#179 My wonderful guest this week is Thomas Young. Thomas is a healer and teacher whose lessons focus on developing heart consciousness. During our conversation today, Thomas shares some pearls of wisdom regarding connecting with our hearts, stepping into the alignment of what our hearts desire, and how no matter who you are, you will be called to achieve your potential.
If there is a goal or dream you have always wanted to achieve, then this episode will definitely give you the courage you need to step into your potential.
“I think fulfilment is not sitting in the cave and blissfully bringing yourself into Nirvana, but it’s when you bring back the boom to the communities.”
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About Thomas: Thomas Young is a German-born wisdom teacher that has the ability to touch people deeply in their hearts. He is characterized by clarity, love and a refreshing sense of humor. For many years the mystic has brought people into contact with the alchemical power of the heart. He is known to a larger audience through constant lecture tours and workshops in Europe and the USA. Thomas Young lives on the Big Island of Hawaii.
►Audio Version:
Key points with time stamp:
- Awaken Your Heart & Let Your Soul Guide You (00:00)
- Opening people’s hearts (00:32)
- The start of a spiritual awakening (02:45)
- Finding the key principles of his wisdom (04:59)
- The potential effects of connecting with our dreams (14:15)
- Do we all have a calling? (20:37)
- What does a heart initiation entail? (29:36)
- Embodying and its benefits (34:17)
- Are people more open-minded these days? (39:13)
- Using transpersonal energies and connecting more to your true self (41:23)
- Researching the pineal gland (49:19)
- Thomas’s morning heart-centred meditation (56:39)
- Thomas’s choice of a dinner guest (57:31)
- The future for Thomas (58:15)
- “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” (01:01:07)
Mentioned in this episode:
- Joseph Campbell, American professor and mythologist
- Tony Robbins
Thomas’ Website:
About me:
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Guy 00:00
Beautiful. Thomas, welcome to the podcast.
Thomas 00:05
Hi guy, I’m so pleased that you asked me for this interview. I’m looking forward to your questions. I’m providing hearts and the teachings here in Europe, the US pretty much all all around the world since two decades now. Wow. And running into remarkable people. We have openings and experiences, and I love doing this work. I’m very passionate about opening the heart center.
Guy 00:32
I know and and that’s why I invited you on the show. And I’m so happy you decided to join to join me today in this conversation. And and, you know, just to talk around a little bit, which I want to dive into in a sec. But I asked everyone the same question on the show. And I’m always curious to know how we answer this, because I struggle with this question as well. But that is if you were at a intimate dinner party right now. And you sat next to a complete stranger. And they asked you what you did for a living? What would you say?
Thomas 01:05
I would say, I open the hearts of people. And I love what I’m doing. I had a company when I was young that I was studying, I was creating a company, I was shooting movies, comedies in order to make people laugh. And selling that when I was 37. And because I felt that I am able to do something like a soul talk FROM SOUL TO SOUL. And when I was something like 29, I had experiences, which in my bio, there was no background. I didn’t have a meditation practice. But entities were shooting through my head out of my breast. And they were making me blissful elves accompanied by clairvoyant allow insights, which I suddenly had when I was talking to people. Now, at that time, when I was heading that not a lot of people were consciously working with the heart center, so to speak. Yes, there are a lot of spiritual lineages, ways, different sorts of things. But not specified to that. And then I went on a real really on a quest to find people who could explain to me at that time, how to evoke that consciously. So this is pretty much how I came into that work is through grace, if you want something, I stumbled into the mysteries. And then I went exploring,
Guy 02:45
sorry, sorry to interrupt, but nothing activated that at the time, were you just like sitting in a car, and it just happened? Or you started talking to people? And you were just feeling it? Is that what was happening?
Thomas 02:55
I was like, studying, I was very creative. I was on a search for meaning. Yes, but I didn’t didn’t have a practice just happened. Last, so and then the only explanation I have for that sort of experience is there must have been something in other lifetimes, sort of pre preparing you for that. But other than that, no, I believe that there’s a certain destiny, and the biography of human beings so that we come with a sacred dream, but that we forget about it, and that we sort of remember it after a while. But at that point in time, I was just beginning to orient to to look for orientation. And I didn’t have that much insight, which I have now after working with two decades, on a very intimate level was a lot of different folks.
Guy 03:59
I can imagine. And because we didn’t 20 years ago, we didn’t have as much access to the internet either. And, you know, information isn’t doesn’t come as is obviously as accessible as now. Where you, were you freaking out? Or were you excited? Or were you just like what the hell is going on?
