, there’s a, there’s a dismay or a heaviness or a grip or something going on. I want to take a breath. And for just right now in this moment, because I’ve found my Yes.
to your, you know, the person will say, I’m here to experience this with you. And so I’m going to let my, yes, guide me. And truly, when you know that this space is your center of wellbeing, it’s not a landmine and you will be joined there by everything you need
Hmm. Please.
This space of you, this is the home of you. This is the home of me. Yes. And you’re doing all this, you know, whether you just started or you’re long into your path or you’re, you know, you’ve landed in wonderful, blissful things.
It’s, this is a home of me. And, and as I, I choose then anything that interacts. In the home of me must be honoring, must be loving, must want to support and rise me up and join me there. So what you’ll find though, so we say that imagine a doorway, no door, a door is not needed. That’s fear based. We know you have doors on your houses and they’re important because of the world you live in.
Yes. And yet just imagine an open doorway coming into the home of you. And on one side of it is a welcome sign. And it’s beautiful. And yes, we are going to say it’s, it’s saying anybody and everybody is welcome to my doorstep, to this opening to me. And they will come. Yes, that welcome sign is also facing inward.
So it’s welcoming you to the home of you. Now here’s the piece on the other side of that doorway is a no trespass sign. And it is as brilliant. It’s also, it’s not a keep out sign. It’s not afraid. It’s saying this is a no trespass, which is a very powerful decision energy. And so, and it faces outward. So anyone who’s come to your doorway, anything of them that is supportive and honoring and caring can come in anything that isn’t, you know, you can send down on the porch where there’s lemonade and brownies for them.
Yes, but you don’t need to let them in. You don’t need to take that. And you can care for them because you’re somebody who cares for people, but it’s also, you want to honor them by not allowing them to behave in a way. That is harmful to another you in this instance, because it’s also harmful to themselves and you’re not willing to do that.
And so it’s a decision for anything of you that is showing up with loving. And that doesn’t mean it can’t be messy because messy is sometimes how you walk through things. Just that it has to, it has to have regard. Union is all honoring. And has all regard and so separation, not much. Yes. And so it is.
And that sign faces inward also. So anything of me that is condemning, that is, you know, speaking to myself in ways that keep me afraid or that keep me burdened, all of these things, you know, I’m also letting them know that, you know, every part of me, every aspect of me, every way of me. Everything that moves and I and I’m going through a process of that thought needs to go.
I’ve limited brownies um and for a little while until it can clear And come into the home of me or rise in the home of me because When you are moving with yourself, what we moved with people with, you know, what is your true inner voice within? And one of the two things you can really know, one, your own true voice will never condemn you. A voice that’s been in survival or taking things on will condemn you. And sometimes voices outside of you will condemn you. The other thing is that you’ll know it’s your own true voice because your own true voice listens. It’s not just, Oh, it’s my voice and it’s my way. And this keeps me safe.
It’s willing to listen because it’s unafraid. It won’t let anything in that won’t care for you. And yet it can care for them, uh, for others. So it’s coming into this place where you’re going to breathe open enough to, yeah, I’m, I’m developing that space in me. I’m fine tuning it, or I’m just starting.
To realize that I, because you can right away ask yourself and that self preservation if it’s harmful to me, whether it’s coming from me or someone else, I want to know how that feels not so I can be afraid of it or control it or be against it. So I can choose because choosing is powerful tool of creation.
So when people come to you, they could take that breath and say, I’m choosing to follow my yes, as far as I know how to go today, because I want to feel better than I did yesterday, and I might not even know why or how to get there. And I still have to do it. Yes.
Beautiful, as we all have a choice
Yeah. All the over and over and over and over again. You know, that’s people will say, well, Mary, this thing, you know, this thing happened and , I don’t want to think I chose that. Yes. And we say it’s not, it’s never about the detail or the experience. It’s about your response to it. Your choosing is.
everywhere in your response to anything that’s occurring. And so when you really come in, how do I choose to move with this? And you remember your center of wellbeing. We also call it that your inner grin, the house of your inner grin. Yes. So that the corners of your energy can lift up there and often put a little smirk on your face.
Yes. And yet, It causes a widened breathfulness because you’re there with you, and it will always assist you in going to where you want to go. And so that inner voice, if it’s got condemning, you can say, Hey, listen, I know I probably built you and I probably got a gold star for how well I did it.