Thomas 04:18
I was excited. And I ran into a very wise woman who accompanied me for six years deep trance medium. And I found an American mystic who was consciously evoking a brew joy. And so both their influences, were guiding me through the next. I had that 28th through the next nine years, until I started teaching on my own age 37. So basically, it’s stumbling into the experience and then having the explanation afterwards and not having a plan in mind and then thinking, I
Guy 04:59
know the Feeling, you know? Yeah, incredible. And when you decided to, after the nine years, and then you go, you know, I want to start teaching this and get this work out there. Right. From the, I’m just curious, because a lot of people listening to this obviously wouldn’t have had experiences like that. And it’s like, wow, you know, what do we do with them once we have them, you know, so, in those nine years, if you could look back and distill it down, like what would be the key principles that you learn to get you to the point you go, oh, I’ve learned this wisdom. And now I want to pass it on and teach it to others?
Thomas 05:40
Well, first of all, I people have different access to the unknown or to wisdom or to what you don’t know at this point in time. And I’m clairvoyant in a certain way, but I also have a very strong dream channel. So I was getting a lot of images and informations and pictures, and movies, seeing me speaking in front of audiences, not mouthing it, just just seeing it. And then I saw well, to each wedding, I don’t have enough to say, I feel too young. I feel bad. Why is enough? Not this not that. So I had this. In those nine years, it was constantly on the backburner. And until I felt mature enough, you will never probably really mature enough, or you will never be perfect, but courageous enough, strong enough to step out in front of an audience and offer those teachings and for the people who were coming. They were right from the start deeply touched by what I was doing. And I had no comparison because I wasn’t going into other workshops. That’s that’s the fun part about it. I was working with my one teacher, male, and with my one teacher, female. And that’s it. And since then, I’ve never been on another workshop. And man created a lot of books, cities, meditations, not I always go with the questions, how may that serve the development of a person or human being on its voyage on herbs? And I get those wonderful themes or topics? Which then I test and then gift to people. Yeah, that’s pretty much what I would do. I got it, please, sorry, I got guided through a dream to Hawaii, for instance, 1998. I had a very profound dream. Where I also saw myself teaching was 200 people. But it didn’t work the way I wanted it. There was not not really spiritual energy in the teaching space. So I freaked a little inside, in the dream. And then my teacher, this white haired mystic came and put a hand on my shoulder and said, relax, Thomas, you just forgot something in the beginning. So do this to that knob, announcer pause and then it will just vibrate. And he was right. I did it. Then he said, Well come with me. I want to show you something. So he took me to a compartment in that venue. And he was doing performing a healing ritual with a woman who was sitting in front of him. And another male healer in the back of her so she was in between on a meditation cushion. And she had one hand, like like this, and the other hand to the back. And he was just putting his fingertips on hers. Like Like, like this?
Guy 09:10
Yeah. And
Thomas 09:13
reading, very subtle, electrical current. And she fainted. And he said, Well, that’s normal. Don’t don’t don’t worry, Thomas. This is normal they all faint. Did some healing on her. And then he said, Can you while I’m performing this healing ritual? See, one of my guides in my aura. And I said, Bro, I cannot see auras. Yes, you can. No, I can’t. Yes, you can. No, I can’t. Why don’t you try it? So he was getting angry. is a foie. You know, going to beef was a mistake. I’d rather try and suddenly I could see a face It looked brownish, with with black hair. Very light, like full face was grinning and greeting me. And, and of dream, and I woke up. And I thought that was a Hawaiian. And then it’s like, what are you doing was that? Are you just thinking, Oh, it’s a night stream. For me, it was always like my dreams were guiding me. And I was strongly believing in the content of that material. So not only did I try out this healing technique, my own in my own workshops when they come through like that. But also, next morning, I went to a way where I went to the travel agency and said, fly me to Hawaii. So three weeks later, I was in Hawaii in 1998. And I ran into that phase in my dream, the Hawaiian Kahuna. And his name was he died two years ago, Ellen Alapai. And he was like the the holder of a lineage of healers, the chosen one out of 12 siblings from his grandma, who was the holder of the lineage. And since age six, he was initiated into those mysteries and he was performing like like temple massages five hours long, blowing the aloa under your third eye and praying over you, chanting over your fist, just like being initiated. And I was had the privilege to have one of these massages, and two hours in the massage. We hadn’t hadn’t met before I was turning around, said, Ellen. I saw you in my dream, three weeks ago. And he went like, and butter and he had short hair. I said, but you had long hair like this. And he got tears in his eyes and said, my brother, I had long hair like this three weeks ago, I just got it off. And he was so touched, because his grandma, since he was six, eight years old had once prophesized to him, he would when he was more older and more mature, bring the Aloha to Europe. And he had gotten many invitations by many very, very famous people, but never took it because he had waited for a sign from an inner sphere. And I was coming up knowing about edisi. He said, I dreamt of you. And as you said there was no internet at that point in time. I’ve never seen that face before. And it was was never on the other network somewhere. So that was his sign. And then later on, I was guiding him to Europe, actually to Italy to Greece. And we had some market really remarkable experiences there. Because he he was such a blessing for so many people in Hawaii. And then one time, he, I don’t know, he went to a hypnotherapist into hypnosis. And they didn’t have notes, he would start to speak Greek and see temples. And and he wanted to go to Greece. He said, Well come with me to Italy, why do my retreats, the heart initiations, attend a workshops, you have a massage work. And then we go to Greece to Delphi, to do this, so on. And so on and so forth. So it’s, I get if push comes to shove, I don’t know anything, it will come in the night. And many, many times, I had all the information in the night, sometimes my brain gets overloaded. So spirit as a real level of difficult to reach me, although I’m quite reachable, but then then it comes in the night. So it’s for me, it’s very safe. I mean, I don’t know what I will say. And I have a rough concept about maybe a talk maybe a lecture or maybe a weekend, but I’m very open to what comes through and then what to do.
Guy 14:15
from that place. Yeah, yes, yes. Amazing. You’ve opened so many questions already and loops. And the first thing I thought how freeing is it to to be having dreams are messages that are so important and real and have significance that you just get up and book a flight the next day? I think I think there’s a lot of us in in those that wish that we were that free to be doing that. And I often wonder if we were all living more from that place. Well, I
Thomas 14:49
think we all get those dreams or maybe half those inspirations, like like, we all are called in a way. So so you have to change motive of the call. So you get a call but how do you get a call? Is it someone calls you on the phone? Probably not. You get it on an inner sphere is a thread dream and meditation and inside. But the second step is very important you have to trust that call. I mean, Joseph Campbell, the big American mythologist, who studied maybe every religion, spiritual paths, romantic way of mankind, and found out we are actually when it comes to, to the evolution of consciousness, following a monomyth starting with a call, that the gods are different in a way with the Celts, the Tibetans see Egyptians, the Greek, so to speak, but that the faces are the same. And it starts with a call you get a call, but call means you have to follow your highest dream your sacred tree. And you have to have the guts the courage to trust into something where you don’t know at that point in time, how it will work out. You have so to speak, to leave in a certain way your your village, your habits, your fixations, your obsessions, your this isn’t that into the unknown, then you get supernatural natural support in those in the mono Miss then you go deep into the unconscious you have to slay a dragon because he’s sitting on the gold treasure or to go into the unconscious like like finding the heart of the darkness by Why should I do it I want to meditate up No, you also are an emotional being a sexual being you are much self respect self worth Do you have how much clan information is there to be transformed. So you have to have the guts to go deep. With the mystery school teaching, the wisdoms teaching I provide we have three major movements, one is going down into your very depths, finding your heart and darkness in the darkness, so to speak. And one is going up, reconnect with your sacred dream. And then how do you bring into the world. So down going up and going out if you want out and about, as you say, probably speak from that and then and bring it to the people that’s beautiful. Even if you have reached certain stages of enlightenment or breakthrough, I think the fulfillment is not sitting in the cave and blissfully bringing yourself into Nirvana. then something happens and you’re sort of forced to bring back the boom to the communities. So this sort of passage, which I just shortly described, Campbell found out that we have it in every culture. It’s like like like a map for the evolution of consciousness in the collective but also in the individual. So what you said is, everybody has a call coming on the inner coming in a dialogue or suddenly you remember something you get an insight, spontaneous sudden knowing this is what I should do. And if you look at the graveyards, all those written things on it. Millions of shirts. Yeah, I should have. I heard it. Why didn’t I? Or if you listen to some people who work with prison inmates to resolve American psychic, went to prison in Sacramento and set us wanted women. Women prison. Well, didn’t you hear a little voice before you went out for that bank robbery or before you get involved with that strange guy 400 arms go up. They all heard it. But they didn’t follow. So it’s not just about hearing it. As you said, it’s not freedom. I think it’s also you have to have some courage, courage, courage, putting the heart into action. A lot of people in the spiritual field because they first do this movement. Outer reality, reality is not everything. They go to the inner. Yes. But you also have to go out again, and not play it against each other. It’s like pressing in and out. So you have to if you have to have a call, you have to follow through and just go for it.