And yet, unless you’re willing to transform into going where I’m going, which is into a space where I am freed. Or I feel the relief and I am freed of what feels so weighted and destructive, uh, for me and for this world, you know, I can send this energy out also to anywhere else that is needed. And, you know, until you can go with me there, then you can go lay in a hammock.
Yes. Because every voice of the whole voice within me and every inflection of it is for me. It’s not against me. And that’s something that I’m moving to. That I have a yes for and I’m not shifting. I open that. Yes.
Yes. I am. Before, before we bring Jacque back, is there any, anything you want to add to all our listeners today with everything we’ve covered on the show?
encourage you to Inhale and exhale. And some of it you may object to, some of it you may be curious about, some of it you may not even understand, some of it you may say, oh my gosh, this is, I’ve known all this, all this time. Inhale and exhale your own breath. You are the greatest being in your own experience.
You are your primary relationship. You are your most extraordinary guide for Who you are and what your life is and how and who you are as a life in your world. And so tune in and, and we really talk about breathing your own breath because when you first came into the world, that very first breath, you know, it’s a contrast to come from non physical to physical.
Yes. And not a lesser, you know, we say they’re saying welcome home to the physical also. Yes. If you, you went, there’s something there so juicy and wonderful for you to experience that very first breath. was still all completely you. And then the next breath started to breathe in the environment around you.
The environment around you has separation in it. And some fearful loving and also, so people might say, well, what other loving is there? There’s love. That is a loving that is a pure state. That’s source love. That’s actually the love that you are. Tapping that open, breathing your own breath, realizing I’m not here to survive.
I’m here to grow and learn and be an ad and an answer and an ask and to discover and to contribute and to receive. And so whatever it is, take what’s for you, let it be your nourishment and let the rest just pass on by. And that’s whether it’s this conversation or anything you’re experiencing, look for what the morsels of gift are for you.
Listen as a gift, not as a burden, speak as a gift, not as a burden, experience as a gift, not as a burden. And so, or as a task, you know, in your world, task or so, you know, Put out there like you have to complete this task to prove you have value and it’s like, well, what if I just do it as a gift? I’m going to, I’m going to explore so much more and do so much more significance and wonder if it’s a gift.
And I’m in this fluidness with life instead of just trying to get through it. One task at a time. And so it’s leaning in. So what we’d offer to you is know that you are amazing. And if you don’t know it already, breathe your breath and ask it to take you into your knowing because it’s in there and it wants to come out.
Beautiful. Thank you so much for joining us, Marius. I really appreciate it.
been our honor. It’s been our honor. Thank you for all you do in the world. Our friend, it matters and it’s in good, good time. Be well.
Thank you.
Do you, do you remember any of that? Like, are you observant at all? Or you just checked out and
yeah, I observe, I observe it. I can remember it right now. Um, it’s one of the fascinating things is like, I can, I can feel how all that fell from being with them as they’re doing it. And then if I listen, if I listened to it, it’s like one time I came out and went, Oh my gosh, you do hear what Mary said in that workshop last night.
Or, you know, cause I was listening to the replay and Don goes, Yeah, you were there. I’m like, no, I wasn’t there. The Jacque that’s like not connected to, you know, to all of my personality stuff was there, but my personality listening to it, it’s going, holy cow. That’s amazing. So it’s two totally different experiences for me to hear it than for me to hear it when I’m out there, when they’re in.
Well, Jacque, that was a beautiful, organic podcast today. Thank you so much. That went in all directions. I had no idea where it was going to go and it was wonderful to be on this side, experiencing that with you. So thank you so much for, for everything. Where can people find out more about you, Jacque, if they want to,
Um, you can go to our website, which is the mary group. And I always say M A R Y because some people say M E R R Y, which they are pretty merry, but, um, the mary group. com. You can learn all kinds of things about us. So we also have a YouTube channel, the mary group. And on Facebook, we have a group called a soft, warm, wise, humorous place to land.
And, uh, the Marys post a note or a comment or an inspiration on there daily. And it’s, it’s building a community for people to be able to connect with and you know, kind of be in that hub of, okay, I’m going to lean in with other people who are learning how to love that is of loving. So that those are three ways we have a couple books.
You can find all of that stuff on our website.
Yeah. Amazing. Thank you so much. I thoroughly
you. Thank you. Truly appreciate you. Take care.
Thank you.
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