Guy 19:43
Yeah, yeah, I resonate with everything you just said there. And funnily enough, when I decided to sell my company and step into more into the alignment of what my heart was coming through, courage was my word. And I actually wrote it down because I realized I lacked courage to do it I had I was, even though I was having the experiences and I was having these insights and a peek behind the veil, if you like, I just, I was just in a place where I was, but the human part of me was just shitting. So it’s like No, but I trusted in something so much bigger that wanted to come through and the moment had the courage to act upon it. Here I am today, you know, three and a half years later, four years later, and things can just continue to keep unfolding and moving, which is incredibly, you know, it’s amazing. Give with your your experience and wisdom and what you’ve, you’ve gained, and you continue to evolve. Do you believe that we all have a soul’s calling or a soul’s purpose? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I’m
Thomas 20:51
sure about it. I work on such a deep level with beings or souls. And I strongly believe that it’s not a belief, maybe it’s a knowing, for me, it’s a knowing that we have a teleology. So tell us Greek laid like a dream, a goal in our certain way of making this wonderful, remarkable experience on Earth. So it’s just about remembering it. It’s like, if you are an oak tree, remember, your geology will be to become an oak tree, a small one, a big one, crippled one a whatever, one, you will not become a birch or a plum tree or whatever. But that thing, if you know what it is, life becomes very beautiful. Because you’re in alignment with what your soul wants to experience, it can be very simple, it can be like coming a mother, because you never did it before, maybe you have 10 lifetimes is enough. Or it can be in my case, it’s working with the word I have an access to language, which I cannot explain. It was always there. But I never had the guts to speak it out. I was very shy when I was younger, was a lot of performance, excitement, anxieties, I would say, the day I’m speaking in front of one 101,000. And it’s very natural. So and there is another one who has the green son who’s likes to work with plants, or a healer. Or the other was one thing. little story. I was at a big New Year’s gathering was my teacher in those days, 1999 or something. And I wasn’t teaching at that point in time. 1998 I wasn’t teaching so I went there. And I was sitting with like, eight people in a large dinner Hall and a round table and it’s opposite of me was an American lady. And we all had name tags. And she had a name tag where her name was written on it said BB and I never heard about that name. So I asked, Well, you know, that’s an that’s a nice name. What does mean? How did you get that name? And she said, Thomas, she was in her 50s. You know, when I was a baby, my older brother couldn’t pronounce the word baby. Right? So he said PB and it stuck with me since that everybody was calling me Bibi. Okay. So she has said it. Then her daughter 21 years old, rushed into the conversation and without any limits, spoke Emilia and said Mom, look outside. Look through the glass window. This lady there, and she see maybe 70 something year old lady like sitting like this, like a stick. She’s an angel channeler and she just channeled my guardian angel. And I could put one question forward and she was glowing. And then BB said, I want that to went outside. And you could see from the inside that something not five minutes. She was just sitting there in front of the lady. Her aura or field started to glow. And she came back like I said what? What happened outside in this five minutes? Set let us this lady’s set. My guardian angels His name is one and I was allowed to put one question forward and he said Yeah, what, what What question? Well, I love to be in the spiritual retreats and conferences. And then there are all these wonderful speakers and therapists who have invented a new form of therapy and healers, who have an new way of healing and bestseller authors, and I’m just, I’m just massaging people from nine to five, but I like to be in that energy because I can feel it. So my question was, does Angel Angel channel and what? What is my purpose in life? And the answer from that Angel channel to her was, well, BB, your purpose in this lifetime is just to be and for you to remember that your whole life your older brother started to call you B. B. When you were a baby, and Richie got her name explained like this, he would she was glowing. And then I went like, I want that too. I went outside, set in front of that channeling lady in there was looking into eyes, which were really like, sparkling brighter than the universe very. Never saw those eyes again. She said, Hello. Now she said my guardian angel was and I was allowed one question. And I didn’t have a question about my purpose. I had that. But I had a question about partnership soulmates. So I asked her Well, is there for me, Thomas in this lifetime? Someone like a soulmate? And if yes, name, telephone number, and she was cracking up and said it went into his head. And then she comes back with the answer and said, Well, the answer is, dear Thomas, your soulmate is not available at the moment. What is that for? That’s not available at the moment. But we are working on her. And that answer, like the one who will fit your energy perfectly is not available, but they are working on her, made me crack up. And many times when I was being on my pass on my own, I was just going back to the moment and they will work without it without later. So I always run into something, I get an inflammation, I get a dream, I get a situation with a certain kind of openness. And then it guides me through my life. And after a initiation, which today I offer 10 day initiatory retreats where people aren’t getting a hard decision very, very powerful. I was getting one in Arizona in 1997. And that sort of propelled me into a space where I could see my life that can force space, I never, never, never, never had explored before. Complete clarity, no illusion, I could see like like, like this diagrams, if you go this way, then this fork will come and if you go this way, this fog will come on you that we have this fog will come like like all the different possibilities you have based on your decisions. And it is as if one of those passes through this diagram carries the most powerful light and has the most hearts to it. So my intent is to walk that one. I cannot guarantee that I’m always on it, maybe sometimes a little off, then I move back and cost correct. But my intention is 100% pure. This is the way I want to live my life.
Guy 29:22
And on your 10 day, heart initiations, I’m fascinated by heart initiation and it’s the heart that you work into Do you might talk a little bit more to that and also 10 days What would you get? Like at the end of the 10 days, is that what we would get out of it by seeing that that’s all purpose that line that line That, I guess it was probably read to follow.
Thomas 30:04
Well, that was probably a an experience which I had, but what you get is, you would, when we are talking about the heart of the heart center, most people talking about it in a very metaphorical sense part of the heart spirit of the heart, all sorts of, let’s say linguistic references, but in this 10 days, people will have a, an experience, or refer referential experience where for the first time in their life, in this strength, or in this sort of vibration, they will have it vibrate here. And they will feel completely blissed through. And this, I guarantee you, them, and I, once they are open enough, like they, they don’t consciously go against it, I will get them there. It’s like a choreography, I have some very challenging exercises, which are to open them up, and some very uplifting exercises. And it’s all culminating, in the last four days where I will do with them and the group and the individuals and the stories, initiations and it’s all about becoming receptive enough to open enough, courageous enough, fearless enough, risking, that you do not have the control of the situation in that sense. Because the the ancient idea of initiation is you come as a person, you go into something which we would call the threshold. And then you have to jump on your own, if something transpersonal you ucommerce ego threshold, you receive the full blessing of the soul. That is the ancient idea. And in those 10 days, this ancient motif is put into real life, physical experience. And that, once you have that signature of how it vibrates, how it feels, you then afterwards, can reconnect in your daily meditation practice, and sort of weave it into your everyday endeavors. Because my take on spirituality is not, we have some highlight experiences on a seminar and then now everyday life where living something completely different. And I don’t mean that you have to have a spiritual lifestyle, you can live as a soldier or a banker, but it’s all it all comes down does your way have a heart or not? No matter where you are, what you are, and that, in the past, we have a tendency to place spiritual ways against each other. We have eminent ways to say, well, you already there, you just have to notice it, so to speak. The Delta waves, you have the transcendent ways where they say you are here, seven steps, and then there’s enlightenment, nine milestones, eight gates. And then we play it against each other. But I think nowadays, we, I, I very much. Speak for a third way, which is not to be your to do but to become to become who you really are, to become that which is already as a blueprint in yourself. And through your decisions. You you’ll become a stronger oak tree or plum tree or birch tree, or whatever it is, which which is in you as a sacred tree wants to weave itself into the world.
Guy 34:17
Yeah, beautiful. It really is, isn’t it? It’s, it’s me I’ve found it’s really about becoming aware and checking in with yourself on a daily basis because we can we can lose sight like you said we can have practices and we can do it but there’s a found is a way of having to embody that those practices so they show up in your actions and your intent and, and the very things that you the choices that you make on a daily basis where it was a real rubber meets the road kind of thing.
Thomas 34:52
You know, set a very important word embody this. I also noticed that in the 80s 80s 90s Until 2000, there were a lot of spiritual movements targeted with the idea of leaving the body. They wanted to ascend essentially, the The, the, you know, going to the lights body go into the fifth dimension, leaving the body waiting for the next starship to come whatever the idea was. Since 2000, there’s another movement which is much more focused on embodying. And what I’m doing is, and I must speak of that sort of movement if you want, because I think I know how it is, if you go out, yes, we will go out when we die anyway, we don’t have to worry about but bringing heaven down to earth, bringing spirit into matter, bringing the soul the presence of the soul, the full presence into the body and into our lives. That is, from my perspective, almost like the next evolutionary step of mankind. So embodiment, and I are fully being fully incarnated If you want, I believe there are stages of incarnation which we haven’t yet reached, that we could become more consciously incarnated in the body, being able to heal with our thoughts, being able to maneuver the forces of our heart or our spirit in the body, and perform things which we now call miracles, which in a couple of decades will be through practice and training, be everyday, everyday is business. So we are like, like putting away like the veils of mysteries, which were covered since centuries, for human beings, that makes us time very special and adventurous. And we are also maybe a tip on the scale of the evolution of Gaia, the planet because we have the power to blow it up and destroy it or not. Yeah, we will be. I don’t know, a controlled by artificial intelligences, which we created as human beings in 2050. So there are a lot of things right now, which are decided by humans, individuals and collectives, which are very, very important, everybody is important. Every NASA So, we are like a net of little light sparks around the Earth, every heart of an individual being radiating like this or like this, or like this. But every every heart is important because that sorry, that is like a an energy which the earth needs to heal. At this point in time, from my perspective. The there was this ancient prophecy 5000 years ago from the Houthis, which said, in a time when the earth will win Gaia, the mother, the earth will shed their tears, the rainbow warriors will stand up and speak. And that time is now we all have to become in a certain way. That Rainbow Warrior of the heart of the soul of the Spirit, we have to speak up and not let duller voices in which are loud. But whatever dark consciousness let’s spoil that planet.
Guy 39:01
I hear you. I hear the
Thomas 39:05
I’m not a politician. I’m working with the individuals. But But I think in the end, it’s all tied together.
Guy 39:13
Yeah. 100% it is. Absolutely. I couldn’t agree any more. The with your experience, because you’ve been doing this work over a long period of time. Yes. You’ve seen changes in I’m guessing the way people are turning up to this work. Are you finding more and more people that are just open and ready to embrace this work, say now than they were 10 years ago? Is that? I would say so. Yeah. I would
Thomas 39:46
say also through this what you are doing podcasts online, Congress’s all these topics are going into niches which they haven’t covered before. So in that sense Yes, yeah, more and more people are coming. I think I also have my marketing team, they, they always say me, well, there’s still way more women than men doing it. In the whole spiritual book market, online modes isn’t that. And that’s maybe a little little bit of pity, because I think that there are so many men having courageous hearts, they just don’t know how to deal with that spiritual, linguistic, so to speak, I have another way to express it, to protect the path family or to provide something or to being this Carpenter was a was a golden heart. That is not seen as spiritual, but from my perspective, it is highly spiritual. However, such a person would probably not find the way into a hard workshop, where it’s about spirit of spirituality, because the linguistic doesn’t sound familiar to him, currently. So that’s a little bit of a pity. I feel sometimes because I like to work with men and women alike. Yeah. And it’s always great if groups are
Guy 41:23
having both. It’s one one. It’s massive. Its massive, isn’t it? And that I have to say, like, This podcast is being phenomenal in terms of people just tuning in, in their own time listening to when they’re in traffic, they don’t have to tell anyone they like or tune in to this hippie dippie Welshman that’s out in Australia talking about these conversations, or that may be in their mind, but when they’re they’re listening. There’s there’s a, there’s a genuine conversation, there’s a genuine heart connection. And there’s, I think, a deeper understanding. And for me, it’s so important, especially as a man as well, to be having these conversations and putting them out freely to people to start to tune in and listen to it. And hopefully, encourage them to come and look at this work more. I mean, we’ve had ex policeman, we’ve had ex boxers, we’ve had this, I’m an ex rugby player, like it’s, and as far as I’m, you know, being well. But this is, this has been by far the hardest and most courageous path to take, but it’s also been the most rewarding and beautiful, and allowed me to find more purpose in my life than I would ever have dreamed of. When I first started life, and and yes, I’m like, you It’s too good not to tell people. I think end of the day, yeah.
Thomas 42:53
I think a lot of people have we’re also working with people like like in psychiatry is in the healing professions, as nurses, doctors, if they could switch over to transpersonal transpersonal energy they would not burn out. And what Jesus just said with all the examples of the different folks, we we were educated as kids not to use transpersonal energy we were just using personal skills, but not the the accesses to transpersonal energies which are endless, there is no limit to it limitless. So, once we connect to that, we have a different access. And the other thing is how can we decondition ourselves from structures which are limiting us. Those may may be emotional habits, physical habits, things which goes through family clans since two four generations. I have a piece of work called seven generations where we’re conducting a three hour workshop was very strong ceremony, where people locate in their fiscal system in inflammations which are no longer beneficial to the performance of the soul, coming out of the family lineages, not meaning that we judge, the parents or grandparents not at all very thankful that we have this gift of our body, but at the same time, realizing that the informations they have they are not always beneficial at this point in time, we are a generation or the upcoming generations which which are transforming in one lifetime more than others. 20 it’s it’s it’s enormous. We cannot work with those techniques or experiences which people before us had. And then if you look at that, that certain families, which we have the always the same sort of cancer, always the same sort of religious narrowness, always the same sort of greediness, for money of suicidal behavior, or addiction, or even attitude towards God or not God or clairvoyance or not this and that. And if you detect it, and transform it, through seven generations, you can free yourself up in a pretty remarkable way deconditioning yourself and becoming way more free. And who you are, who you really are, beyond the fact that you have a body, which has been implemented with information from the female lineage and the mailmunch. Which we all have,
Guy 46:09
and how liberating is that? And then you that’s Cory x realize you connect him back to your true self. And it’s like, yeah, there’s more of me in here.
Thomas 46:20
Absolutely, you’re not bound to relive the same diseases, the same tragedy was the same thing which your forefather did or your grandmother, whatever. Yeah. And then that goes, goes very deep. Here in Germany. I also do a lot of teachings. Everybody has World War Two and World War One and this genetics. So let’s, let’s say you were now 20 year old woman, fall in love with a wonderful Russian doctor, but your grandma has been raped by Russians. And it’s in the genetic. So there’s your heart, for your lab for you guy. And there’s, there’s an inflammation in yourself which says every Russian is bad, every residence bad, so to speak. So, things like that, around money around nations around gender based prejudices, money based prejudices, spirit based religious prejudices, informations about how to become ill or not, I studied that. Also my lineage, and I must say, the, the man, the male lineage, carry some information, which is not beneficial at all. For me. They have a very, they have a habit, which I really don’t like. Because that habit is they never become older than 39. And they always die with a head injury. Wow, wow. Now here I incarnate, happy camper. And Ah, sorry, am I here talking to myself? Well, Thomas, why don’t you put yourself out of the window while you drive. And run against a lectern or something milepost, it’s like, you you have informations. Which you don’t know about? Anything about? And I did that work with so many people. It’s very, very freeing, because you can really locate this information is in the physical system. And you can also sort of flesh it out
Guy 48:59
a mate. Do you do that in group settings? Or just one on one?
Thomas 49:02
I do that with 100 200 300 people manage space? And it’s very at how do you saying takes a lot of strengths. People are really exhausted afterwards. But
Guy 49:19
yeah. Wow. Incredible. I am I asked everyone questions on the show, which I’m gonna ask in a sec. But before I jump in, I’m fascinated as well. Because you have a lot of workshops. Like I was looking on your website, there was a point yes. Thomas keeps himself very busy. And
Thomas 49:39
I think I created 180 different workshops in the last decade or something. Wow. It’s Wow. It’s it worked to use my creative juices for this kind of work. Brilliant. Yeah, no, I
Guy 49:53
love it. And one caught my eye and I don’t have conversations on the podcast much but I just want to raise it. Just speak to her for a few minutes was the the pineal gland? You’re going to work the three hour workshop on the pineal gland. Tomorrow and this is more lab work? Yes. What? What’s drawing you to do a workshop on that?
Thomas 50:19
Well, it’s the same thing. I stumbled into an experience. But of course, I was working with a sword I write all my time. But I was not putting special dedication of focus on the pineal gland. Because I have a scientific background, I have an MA Yes. Okay, worked on university for a short period of time. But I’m more interested in in those experiences or not in our thoughts about. So 2014 I went with a group of consciousness pioneers to Arizona. And Sedona and we, we were doing a workshop called great mystery. And sitting on Native American Indian land, Bell Rock, it’s called the vortex. And I was meditating for two hours with that group. And all of a sudden, very unexpected, are in that meditation in front of me and I, and Native American Indian delegation appears, three, four people. And they showed me a healing technique. And this is something which is not normal for me. I don’t go into nature, and people appear and show me something. And it’s also not imagined, because I was sitting there like, like, completely open, but they’re not thinking about anything, it was just there. And that healing technique, implied to imagine a drop all over your crouch with a drop, liquid drop. And you should slowly very slowly, let it sink in into the center of your head and keep it there. And for that, you should sort of imagine a frame or a containment, where it would be the center of it. A self containment, that could be like this, it could be all around the world, but that should be the center. And you should keep with your consciousness, this drop in that space in the middle of the head. That sounds pretty strange. How can I keep a drop, not from just dispersing, but that was the technique. And I was so touched by it. I was crying and salsa thing and then I was writing a meditation on it. And practicing it was people and then I realized, well, that’s right where the pineal gland is. So I kept researching the pineal gland. And found Of course, different techniques from other ways from yogic ways, from special techniques where you can connect with your breath, and sort of milk it because it has this electric effect and so on and so forth. So I in my life is like this, I make an experience and then I study has always been like this. And then I feel so blessed. It works like this. Because it’s that makes the teaching very fresh. You know, I don’t have like, like a scratch board, oh, we’ll have to do this theme or that topic. They they all like once another workshop, I sit with a lot of people in a retreat called Sacred Heart harness, heart enunciation, 10 days, and suddenly everybody was sitting that speaks of their terrible relationship to their mother, Tonka Takata. And I say, oh, my goodness, now they are here altogether. So in that moment, I have to create out of that problem, challenges face, a ritual, a ceremonial meditation, which is called mother healing. And then later I study Why do people have such terrible relationships? And how can I do a workshop without it but it always comes first. The topic comes to me sweat situation. And then I do a workshop.
Guy 54:39
Amazing. Amazing. It is truly amazing. It’s so liberating, as well. Yeah, I was like, it’s like like we said at the start the podcast is so freeing when you you come from this place. And and from that place. Yeah,
Thomas 54:55
I once met in Switzerland. I met a guy from Holland, who said I was in Arizona as well. I was camping with my daughter. And we were just outside of the cells. tent, preparing breakfast. And I heard a voice step five meters in front of you right now. And you just took the daughter and did it and then a huge boulder crashed on the tent. No way. So it’s like, and since that he believes in God in a different way. So it’s like, we are all connected to those spheres, levels dimensions, which you may call higher self spirits. So God however your belief system is then I invite people from all sorts of belief systems, I don’t mind that there’s a Chris, there’s a Buddhist, there is a Hindu is there’s a shaman, shaman, there’s an atheist in my course. I all invite them to do the exercises, and then to give a feedback how it was for that. Yeah, and it’s some exercise may be good for you, but not good for me and the others good for me, but not for you, because we are different. But they’re always there will always will be some which will deeply touch you to the core. That’s the idea of coming together. Why should we come together? lecturing can be done on the internet, or in the book. But if you want to make an experience, you have to come together in a certain way and just go for it. jump into it and be courageous and free about and don’t care about what the teacher says or sayings and just do it for yourself for your own sake.
Guy 56:39
Yeah, so we do it through that man through that beautiful. Thomas I am. I asked him a few questions on the show. And I’d love to know before we wrap things up. And one is, what is your morning routine look like?
Thomas 56:53
my morning routine is I get up, shower while up. And then I do 20 minutes of heart centered meditation practice every morning, before I go for breakfast, maybe I’ll prepare a coffee because I like the smell in the room. But that’s what I do when that’s also when I do longer retreats, we start at seven, we do 20 minutes of meditation, having a look. The day will be centering and the qualities of the heart or just I do it a little different every day. But that’s how I stuff.
Guy 57:31
Nice, nice if you I get different answers for this as well. But if if you could have dinner with someone, anyone, from any timeframe anywhere in the world, or even have a few people and have a conversation, who do you think you’d have on there? And why?
Thomas 57:50
I would I would like to talk personally with Tony Robbins because I like him. I like his energy. And he has a certain gift, which I would describe as passionate certainty. And I love that. I would like to talk to him about it. So if he sees it, Tony, I’m here.
Guy 58:15
That would be great. Here we go guy. I have no doubt. No doubt at all. What What is the future hold few timeless right now. Like the world’s being upside turned upside down? You know that? It’s there’s there’s uncertainty everywhere. But what do you see yourself next 510 years? Or is it literally day by day for you and just continuing to bring the workout?
Thomas 58:42
Yeah, I would say it’s for me, it’s just the next step and being focused on that one. Of course, I could see myself teaching even more and maybe more in than English speaking countries. I will do that. But it’s not that my mind is circling around it a lot. There’s a very ancient motif by the American Indian tribes of the Southwest. It’s called men and the mace. You see it on metal heels. It’s this man who’s standing up and then there’s a mace. And the future is a little bit like a maze. You don’t know it. It’s unpredictable. And when you’re in the mace, the the thing is the your mantra is the mystery the clues. Trust in your very next step. always trust the next step it will be one step more to the center. So I do my my parts in developing heart consciousness all over the place. It can be three When we talk about movies through an online course, and I’m very passionate about exploring those techniques, which encompass healing storytelling, regular work dreamwork is very, as you noticed, broad, but but there’s, there’s a energetic threat in it, which is coming out of the heart. So I sort of riff on a golden thread out of the mystery school teachings, which I got from consciousness giants before me, which I intend to give to other people. After me, that’s where I see myself. So. And the other thing is something I may already have answered was that prophecy of 5000 years ago, I think we all have to speak up. So this is my vision for the near future as rainbow warriors, because it is so it is needed. Everybody has to speak from this part from his true self, if you will.
Guy 1:01:07
Yeah. Rainbow warriors. I love that. I’m going to remember that. Absolutely. And last question, Thomas. With everything we’ve covered on the show today, is there anything you’d like the listeners to leave the listeners to ponder on?
Thomas 1:01:26
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood? Well, no, really, it’s we have so many stories about ourselves, and what happened and how traumatized and this isn’t that. But there’s a space in yourself, which is beyond all those stories. And you can touch into it. It’s about becoming very present, connected to real energy. And this sort of happiness is a decision you make the decision. It’s not like a gift you get, it’s a decision to become happy. So if I would have to say something as as a last message is decide to become a happy camper. It’s very much possible. No matter what. You yours comes down. This guy is exploding. No need to be unhappy until that very second.
Guy 1:02:35
Yeah, that’s a beautiful place to end the show. Thomas. I am Where can I send people to your website? I’ll make sure to link in the show notes if people want to pick up more of your work. And I’m assuming you got things online as well, because obviously most of your workshops in Europe where most people here will be listening in Australia. But invite me over I come and we rock Australia. Have you been here before? Thomas? We’ve been to Australia.
Thomas 1:03:02
I’ve been to Brisbane for one and a half hours on a flight in New Zealand. That’s it. Wow. Wow.
Guy 1:03:09
Yes, you must come one day. It’s a beautiful place. It really is. Yes. It really is. Thomas, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I deeply appreciate it. It’s been wonderful to connect with you. And I love that conversation. And I have no doubt everyone listening today would have got a lot out of it too. So thank you. We’ll always be saying Hawaii until we meet again. There we go. I’ve hit